Monday, February 10, 2020

Plague Marines, Beastmen, and Other Chaos Characters

It was a productive weekend at the Workbench. I didn't play as many games as I'd have liked, but I did get some stuff painted that I'll be able to play games with NEXT weekend - the long weekend. I'd like to finish up the rest of the Blackstone Fortress stuff by then - or at least ENOUGH of it to PLAY!

Beastmen for Blackstone Fortress.

More Plague Marines.

ALL the Plague Marines. I still have 13 to do. I'd like to pick up a Plague Marine Character/HQ Element to lead them in a detachment. There seems to be enough of Lords of Contagion and Malignant Plaguecasters (from the Dark Imperium boxed set) floating around on eBay, that I should be able to pick one up relatively cheap. (I should probably check the local miniature buy and sell - I'm sure there are local dudes that bought multiples of Dark Imperium - because the starter boxes are a always such a good deal- and might have an extra or two kicking around)

Chaos Space Marine Characters: a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour and a Chaos Sorcerer.

The date for Battleforce Recon 2020 has been announced and so I've been getting excited and planning and preparing. In itially I thought it would be fun to roll out with a Daemon army, but there is just no way I'd be able to without buying another couple hundred worth of miniatures... maybe next year. I DO have enough Chaos Space Marines that I might be able to pull it off!

It's a small tournament - only 1000 points - which is why I like it. The games are basically large skirmishes. No one takes it too seriously.

Currently I'm looking at brining:

Emperor's Children Battalion Detachment

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
Chaos Sorcerer

30x Daemonettes
8x Noise Marines
5x Chaos Space Marines
15x Chaos Cultists

5x Chaos Terminators.

Currently I HAVE all of these items, but most still need to be painted... The exact numbers aren't certain just yet... have to play around with the points. In addition to only being 1000 points, we are limited to a single detachment, the "Rule of Three" and NO MORE THAN 60 Troops! Unfortunately in an Emperor's Children detachment, Noise Marines count as Troops (Normally they are Elites!?) - other wise I would have taken 20 cultists and 30 Daemonettes.

The Daemonettes can't actually be included as part of the Emperor's Children detachment, and we're only allowed one detachment... BUT they CAN be summoned onto the table and JOIN a Emperor's Children detachment!? Of course there is a chance the won't... at all... if I, y'know, roll poorly (What are the odds MY dice would do THAT to me!?). It's a HUGE gamble - and one not likely to pay off - even if they DO show up!? I just think it's fun to think whoever I'm playing against is showing up to stop some cultists and chaos marines from attempting to summon a pile of Daemons - can they do it before I get lucky!? (Probably!)

I'll probably have to do some converting of the Terminators, as three of them have Reaper Autocannons - two of the older variety, one of the newer. I hope I can figure out a way to turn the older ones into some sort of combi-weapon.

What I have so far.

I may try to pick up another another two Noise Marines - just so I can field TWO blastmasters, which will give me SOMETHING to deal with more heavily armoured opponents.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Blackstone Fortress!


  1. Lots of lovely chaos marines! Good luck getting the army done and it's nice and chaotic to summon your demons in a tournament game, at least they won't be obliterated in the first go before you have a chance to use them!
    Best Iain

    1. That was my thought - you can't Alpha Smite things that are hiding in the WARP! Of course, if half the army is off the table, you can focus fire and smite all the stuff that IS on the table and eliminate that which can bring them on...

      I've actually been reconsidering what I might bring to Battleforce Recon, however...

      Briefly I was thinking of picking up a Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines box - mostly because I was looking at safer ways to bring the the Daemons onto the table and a Master of Possession seems to be the ticket there - but they're only available in that box set.... of course you can get them off eBay, but then they're $30-40 each (once exchange and shipping is added in...) but the box itself is only $115... and it includes two Obliterators and two Greater Possessed, a complete squad of 10 chaos space marines ($70 on their own) AND a Venomcrawler!? So... Start Collecting Box...

      Of course once I thought I was going to get that, I started to rejig the plan to include the Venomcrawler and maybe some of the Greater Possessed and/or Obliterators...

      AND THEN, once the brain had the idea (and I had the spousal go-ahead) to spend money on NEW THINGS for the chaos army, well... the floodgates were open... and now I have a whole new plan...



      THREE squads of TEN Noise Marines!

      I have zero idea if this will be at all good... but I'll have FUN painting them!!!
