Monday, June 8, 2020

June Games (and... y'know... stuff...)

Well... it's June... 

I've played a few games... 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Spent the whole day at home waiting for a delivery that was supposed to arrive sometime between 8am and 8pm. It didn't. At all... The website tracking was down. Customer Service call centre was down. Not accepting emails... Looking like I was going to be just waiting around the next day all day to see if it would magically going to show up then...?

On the plus side, my little order from the BGG Store arrived with our fancy new Dual Layer Player Boards for Terraforming Mars.... So we played that instead of Blackstone Fortress (as we'd originally planned...)

(I also got some stuff for Power Grid - bonus bits so I can play the expansion boards with the stuff I have in Power Grid Deluxe and not have to buy a complete new base game... y'know... in case I ever bought any of the expansion boards...? I MIGHT!? And the bits were inexpensive and it would have cost a lot more to have them shipped at a later date, when I DO need them...)

WE only used the base game and Prelude. I played the Mining Guild with Io Research Outpost and a Metals Company. Amanda played Valley Trust with Power Generation, Mohole and Galilean Mining.

Holy CARP! I got a tonne of cards into play. I had slightly more TR at the end of the game got two of the three Milestones and won all three awards (which isn't as big a deal when just playing with two... as they are always second!) She still had TWICE as many points as I did from cards (30 to my 15 - which was probably, like, a record for me, or something...). Still, I eked out a victory with a 10-point lead (109-99).

Honestly, I think she let me win... just so I'd play with her again....

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Tuesday evening Amanda and I FINALLY took on the Hidden Vault!

You can read all about that elsewhere on this blog:

Blackstone Fortress - The Hidden Vaults


It was a rough week. I wasn't very productive... or got out much... or played any games...

After a week of trying (in vain) just to get ahold of someone at the place we ordered stuff (email, phone, chat - all the things their website indicated to get ahold of them... nothing was working at all!?), out of the blue we got a call from the delivery company checking to see if we'd be around on Saturday to take delivery!?

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Our stuff showed up.

During the week, we came out with a new schedule for June - to give everyone some semblance of normalcy and routine. One of the things Keira asked to be on the schedule was a Family Game Night - which I was pretty shocked by - but totally excited about! It was supposed to be Friday evening... but... that didn't quite work out. So we played the game we planned to play on Saturday.

while we were waiting for supper, though, Amanda and I played a quick game of Century: Golem Edition.

She played her usual game of picking up cards - any cards - as fast as she could... and this time it worked out for her - her six cards added up to 92 - my four, only 79.

She was so excited! She figured it was only the second time she ever won.

(I checked our logged plays... she's actually won seven - of the 32 games she's played - so 21% of the time... of the 37 games I've played, I've won 24... 64% of the time. So, I DO win more of THIS game than her, but not nearly so many as she imagines...).

Afterwards we played Hanging Gardens. this is a really fun little game that we've had for some time, but haven't played in... almost two years!?

I did win this one, but it was very close!

Sunday, 7 June 2020

I spent the day assembling new furniture.

That is all.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

According to our aforementioned new schedule, Monday is supposed to be Blackstone Fortress Night... so perhaps Tuesday you will see a game report of what our Heroes do AFTER succeeding in their Quest for the Hidden Vault! (Or, maybe there will be NEW Explorers involved!?).

I've been doing next to no painting this past week.

I do have a post in the works for some miniatures I finished painting... gosh... WEEKS ago, now... but just haven't finished up the post... I may get to that this week...


  1. Sounds good to me. Getting to spend time with your family doing something you enjoy is always a win.

    1. For sure! Looking forward to a bit more gaming this month! Or, at least, gaming with more than just Amanda!
