Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Raptors (and... Other Stuff...)

A few random (or... not-so-random, really) items rolling off the workbench...

I got some painting done yesterday while I was sitting around ALL FREAKING DAY waiting for a delivery that was supposed to arrive some time between 8am and 8pm (Spoilers: IT DIDN'T!). Now, I'm normally a pretty patient dude... and I get that it's a weird time... and... y'know... life happens...  but EVERYONE ELSE these days seems to be able to provide pinpoint accuracy in their tracking (i.e. what city your stuff is in - or between - at any given moment). This is stuff we ordered in April. It DID say 6 weeks... and... fair enough... times were weird. Charged our credit card and we waited. And a week ago we received an email saying our order was finally being processed. Then a day later an email saying it was being picked. Then a day later one saying it was on a truck and on it's way - expect it to be here Monday, 1 June 2020, 0800-2000... that's a pretty wide margin - compared to other delivery places... but, whatevs... it's not like there's anywhere I NEED to be - Oh, I do need to get out and get groceries... and it'd be nice to get out and go for a bike ride to get some air and exercise or whatever... but that could wait until Tuesday. I checked the tracking everyday - in case it changed to "out for delivery". I checked again Monday morning to see if anything changed.... and suddenly the tracking system wasn't working at all... Ah well. I'm patient... and I waited. Around midday the tracking system still wasn't up - but it said in the email, if there was any problems, phone or email or chat... except the phone line isn't working... They're no receiving emails... and the chat function isn't available...

So... what now... Do I just sit in my house and hope for the best and maybe it will show up today? Or Tomorrow? Or... MAYBE SOMETIME this week!? I mean, I get things are sometimes late, but seriously - would it kill you to send someone an email update saying "Whoopsie, sorry about that it will FOR SURES be there on Thursday..." or... whenever...

Sorry, I'll stop now...

So... back to the toys I painted yesterday WHILE WAITING AROUND FOR NOTHING!?

(Seriously.... I'm sorry... I'll FOR SURE stop now...)

Emperor's Children Raptors.

Not sure what prompted grabbing these... but I did... I thought I'd just knock ONE off quickly to see if my planned scheme looked okay... but then it kind of turned into two... and now the other three are almost done as well... expect them shortly...

Random Hive Ganger... or... y'know, she looks fancy (and clean), maybe she's some spoiled Spire brat  "slumming it" with the downhivers. The miniature is actually from I-Kore's old Void miniatures (I think) - with a GW Necromunda base...

The VERY LAST of the Space Hulk miniatures... It probably didn't really NEED a base.. but without it, it falls over all the time and would be more likely to get lost. So I added a base.

I finished off a few other things, but that's all one big group with a bunch of fluff... so it's going in it's own post...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment


  1. Lots of tasty details on those Raptors. Nicely done.

    The third green pad on the Ganger is a little weird. I suppose it could be a fanny pack worn in front or protection against a swift kick to the genitals?

    1. thanks!

      Ha! Yeah, it is a funny little detail, huh?

      there is SO MUCH detail on these freaking new plastic Chaos Marines... I'll be glad when I'm don't them!

  2. I commiserate with you on that (lack of) delivery/communication stuff.

    1. thanks!

      I think the biggest problem is that we've been collectively been spoiled by exceptional customer service from some companies in the last decade or so... Things we so wildly different 25 years ago, I would have thought nothing of it...

    2. Very true.
      I remember "back in the day", sending out an order by regular mail, not knowing if they even received it, waiting for a package to arrive whenever it arrived (usually it was a few weeks or more). In some ways kickstarter is like that now (except you know when they collect your money). ha ha

    3. Right? I'm sure I've mentioned it on this bog many times before, but when I started out - so much of the stuff I was interested was only available through mail order from England and so I'd have to mail away a money order for a catalogue (pre-internet days) and IF that ever showed up, I'd have to get a BIGGER money order and send that off and, with any luck, my miniatures (or rules) might show up at some point in 3-4 months...

      Mind you, this wasn't exactly a small order of miniatures (that could be left in my mailbox), it's $1500 worth of furniture... someone has to be here when it arrives, and, at this point, we have NO IDEA when that will be!? Luckily most activities are cancelled and everyone is working/schooling at home, so SOMEONE is generally around... but still... so annoying...

  3. Sounds like an intensely frustrating day... but having said that, you do have some very cool minis to show for it!

    1. Thanks Ross!

      It's turning into a frustrating WEEK.... but I'm trying to let it go and get some other stuff done.

      Really enjoying your blood bowl players! I guess I should actually just comment on YOUR blog!

    2. Thanks man! And haha yeh comments are always appreciated :P
