Monday, April 13, 2020

Ogryn (and Another Big 'Un)

A few Big'uns rolling off the workbench this week...

First, the Brogan Brothers. These are two Ogryn that feature as Retinue Characters in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress. Retinue Characters are additional characters you can add to a Expedition, but you usually have to do some sort of special mission to add them. In this case, Drog "the Wall" Brogan has gone missing and you have to go on a special mission to rescue him - if successfully rescued, either of the Brogan Brothers can be brought along on any future expeditions. I might run that for Amanda this evening, as it is shorter than a regular.

(the scenario also requires some Cultists of the Abyss... which I don't have painted just yet... but I figure I can substitute in some OTHER chaos cultists that I DO have!)

Because Ogryn come in boxes of three and you only need two for the Brogan Brothers, I had this extra one. I decided to make him into a bodyguard or pit fighter for Necromunda.

Finally, one of the Big'uns from Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Rogue Trader! Not an Ogryn! This is a mutated crew member, tainted by the blight of chaos. I still have a few more of these to do - plus all the crew! This was a test - using Contrast® paints. Turned out not-so-bad, so I think I might knock the others off in a similar fashion - I may get to play Kill Team: Rogue Trader yet!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Might be a game report of that Blackstone Fortress game?

Might be April Games Part Two - it has been a busy week around here!

Could be an ELdar Titan...?! I don't know what to say... it seemed like the thing to do at the time...