Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Ratlings Return (Part Two)

Wednesday evening Amanda and I finished off the Blackstone Fortress Expedition we'd started the Previous Evening...

Round Three - Combat

We drew this combat card the previous evening and had decided it was a bit late to set up and play it out... so we played it Wednesday..

All set up and ready to go!

Straight off, Amallyn Shadowguide darted into a side passage and smashed the Spindle Drones lurking within to bits! (and then snatched up the treasure they were guarding!)

Vorne and Locarno made their way up the main hall... Locarno had little success with his Third Eye Attack - and was shot by one of the Traitor Guard. When Vorne caught up, she lit them all up!

A couple blasts of flame down the adjoining corridor, almost entirely cleared the one group out.

Then a barrier of flame was set up at the far end of the main passage - to give the other group of Traitors (and their accompanying Rogue Psykers a bit of a disincentive to coming out of the chamber they concealed themselves within!)

Rein and Raus also ran up a side passage to loot an apparently abandoned chamber.

The second group of Traitor Guard eventually came out to greet the explorers - and were roasted for their troubles.

Vorne and Shadowguide worked their way down to the end of the corridor to finish off the Traitor Guard and Rogue Psykers there, while Dorg, Locarno and the Ratlings finished off the last two guard in the side chamber and summoned the maglev to escape in.

Just as Vorne and Aeldari Ranger made their escape, Traitor Guard and Psyker reinforcements arrive.

So many rogue Psykers down here in the fortress... I mean, I get that the Psyker mutation is on the rise... but this is getting ridiculous!

Round Five - ANOTHER Combat!?

Well... this, being the fourth in the expedition, would be the last one - the next three cards SHOULD be Challenges (although, as we saw in Part One, sometimes those Challenges end up being Combats!?)

This one was an AMBUSH!

The Ambushers lacked numbers (a SINGLE Spindle Drone and a SINGLE Rogue PSyker were two of the encounters! Not that I'm complaining!?) and their initial attacks were timid, at best.

Vorne pushed out of the Kill Zone and brought enlightenment to all of the Traitor Guard!

Dorg blocked the passage of the Nega-Volt Cultists. They were probably the biggest threat, and Dorg's presence at that exact location kind of kept them tied up while everyone else took care of the rest of the "ambushers"

Locarno despatched the Spindle Drone and Shadowguide took out the Rogue Psyker - but those sticky-fingered Ratlings stole past her and looted the poor bastard before she could...

So she went back and helped Dorg finish off the Nega-Volt Cultists and picked up a clue from them.

Then everyone started making their way back to the Maglev Chamber that Locarno had summoned.

just as the doors of the Maglev Chamber slid shut, they explorers spotted another large group of Traitor Guard rush into the chambers... but the were too late!

Round Six - Challenge 

Shdowguide got one. the Ratlings took a wound... No one else bothered at this point.

Round Seven - Challenge

The Ratlings were the first to go... and they took one for the team... moving right along...

Round Eight - Final Challenge

Wait... WHAT!?

And THAT, my friends, is why we carry that Power Cell around with us!


Returning to Precipice, we drew our Legacy Card...

Yikes. Could be worse... we don't end up using the Support Abilities THAT often... we often end up saying - "We should save those for when we REALLY need it..." But then end up not using them.

We DID use one of two of them in this expedition...

Anyway, better than having Obsideous Mallix Showing up every game!

Amallyn Shadowguide went to the Clarion and grabbed herself a Hospitaller Servo-Skull

Pious Vorne went next and nabbed the Holo-Field Projector.

Rein and Raid picked up a Auto-Response Reflex Enhancer - also from Clarion. This should be super good for them as it really blows when they roll a one and can't use their Double Team (2+) action!

Finally Espern Locarno also went to Clarion and picked up the last good available there. He was holding 11 cards - and only two of them were Archaeotech. The Incantations always seem pretty weak -being ONE USE items... but if he didn't get this, he'd be discarding cards anyway... Everything else was either 1 Archaeotech (still need to discard one) or 3 Archaeotech (too much!).

So much fun!

So glad we got back to doing this again - FINALLY!

We also happen to have EIGHT clues collected up - enough to, theoretically, do the last two Strongholds (assuming we succeed in the assault!) Then it's on to the Hidden Vaults!

And then it's on to the NEXT EXPANSION!? which will it be?! Dreaded Ambul - that's all painted... or Traitor Command...? No Respite....? Escalation...!?

Yeah, I went and picked up ALL the expansions - I picked up HALF of them before I even played my first game!? I was pretty certain it was going to be right in my wheelhouse... There are two more expansions they've announced (which I'll definitely be picking up) and then they're wrapping it up!? I didn't expect Blackstone Fortress to go on forever, but I do hope that this isn't the end of Warhammer (40K) Quest!

I still have hope that there will be an Inquisition-based boxed set of some sort - either for Kill Team of Warhammer Quest. Initially I thought it might be for Kill Team when Rouge Trader came out... but after the success of Blackstone Fortress, I'm hoping GW realizes that's probably the better way to go! Rogue Trader had some cool minis... but really only has four scenarios to play out with it (which is probably why it's been in a holding pattern in the painting queue for so long) whereas the core box of Blackstone Fortress had WAY more possibilities - a full campaign system of up to a sone games (or more) to play through...

Maybe I'll convince Amanda to take a run at that next Stronghold on the weekend...? Although I AM also finally getting off my ass and running a Wrath & Glory game ONLINE using Roll20 - after a couple months of delays and distractions -  just to try it out and get SOMETHING started!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

May Games (and Other Stuff) Part The Second

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