Monday, July 6, 2020

Rise Up! ANOTHER Short Narrative Campaign for Warhammer 40K

Signs and Poertents have shown the coming of the Star Gods and the return of the Four-Armed Emperor. It is time for all the faithful to Rise Up against their oppressors and clear the way for the coming of the Old Ones. It is time to dismantle this regime that would call us "filth" and "XENOS" and purge us from this world through outright genocide. 

There are rumours of uprisings and insurrections across the planet. Some of these are other groups of the faithful, others are just people that have been kept low for too long and have snapped. Regardless, the chaos they have caused distracts and spreads thing the Imperialist forces. Now it the time to strike and take what is rightfully ours!

Because why would we finish one thing before starting another...!?

This campaign involves some other players, that's why! Since exactly no one else gives any fucks at all about social distancing around here anymore, we decided we could maybe open out isolation bubble - just a bit - to some members of another reasonably responsible family and invited Da Boyz to come and play some Warhammer 40K with us!

In THIS campaign we're kind of flipping the script on the Genestealer Cult and rather THEM being the "Bad Guys" - from the Imperium's perspective - we're going to see them as plucky rebels Rising Up against the tyranny of their oppressive Imperial overlords!

Ian, Oliver, and Finnegan will be the Genestealer Cult players and each will, likely, get ONE Character and ONE unit of... something else... with a grand total of no more than 25 Power Rating. Most of the HQ and Elite Character models have a Power Rating or 3-4 and most of the Troops and Elite units have a base Power Rating of 3-4. I guess if they all picks stuff worth 3, they could conceivable get a few more...? But given the mix of what they have that is painted... I think it will be 3 Magi or Primus and 3 units of Acolytes (Hybrid or Neophytes) or a Blood Brothers Infantry...

To customize the characters a bit, each will start with ONE bonus ability from those in the Open Play - Custom Characters article in Chapter Approved 2018. There will also be a chance to improve their characters as they fight through the campaign. For each game that the character survives (i.e. not take out of action during the game) they will gain an 1 Advancement Point. When the character has gained 1, 3, and 5 advancement points they gain an additional ability.

Characters that are taken out of action during a game, they must make a recovery roll. To do this they will roll d6 at the end of the game. If the result is equal to or less than their Toughness, they will recover from their injuries quick enough to continue fighting in this campaign. If the result is higher than their toughness, they have been either so seriously injured that they will take a long time to recover or are permanently disabled, or they have died (on a roll of 6) - either Killed in Action of Died of Wounds. If a players character does not recover, they simply start the next game with a new character with ONE bonus ability and no Advancement Points...

Non Character units will always start each game at full strength. It is assumed that those taken out of action will have recovered or replacements will be found between games.

For non-character units, we will also be using the system of experience from the Narrative Play - Battle Honours section of the same Chapter Approved. Troops gain experience for various things they do and at certain experience levels (5, 10, 15, etc) they gain "Battle Honours" which give them some additional ability. Units that are removed from the table lose d3 experience - representing the loss of group experience as the squad has to take on more replacements due to some of those taken out of action being killed or seriously injured enough to no longer be able to fight in the campaign.

I have a feeling we will be seeing something similar in the Crusade Campaign in the #New40K - but as that is 3 weeks out and we want to play NOW... we're making do with what we've got.

We will be using the New40K (9th Edition) core rules to play (as a free PDF of said core rules HAS been released) and 8th edition where we have to fill in the gaps...

The Campaign will be set in and around Gehardos Fol - a large sprawling city in the Southern Hemisphere of Xoxigar Tertium that has recently seen a lot of rioting.

Currently, I'm planning to run about six scenarios of increasing difficulty (and Power Level!). There will be some sort of points awarded within the game - to introduce some "friendly" competition between the Genestealer Cult players...

Games start THIS VERY AFTERNOON! So Stay Tuned!!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Rise Up! Scenario One: The Ambush!

Later this week Finnegan and I are planning to continue The Signal campaign (on Tuesday and Friday) and we have a second game planned for the Rise Up campaign (on Thursday)! It's going to be a busy 40K kind of week!

I also have LOTS on the workbench... some of which will, hopefully, get OFF the workbench and appear in pictures here as painting updates!

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