Wednesday, July 22, 2020

More (Fast-Moving) Daemons of Slaanesh

It's been a while since I did any work on my Slaanesh Daemon army, but I knocked off a few pieces over the last week... and a few more have snuck their way onto my workbench...

Hellflayer and Seekers - both Fast Attack choices (unless I call that Daemonette on the platform a "Herald of Slaanesh"... then it's an HQ choice...)


All the while I was assembling and painting this I was thinking those spindly extended hooks are just going to snag on EVERYTHING and probably get this model pulled off the table and/or break... Then, as I taking this photo, I noticed TWO of them have already broken off!? Like, somewhere between the painting table and the back yard where I was taking pictures this morning!? Hasn't even hit the table for action!? GAH!?

Maybe I need to just break those hooks off.


Does it need more Skulls...?

I was thinking of putting a few alien tufts (blue!), or maybe dead grass tufts (yellow) on there...  but decided against it... mostly because NONE of my other Daemon bases have any tufts. They're mostly on bases made to look like built up areas - or RUINS of built up areas!


I knew I wanted to paint these Shattered Dominions bases to look like some kind of blasted hellscape.  originally I though the "earth" bits would black(-ish) and the stone would be dark grey, but it was just TOO dark and just not enough contrast - so I went the complete opposite direction and left the earthy bits super dark, but make the stone while marble with gold for some SUPER contrast... and now I'm feeling like it's a bit much...

I'm too lazy to repaint them, so I'll leave them as is... but it leaves me wondering - How will I paint the next five!? I DO have five more in a box - somewhere (I bought a Start Collecting Slaanesh and a couple of boxes of Daemonettes on box on Boxing Day, but Amanda confiscated most of it, hid it away, and said I couldn't build or paint any of it until the basement is done... which MIGHT actually happen this year as we've gone ahead and booked a few contractors to do a bunch of the work... though it won't all be done until October)

(I hope she remembers where she hid it!)

ALL the Slaanesh Stuff (so far)

Currently that adds up to... a Patrol...

Daemon Prince Garfongdong - Daemon Prince of Slaanesh - PR8

Daemonettes (10) - PR4

Fiend of Slaanesh (1) - PR2

Fast Attack
Seekers (5) - PR4

The Hellflayer could either be a regular Hellflayer - which would be Fast Attack element - OR it could be a Herald of Slaanesh on Hellflayer - which would be a Headquarters element - both of which have a Power Rating of 5 - for a Total Power of 23.

I have the boxes Amanda squirrelled away to do (20 Daemonettes, 5 Seekers, and an Exalted Seeker Chariot) and three Fiends and the Infernal Enrapturess (that came in the Wrath & Rapture box) and a Syl'Esske model (New-ish, Named Character Daemon Prince and Consort that I recently picked up - partly assembled - along with a PILE of old metal Flesh Hounds)...

If I bought NOTHING ELSE I'd have a Battalion Detachment

Syll'Esske - PR 11
Infernal Enrapturess - PR4

Daemonettes (10) - PR4
Daemonettes (10) - PR4
Daemonettes (10) - PR4

Fiend of Slaanesh (1) - PR2
Fiend of Slaanesh (1) - PR2
Fiend of Slaanesh (1) - PR2
Fiend of Slaanesh (1) - PR2

Fast Attack
Seekers (5) - PR4
Seekers (5) - PR4
Hellflayer (1) - PR5

Heavy Support
Exalted Seeker Chariot (1) - PR 5

Total Power Level: 53
(Once Syll'Esske is done, Daemon Prince Garfongdong will probably go back to leading my detachment of Emperor's Children! But, I guess, he could be added back in to make it 61... )

I hope to have this all done by the end of the year. Maybe on Boxing Day I could treat myself to a Keeper of Secrets!?

If (okay... WHEN) I get around to adding to the force, I'd add in a Keeper of Secrets and more Daemonettes. At one point I had this totally cracked idea of units of THIRTY Daemonettes - the maximum allowed in a unit. Once there are twenty or more in a unit they gain the "Graceful Killers" ability (+1 Attacks - for a total of 3 each!) padding them up to thirty would hopefully guarantee they'd actually get INTO close combat with 20 - assuming they'd lose a few to enemy fire on the way in! With the Keeper of Secrets and SIXTY MORE Daemonettes I'd be up to a Power Rating of 88...

That might be getting a bit silly, though...

Another (SILLY) thought I'd had at one point was just adding three more units of 10 and a couple of chariots to make it a Brigade Detachment.... but, thinking about it now - with respect to 9th edition - there is no advantage to having a Brigade Detachment over a Battalion detachment - it doesn't give you MORE Command Points anymore (it's net zero for both).... so... probably not...

I should probably just finish up what I HAVE - If I'm ever actually playing a game where I NEED more than 50-60 Power Level, I can always bring along an allied detachment of Emperor's Children... and/or a Super Heavy Detachment (or Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment) of Infernal Chaos Knights...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have some Wall of Martyrs terrain bits I'd like to finish up before tomorrow for the next scenario in our Rise Up! Campaign.

Then probably a Game Report for said game.

Then maybe some Death Watch...? More Daemons...?


  1. It's just my opinion, but if you have super fancy and sprawling miniatures, having a very plainly painted base will help highlight the mini (through contrast). It's a shame that the base distracts from the wonderful job you have done painting the minis.

    I've been watching a few 9th ed games on Youtube recently, and I can't help notice that some armies have real problems with minis that sprawl well beyond their base. Given the very exacting rules that 40K has regarding positioning, you have some really weird looking moments of units having to attack sideways because their appendages get in the way but yet their base must be within an inch of the enemy base.

    The Hellflayer looks to be another example where aesthetics has overruled good practical design. No matter how cool a mini looks, it looks far less cool if it's missing bits due to breakage. You can have wonderful and elegant thing pieces, but you need to find a way to protect those bits if the thing is going to be used on the table.

    1. elegant thing pieces -> elegant thin pieces

    2. Ha! Ha! Thanks! I have failed on so many levels here!? I thought doing fancy bases would divert peoples attention so they wouldn't notice the super-fast-Contrast®-paint-job!?

      The Hellflayer went straight back to the workbench and I'm going to shorten up those lashing whips - they look cool... but, as you say, not going to work on the tabletop (which I kind of guessed as I was putting it together!?)

  2. I don't know what these are but they show amazing craftsmanship.

  3. Lovely looking daemons! If they're super fast contrast painted ,they're ace, I'm another vote for a plainer base!
    Best Iain
