Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Grey Knights

Last week I finished up an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour and that got me thinking about the Grey Knights again - as Daemon-Hunting adepts of the Ordo Malleus - and I ended up reorganizing and rebasing the force. Or, at least, the ones I had painted so far... And I finished off one Grey Knight that was partly painted - to complete a newly reorganized squad. With the rebasing I added two Commanders (a Brother Captain and a Brotherhood Champion) and a regular Grey Knight Strike Squad and a Grey Knight Purgation Squad to the Inquisitor's Force of Daemon Hunters.

Newly finished Grey Knight (Brother Roger) AND a Death Watch Marine of Finnegan's I painted this week. I had originally tried painting the Death Watch with Contrast® paints... but it looked like garbage, so I repainted the whole thing and it looks much better now...

Here is the force so far...

Daemon Hunters! A couple of Ordo Malleus Inquisitors and a small force of Grey Knights

As Iv'e been thinking about Kill Team a lot lately, so I was mostly considering how I'd organize them for Kill Team. Thus the points and specialisms and skills mentioned below are for when they are being fielded in Kill Team.

The pair I've earmarked as Ordo Malleus Inquisitors.

I Haven't actually named either yet...

Nor have I statted them out for Kill Team - as there AREN'T really rules for Inquisitors in Kill Team... YET! But, the one in Terminator Armour I figure I could use her "as Brother Captain" Grey Knight. The other...? Maybe as a "As Brotherhood Champion"...? But give him a combo-weapon (that Brotherhood champions aren't normally supposed to have)

Brother Captain Alan
Brother Captain with Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter, Krak, Psyk-Out, and Frag Grenades
Commander Specialism: Strength
Level One - Skill: Muscular - 100 Points
Level Two - Skill: Brutal Strike - 120 Points
Level Three - Skill: Devastating Power - 140 Points
Level Four - Skill: Crusher - 165 Points

Not being sure what level I'd field the Brother Captain at, I've figured out what I'd field him at for each level, and have done the same for the Brotherhood Champion below.

Brother Champion Tyson
Brother Captain with Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter, Krak, Psyk-Out, and Frag Grenades
Commander Specialism: Melee
Level One - Skill: Expert Fighter - 108 Points
Level Two - Skill: Warrior Born - 128 Points
Level Three - Skill: Precision Strike - 148 Points
Level Four - Skill: Lightning Reflexes - 173 Points

Alpha Wolf Squad (from left to right: Brother Roger, Brother Steve, Justicar Jeff, Brother Blake, and Brother Curtis)

Justicar Jeff
Grey Knight Justicar - Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
Specialism: Leader
Skill: Resourceful (+1 Command Point per turn)
19 Points

Brother Steve
Grey Knight Gunner - Incinerator, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
Specialism: Demolitions
Skill: Breacher (+1 wound rolls against targets that are obscured)
22 Points

Brother Blake
Grey Knight - Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
Specialism: Zealot
Skill: Frenzied (+1A and +1S in a battle round in which they charged)
18 Points

Brother Curtis
Grey Knight - Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
Specialism: Combat
Skill: Expert Fighter (+1A)
18 Points

Brother Roger
Grey Knight - Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
18 Points

Alpha Wolf Squad is a full-sized Kill Team on it's own - at 95 points. The rest of the squads are, more or less, just extras that could be added into the roster.

Delta Badhand Squad - (from left to right: Brother James, Brother Kyle, Justicar Brian, Brother Scott, and Brother Robin)

Justicar Brian
Grey Knight Justicar - Nemesis Force Halberd, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
Specialism: Leader
19 Points

Grey Knight Gunner - Incinerator, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
22 points

Grey Knight Gunner - Incinerator, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
22 points

Grey Knight Gunner - Incinerator, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
22 points

Grey Knight Gunner - Incinerator, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades
22 points

Being Fielded in 40K or Apocalypse... currently... this would only be a Patrol Detachment... But I'd only be able to take TWO of the HQ Elements

HQ Elements
Inquisitor 4PL
Inquisitor in Terminator Armour 6PL
Brother Captain 6PL
Brotherhood Champion 5Pl

Strike Squad (5) 8 PL

Heavy Support
Purgation Squad (5) 7PL


I have two other squads to finish up: Beta Carotene Squad and Charley Horse Squad - both are just Regular Grey Knight Squads. They'll only ever be used in regular 40K or Apocalypse - when this force is fielded as an allied Battalion Detachment for any Imperial Force. I also have two Rhinos that could ferry the four five-man squads around... I'd need something else for the command elements (Captain and Champion).

When these are all finished up, I should be able to field the force as an allied Battalion Detachment for any of my Imperial forces in either regular 40K or 40K: Apocalypse

I also have three Grey Knight Terminators to paint up. They'll probably only ever be used in Kill Team, because to use them otherwise I'd have to track down two more of them. I just can't be bothered at this point... I guess I should never say never....

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have some Necromundan Imperial Guard I'm currently organizing for Kill Team, as well as some Imperial Fist Space Marines. Writing a bit more background for each of those... so... it's taking longer... I guess tomorrow I'll be posting Part One of May's Games (and Other Stuff)


  1. For an Inquisitor name, how about Odo? (Based on this guy:

    You could probably take advantage of his tapestry label" "Hic Odo Eps [Episcopus] Baculu[m] Tenens Confortat Pueros"

    (Translation: "Here Odo the Bishop holding a club strengthens the boys")

    1. Ooooh! I like that. I am definitely going to name one of my inquisitors Odo.... Thanks!

  2. It wasn't until I read the name of the Beta squad that I knew something was up. Sure enough, the Delta squad is even better. Charley sticks out like a sore thumb though. Would the Lamda Marihadaliddul squad work for you?

    1. Alpha Wolf squad was a bit of a nod to the movie Shrek (which I watched many, MANY times with my kids when they were younger)...

      Donkey : Alright people, let's do this thing. Go Team Dynamite!
      Pinocchio : But I thought we agreed we'd go by the name Team Super-cool.
      Gingerbread Man : As I recall, it was Team Awesome.
      Wolf : I voted for Team Alpha Wolf Squadron.
      Donkey : Alright, alright, alright. From henceforth, we're all to be known as Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron.

      It kind of went downhill from there...

    2. I used to use the old Simpsons ones from the Lemon of Troy when I was teaching target indication:

      "Milhouse, you and me will be Omega Team. Todd, you and Data are Team Strike Force. Nelson, that leaves you and Martin." "Team Discovery Channel!"

      Being a bad person, I always got a kick out of hearing "Team Discovery Channel, 300, 1/4 right..."

    3. Ha! Wait... Wasn't that Lance Armstrong's pro-cycling team...?

  3. Or even Nu Cidsondabloc. Stop me! I can't help myself...

    1. Y'know, I don't think I would, even if I could! You're cracking me up!

  4. A final one: Gamma Raze for that third C squad.

  5. Splendid looking Grey knights and Inquisitors! They look like they'd make great allies for any of your Guard armies!
    Best Iain

    1. Well, if the fluff is to be believed... They'd make great allies for any of my Guard armies... and then murder them ALL because they have seen that which mere mortals were not meant to know - lest the taint of the warp and the daemon claim them too!
