Thursday, June 11, 2020

Kroot Mercenaries

Another batch of figures for Finnegan...

I started these ages ago. I actually did a handful of them to completion - test figures - and then had planned to sit down WITH Finnegan and show him how I did it and teach him how to use Contrast® Paints... We did the green, but never got around to finishing them off....

Newly finished Kroot Warriors

With the others, he has a pretty sizeable force! More than enough for a Kill Team - with lots of options!

Only thing he doesn't really have is a Kroot Shaper... Hmmmm....

I assembled his T'au Commander in a XV-86 Coldstar Battlesuit yesterday. Probably have that done in a day or two. It has a lot of detail, but it's nice that it's basically TWO COLOURS - so there isn't a lot of thinking about "What colour is this bit going to be...? What colour is THAT bit going to be... ?" It's just Purple... Highlight Purple... Black... Highlight Black... DONE!

He has a set of three T'au Crisis suits and three in Stealth Suits.... and an Etherial and the squad of Fire warriors to finish up... I might knock the whole force off for him over the next week or so, just for giggles - so we have a few more forces to play with when #New40K arrives - with it's new-fangled scenarios scaled for smaller games!

I wonder how those battlesuits will do against some Tallarn Armour!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

There will probably be the T'au Commander in a XV-86 Coldstar Battlesuit really soon... but also I'm halfway through a Blackstone Fortress game report - from the game Amanda and I played Tuesday and Wednesday.


  1. Nice work! I always liked the kroot minis (as possible aliens for non-40K stuff), but never got around to getting any (I guess I still could some day).

    1. cheers!

      They are fun aliens. lizards with guns. I kind of wish I'd painted them a bit more colourful - rather than the same lizard green that all dinosaur were illustrated as being in books when I was a kid... but they're not mine and I was just trying to get them done quickly, so...

  2. Ohhh... Nice.
    I have thought about getting some Kroots for ages, they are so cool!

    1. They are pretty nice models. the Hounds and the Krootox are finecast, which I don't love... but hey, these aren't really mine anyway, so...

      I think it's fun that the T'au have a few alien mercenaries available to their armies. I wish there were more options for this - like having Imperial Guard detachments

  3. Great looking Kroot! Always liked them as a barbarian adjunct to the Tau,your steaming through them!
    Best Iain

  4. I dunno. There's something to be said about going with a standard and monochrome set of troops to stand out from more flamboyant ones. It can make them quicker to paint (though that is not my personal experience).

    I think it is good that you are finishing Finnegan's troops for him. Clearly painting them doesn't interest him right now (and it may never), but he obviously loves playing games. I wonder if he's avoiding playing with miniatures because he doesn't like painting them and playing with other minis reminds him of his lead mountain? Maybe if the internal pressure to paint comes off, he might return to playing with them regularly?

    (If that last paragraph seems too personal, feel free to delete it or even to not post this comment in its entirety. I don't mind if you want to check with Finnegan first before doing so, as well.)

    1. Oh, no, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking. I know lots of people don't care about playing with unpainted - and Finnegan is probably one of them (In fact, I KNOW he is, because he assembled and played through the two Fantasy Warhammer Quest games - Silver Tower and Shadows over Hamerhal with my dad - with TOTALLY UNPAINTED MINIATURES!?). He does know I won't stand for painted miniatures on the tabletop, so feels that pressure to do something he absolutely loathes doing (largely because he finds it utterly frustrating that he can't paint like me... and doesn't seem to quite get that I'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR FORTY YEARS!?). Anyway, because it's MY rule - only painted miniatures on our tabletop - that's causing his disinterest in playing, it's probably only fair that I paint them. I don't mind so much. At least he picked armies that are easy to paint, and he doesn't mind at all that they're not painted amazingly well.

      I may, one day, get to painting a few of his orks... or not... We'll see. I probably will finish the T'au in the next couple weeks and hopefully we'll get to playing more regularly over the summer - once he's done school.
