Thursday, July 30, 2020

Inquisitors, Deathwatch, Kellermorph and a Daemonette

An assortment of items rolling off the workbench, some just in time for our next game of New40K and the finale to the Rise Up! Campaign.

Lord Inquisitor Drusilla Kyros and her Deathwatch Kill Team. They have arrived in the Xoxigar system to deal with the Genestealer Cult menace. 

Lady Drusilla herself.

The Deathwatch Kill Team.

There are six more to do. I'd hoped to get them all done for today... but it just didn't happen... Hopefully some time in August - and then they can have another run at The Signal

Ordo Malleus Inquisitors Deeana and Samantha Chesterwind. 

Deeana is a Hasslefree Miniatures figure (with a plasma pistol from GW) and Samantha is a Reaper Bones miniature - I'd painted her before, but recently rebased and mostly repainted her recently. 

More on the Chesterwinds in a separate post soon!

Genestealer Cult Kelermorph. 

Deamonette of Slaanesh. I'd actually painted this around the same time as the Hellflayer, but forgot to include her in the post.... so here she is now. 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

As mentioned earlier, we have the finale to the Rise Up Campaign going on this afternoon - stay tuned for a game report. 


  1. Great painting Tim, excellent looking figures and the bases are superb!

    1. Thanks Ray! Check out this afternoon's game report to see (most of) them in action!

  2. Looking great as ever! I never get tired of seeing the Kelermorph. That guy is probably one of the coolest models ever made.

    1. Thanks Ross! It is a pretty rad mini - and totally fun to paint up. Wish I'd had a bit more time to do some details... alas... it was done on time and was fun to use in the game and time to move on to other things!

  3. Lovely looking collection of Inquisitors and their enemies!
    Best Iain
