Monday, May 11, 2020

Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists Kill Team

Detachment Xn is a peculiar group. They have recently returned to the Imperial Fists Fortress Monastery on Necomunda. It was from that very fortress monastery that they were seconded to a Rogue Trader over a hundred years ago. The Rogue Trader arrived at Necromunda on HIS/HER way outward to the edges of the empire, commanding a small fleet, determined to bring many new worlds into the imperial fold, and bring great riches back for his families coffers!

The Rogue Trader's House had a millennia old arrangement with the Imperial Fists who were honour-bound to supply the Rogue Trader with a compliment of Marines to accompany his expedition. The Fortress Monastery on Necromunda is used for recruiting and training candidates for the Chapter. At that exact time, there were only a few Scouts on hand - having just finished training. So it was that the compliment of Marines was made up of thirty scouts - 27 of which were fresh recruits, just beginning their careers as Marines, three sergeants and a lieutenant, all hardened veterans of many wars.

For over a hundred years they travelled across the galaxy and far beyond areas recognized as Imperial space. Hundreds of new worlds were discovered - or rediscovered - and brought into compliance. Through much of this time they Imperial Fist detachment operated as scouts - gaining valuable reconnaissance on the ground - often before the Rogue Trader would arrive. Other times they were tasked with offensive special operations - raids, assassinations, sabotage. Other times they operated as the Rogue Trader's elite bodyguard.

After many decades a large compliment of the Fleet returned to the core of Imperial space - their holds stuffed with the treasures of a hundred worlds. What remained of the compliment of Marines were duly returned to the Fortress Monastery from whence they came as the fleet passed by Necromunda. Only eight of the original contingent survived the expedition.

The commander of the Fortress was unsure what to do with these newly returned troops. Their complete lack of knowledge of line Marine tactics made them unsuitable for promotion to a Tactical Company or even the 1st Veteran Company. Indeed, their vast experience and highly-specialized skill set would have been wasted in a Tactical Company. And so they were kept on hand at the Fortress Monastery to assist in training of the new, young scout-recruits, for the time-being, but were kept together and earmarked for any possible future specialized taskings.

The "X" in the "Detachment Xn" designation comes from the Roman numeral X - as the Scout recruits are nominally part of the Imperial Fists 10th Company. The "n" comes from Necromunda.

I've ignored a lot of the regular rules in Kill Team for these guys... Given them weapons that aren't normally allowed for their type, even given them specialisms that wouldn't normally be allowed for their type (Marines Scouts can't normally be veterans - because, according to the fluff, Marines are the youngest new recruit types... but these guys ARE veterans... they're basically Veteran marines... wearing scout armour... so...). Also I've started a few with experience points and a higher level than they'd normally start at... So, not a force I could take to a competition or league or anything... but, I'm not ever PLANNING on playing in any competition or league or anything with them, so... Honestly, I'm not sure why I even bothered coming up with point values for them... habit, I suppose...

Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists

Captain Rhogan.

Captain Rhogan was just a sergeant when he left Necromunda bound for the rim of Imperial Space. A few decades into their voyage, the Lieutenant that had originally lead the contingent was killed in an action against a horde of Orks. The remaining Sergeants felt Rhogan should replace him, though he didn't have seniority, he was clearly the most capable. Originally the rank "Lieutenant (Provisional)" the Rouge Trader insisted, after a very short time, that he be referred to as "Captain". The field promotion by the Rogue Trader was upheld by the Chapter upon his return.

Captain in Phobos Armour with Power Axe, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
Commander Specialism:  - Level 4
Skills: Resourceful, Feigned Retreat, Mission-Critical Mastermind, Mater Tactician
148 Points

Sergeant Malnier

Sergeant Malnier was a new recruit - just out of basic training - when he left Necromunda. He was given a battlefield promotion to Sergeant when the sergeant originally leading his squad was killed by an Ambul Hulk on Pestalce XV.

Tactical Marine Sergeant with Power Fist and Chainsword
Leader Specialist - Level 3 - 10 Experience
Skills: Resourceful, Bold, Tyrant
25 Points

Brother Moran

Brother Moran is a grizzled veteran of many conflicts over the century they travelled with the Rogue Trader. Moran often escorted the Rogue Trader as a body guard during many of his trips planet side to negotiate with various Xenos, and, as a result, is much more tolerant of Xenos that some of this the brothers. At some point in his journey he was gifted an Aeldari Avenger Shuriken Catapult.

Marine Scout with Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
Veteran Specialist - Level 3 - 8 Experience
Skills: Grizzled, Seen It All, Nerves of Steel
18 points

Brother Kalz

When Brother Kalz was recruited from House Goliath, he was just a Juve, only starting to undergo gene-enhancement and muscle grafting. He brought with him a love of getting into it up close and personal and always relishes a chance to "prove" himself in single combat against any foe.

Marine Scout with Bolt Pistol, Combat Knight, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
Combat Specialist - Level 2 - 6 Experience
Skills: Expert Fighter, Warrior Adept
14 points

Brother Zadir

Brother Zadir was recruited from House Delaque and brought with him a special skill set of craftiness and sneakiness that led him into some terrifying and lethal locales - and back out again - over their years of adventuring.

Marine Scout with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
Scout Specialist - Level 2 - 4 Experience
Skills: Swift, forward Scout
14 points

Bother Teraq

Bother Teraq had always been a bit of a loner and never spoke of his life before recruitment. He saw recruitment as a rebirth and all that passed before was of another love. His Imperial Fist brothers are the only family he recognizes.

Marine Scout with Combat Shotgun, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
10 Points

Brother Lorgok

Brother Lorgok was recruited from House Van Saar. Over the years he has acquired many examples of Xenos technology, but the only one he kept (or that survived) was a trusty Eldar Power Sword.

Marine Scout with Bolt Pistol, Power Sword, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
11 points

Brother Thrun

Brother Thrun came from the spire. A seventh bastard son of a very minor household, he had no delusions of superiority as some that come from such an upbringing and was happy to leave his old life behind to travel the stars with brothers truer than any of those he grew up with.

Marine Scout with Bolt Pistol, Combat Knight, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades
10 Points

After putting all this together, it occurred to me that this team doesn't even have a Scout Sniper!? I might have to get one at some point. So... maybe there was a ninth member that returned... So stealthy that no one ever even talks about him... It's almost like he isn't even there...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Another Kill Team?

More Grey Knights?

Blackstone Fortress Game Report?

Who knows, at this point!?


  1. Scouts being not veteran seems to be a strange rule to me. I'd expect scouts to be some of the most experienced troops you'd have because you don't want them blundering into traps or not seeing the enemy. You'd want them to be able to hit hard and fast if there's an opportunity. Mostly, you'd want them to be able to recon without the enemy knowing that the scouts are there. All of that would take experience.

    Your scouts make sense and have a nice logical backstory and are wonderfully painted as well. Though I guess people live for a long time in 40K because you have 3 120 year old survivors.

    1. Yeah, that always seemed odd to me too... I think the idea is that as a scout you tend to try and NOT get into straight up firefights...? The new recruits spend their time there doing reconnaissance and raids... and once they "prove" themselves, they dispense with all that sneaky-beaky skillz and for the rest of their military careers just charge I, boltguns blazing!?

      I'm not up on the latest Marine fluff, but I think there are new Primaris Marines that are more professional covert types - Vanguard Infiltrators and Reivers and Eliminators (snipers)...?

      According to the fluff, Astartes DO live preternaturally long lives. In the Horus Heresy Novels I've been listening to while painting, they mention part of the gene enhancement that goes into making a marine means they will never die of old age - VIOLENT DEATH ONLY! Some of the Primarchs that are still alive and kicking in 40K have been alive since 30K - 10,000 years!

      I seem to recall there was a Chaos Space Marines in Farseer (an OLD GW novel) that mentions he's been around and kicking and living the life of a rock star - sex, dugs and rock and roll - for thousands of years. (That one may not be "cannon" anymore, though...)

      Even "normal" humans can live much longer in the far future - especially the wealthy that can afford rejuvenant treatments - I think the Imperial Commander of Necromunda - Lord Helmawr - has been alive for 500 years? And Commissar Ciaphus Cain, in his "memoirs" regularly mentions that he didn't make it into his second century without being just a little bit paranoid!

  2. Nice painting! Those definitely have that old 80s look to them, I'd say.

    1. Cheers! A couple are very definitely 80s sculpts, a few maybe later in the 90s. Brothers Zadir and Lorgok are ones I bought when they first game out in 1989 and stripped them of their original paint a few years back (and added the Eldar sword to Brother Lorgok - because his original knife had broken off and the Eldar sword was the only sci-fi hand weapon I had at the time to put in his hand... now, I would have had a lot more options, but the power sword works!). The rest I picked up on eBay in more recent years.

  3. Great looking scouts! I think the scouts of the space wolves are/were( when I was putting together an army of them!) veterans but they were the only ones like that,always enjoy your 40k fluff!
    Best Iain

    1. Ah, Space Wolves... Always got to do things their own, more sensible, way!

