Sunday, March 1, 2020

More Hellboy

I am running a Hellboy Learn-to-Play game at ToonCon next weekend and despite posting a (long overdue) game report a couple days ago, it'd been almost two months since I last played and have had my head filled with other rules - as I've been reading and re-reading Blackstone Fortress and Necromunda rules... So I was feeling like I DESPREATLEY needed to play a few games to refresh my knowledge of there rules. I played two games this past week, and it was a good thing I did! The first game, last on Friday, felt more like Finnegan was running ME through a game than me running the family through a game - HE remembered EVERYTHING and I felt like I remembered NOTHING!

We just did a quick play-through of the basic, introductory scenario (Eviction Notice) which we'd all played before back in December.

This time I was theoretically "running" the game and so didn't take a character. Partly I wanted to see how differently it played with three agents (You get a bit more buying power for extra gear at the beginning and an extra turn on the doom track before things go sideways)

(The Encounter card put two infernos in each space - but I seemed to recall only one could be in each space, so I checked and then removed one from each space before we got going).

Keira was playing Liz Sherman, Finnegan tried out Abe Sapien, and Amanda played Hellboy - The classic team from the comics. They missed having Johann -as he's really good and picking up the clues!

They had little trouble dealing with the Frog Monsters, and "took time" to investigate the clues after clearing each room - and still had time to get to the last room before the Boss showed up...

Ready for that last room.


Actually, taking him down was super easy, barely an inconvenience... Liz basically one-shotted him with super flame power and then they spent two more turns mopping up the rest of the minion frog Monsters...

And there was much rejoicing...

(Okay, maybe this last picture was staged a bit...)

We'd planned to play again on Sunday... but I was super sick and could barely get out of bed - luckily that only lasted a day or so!

Thursday Darrin and John stopped by to try out the game, and I ran them through the same scenario.

John played Abe sapient and Darrin played Liz. It was interesting to see a game played WITHOUT Hellboy!

Then first scenario is a bit of a cakewalk...

I TOTALLY forgot about the upgrades they get fighting the boss in this scenario for each of the clues they've picked up (they had all three, so SHOULD have been upgrading all three dice any time they did an attack against the boss!)

This is probably why I saw, not only the first instance of a character taking enough damage that it actually affected their stats, but also the first character KO in all the games we played (the action cube marks where they fell - just in case they regain consciousness!)

They STILL won though... like I said, cake walk...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A Game Report for the Annual(-ish) Wargaming Birthday Bash and an overview of games played throughout February.

Also there have been a few figures trickling off the workbench I could probably post pictures of at some point....


  1. Looks like you're getting to know the game, I like the rejoicing pic!
    Best Iain

  2. Hmm, I'm getting the impression that game balance might be an issue with Hellboy.

    I don't play co-operative games (or that many games for that matter), but to take Pandemic as an example, it's fairly tough to win against the game at the normal level. It feels a bit of an accomplishment to do so. Maybe I'm detecting a bit of disappointment with this aspect in Hellboy?
