Friday, August 7, 2020

Daemon World Campaign - Scenario #1 - the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg

(a note on pronunciation: you MUST roll the "R" in NaRRKabogg)

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg lives deep in the heart of a Shardwrack Spine Grove on the Daemon World of Gorma’Sh’Muf’Kt’Itz. It looks cute and harmless, but it has Great Big Pincers and a mean streak  a parsec wide! 


The Object of the Scenario is to secure and then lure the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg away from its nest in the Shardwrack Spine Grove in the centre of the table. This may be done by use of the Lure the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg Action (see below).

Lure the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg (Action): One unit for your army can start to perform the action at the Start of your Movement Phase if it is within range of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg if no hostile units are within range of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg. The action is completed at the end of your turn  if there are still no hostile forces within range of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg or engagement range of the unit. The unit that has completed the action may move 6" and move the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg along with it. 

Victory Points

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg Secured (Progressive): At the end of each players Command Phase, the player whose turn it is scores 10 Victory Points if they control the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg (just like a Objective Marker. 

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg Controlled (End Game): At the end of the battle, if a unit from a players army is in control of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg, that player scores an additional 20 points

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg Shepharded (End Game): At the end of the battle, if the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg is in a players deployment area, that player scores an additional 30 points. 

Additional Rules

Mean Streak a Parsec Wide! 

At the end of their Movement Phase, if a player has a unit within range of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg, roll a d6 for each such unit. On a roll of 1, the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg attacks and does d3 Mortal Wounds to that unit. 

Shardwrack Spine Grove

If a unit advances or charges or successfully Lures the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg within 3" of the Shardwrack Spine Grove, roll a d6 on a roll of 1, the unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound. 

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg is an immortal daemon of the warp and can only be harmed by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch - an ancient relic currently in the possession of the Battle Sisters of the Order of the Crimson Chalice on Xoxigar Tertium. I mean... if you WANT to attack it, you may do so, but you will only be wasting your attacks and the unit attacking the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg will automatically fail morale and be forced to immediately fall back shouting; "Run Away! Run Away!"


Winds of Magic 

When a Psychic test is taken add 2 to the result, in addition, unless a PSYKER is a Daemon or a Grey Knights model, a psychic test that includes Any doubles will result in Perils of the Warp, not just a double 1 or 6.

Victor Bonus

The victor of the mission can select two units from their army to be Marked for Greatness instead of just one. 


The forces for this game can be found here:

Daemon World Campaign - The Warlords - Part 1 - for the Champions of the Emperor's Children/Slaanesh and Death Guard/Nurgle.

Daemon World Campaign - The Warlords - Part 2 - for the Champions of Thousand Sons/Tzeentch and World Eaters/Khorne.


Well first, since we were actually playing in the living room, I thought I'd throw a little randomly playing ambient music on the CD player... 

The Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg, nestled in it's home in the Shardwrack Spine Grove. 
Forces Assembled, Agendas Picked, Everyone Deployed... 
Death Guard
Emperor's Children
Thousand Sons 


The Death Guard Started us off, with a slow trundling march towards the Shardwrack Spine grove. 

Actually they advanced - to try and over a bit more ground - the Dysentery Dudes rolled a 6 and launched 11" forwards - because I was playing with teenage boys there were lots of jokes about how the Dysentery Dudes were launched forward on a fountain of diarrhea... and it generally went downhill from there... 
The Noise Marines of the Emperor's Children also advanced - blasting their Sonic Weapons as they did! Fire was exchanged with the World Eaters, who moved up more cautiously. Two Noise Marines were taken out of action and one Word Eater Chaos Space Marine was killed, along with a few of the Cultists. 

Sonic Weapons... Not so useful against Marines with 3+ saves... Mind you bolters wouldn't have been much different - they have no armour piercing as well... and at least with the Sonic Weapons I get THREE attacks per turn! 

The Thousand Sons went last and just plastered the Death Guard - one Squad of Plague Marines was utterly wiped out, another was savaged by their brutal Inferno bolt Guns and Soulreaper Cannon. 


The Death Guard used a stratagem to do a whole lot of belter shooting at the Thousand Sons... and it did NOTHING! 

The Khorne Cultists advanced again, almost making it to the Shardwrack Spine Grove! The rest did a lot of shooting at the Thousand Sons... and did NOTHING!

By the Powers of Chaos - those Rubric Marines are just NASTY - they effectively have a 2+ save versus just about EVERYTHING! 
Xoilaz Gafar, the Emperor's Children Sorceress successfully Scryed the Death Guard Champions Battle Plans... and it turned out those plans were mostly concerning the post battle barbecue and involved lots of comfortables seating... and over cooked bird meats. Noise Marines of the Soroibus Tortus took out two Chaos Space Marines and Lord Felzik took out a third, while the Noise Marines of the Sabbatum Nigreos finished off the Khorney Cultists. 

The Thousand Sons Tzaangors arrived and immediately charged the World Eaters Helbrute and Warpsmith Ingot. Smiting should have killed three Death Guard, but their Disgustingly Resilient ability saved them all. Shooting took out one of the Plague Marines, though, and did a few wounds to the Helbrute before the Tzaangors charged in. 

The Helbrute blasted apart three of the Tzaangors as they charged into melee. 

The Tzaangors were unable to cause any damage in melee, but the Helbroote smashed another one and the Warpsmith took out another two! 

The Death Guard continued their creeping, relentless shuffle forwards and arrived at the edge of the Shardwrack Grove - they were even close enough that there were within range of  the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg - if they actually survived to their next turn, they could start trying to lure the Beast out of it's lair - no one else was even close - as they'd all just stood around blasting away at each other! So much shooting at the Thousand Sons, which did nothing... then... finally ONE was taken out - there was SO MUCH CHEERING from the World Bearers and Death Guard! 

The World Eater Marines fired on Soroibus Tortus and took the last three out of action. The Noise Marines return fire (it's a thing they do...) took out FIVE of the Marines! BOOM! The Helbrute finished off the Tzaangors in the shooting phase - as we discovered the Helbrute, being a vehicle, can now target hostiles they are in engagement range with during shooting now! Yikes! 

Xoilaz Gafar, the Emperor's Children Sorceress successfully Scryed the Death Guard Champions Battle Plans... and discovered the 7 secret herbs and spices they use in their barbecue sauce....  Noise Marines of the Sabbatum Nigreos finished off the last of the Khorne Chaos Space Marines. 

The Exhalted Sorcerer caused FOUR more Mortal Wounds on the Death Guard with a Smite - and AGAIN Disgustingly Resilient saved all four! Then the Sorcerer rolled double ones on the next psychic power they tried to and we all got really exited thinking it's head might explode, but Ian used a Command Point for a re-roll... and didn't roll doubles again... The Rubric Marines took out another Squad of Death Guard and the Exalted Sorcerer took out the last one in the final squad - leaving only Chaos Lord Slugbottom on the field of battle representing Nurgle! 

Lord Slugbottom, filled with rage at the Thousand Sons killing all of his Plague Marines blasted away at the exalted Sorcerer with his Combi-Bolter - causing two wounds, then followed up with a mad charge into melee - causing two more with his brutal Power Fist! 
The Helbrute and Warpsmith let the Rubric Marines have everything they had to give - and the Helbrute even used the Fire Frenzy stratagem, allowing it to fire ALL of it's weapons TWICE! For all that it took out ONE Rubric Marine... and the Warpsmith took out another with it's Meltagun! 
The Warpsmith then CHARGED the Rubric Marines! 
The remaining Noise Marines entered the Edge of the Shardwrack Spine Grove while Lord Felzik charged the Helbrute... which he quickly learned was a MISTAKE! 

In the Thousand Sons turn the Exalted Sorcerer did another wound to the Death Guard Lord - using Psychic Powers - before being torn to shreds by it's brutal Power Fist! The Rubric Marines fell back from the Warpsmith and used the move to enter the Shardwrack Spine Grove - in an attempt to gain control of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg in the last round! 

Lord Slugbottom charged the Rubric Marines taking out two and suffering one more wound for his troubles. 
The Warpsmith charged the Noise Marines - taking out one of them! The Helbrute finished off Lord Felzik... 
Xoilaz Gafar joined in the fight against the Warpsmith - and suffered a Mortal Wound due to charging into the Shardwrack Spine Grove! This added one more to the number of those attempting to gain control of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg. The Warpsmith was reduced to ONE wound... 


Well... it came down to who "controlled" the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg at the end of the game as no one had scored any Victory Points DURING the game - and that was the Emperor's Children as they had the most models within range of the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg... So, of the potential 100 points that COULD have been scored during the game, The Emperor's Children scored 20 and everyone else scored ZERO!? 

I hope they don't ALL end like this!?

Despite the somewhat indecisive end to the game, most other rest of it was a pretty epic, wall-to-wall, action-packed, ultraviolet romp across the Daemon World! 

I was a little worried the Daemon World board would be "a bit much" and that it would be "too busy looking" to make out what was going on, but I'm pretty happy with how it worked out! 

Making Out of Action Checks for all the units that were taken out of action during the battle, only the Tzaangors failed!  

Experience Points gained so far:

Thousand Sons - Tzeentch
Exalted Sorcerer 1xp (Battle Experience) + I unit take out of action (Plague Marines) 
Rubric Marines 4xp (Battle Experience + Marked for Greatness) + II units taken out of action (2x Plague Marines) 
Tzaangors 0xp (Battle Experience - Devastating Blow)

World Eaters - Khorne
Warpsmith 1xp (Battle Experience) 
Helbrute 6xp (Battle Experience + Marked for Greatness + Assassins Agenda bonus) + II units taken out of action
Chaos Space Marines 1xp (Battle Experience) + I unit take out of action 
Chaos Cultists 1xp (Battle Experience)

Death Guard - Nurgle
Chaos Lord 8xp (Battle Experience + Marked for Greatness + Survivor Agenda Bonus) + I unit taken out of action (Exalted Sorcerer) 
Plague Marines 1xp (Battle Experience)
Plague Marines 1xp (Battle Experience)
Plague Marines 1xp (Battle Experience)

Emperor's Children - Slaanesh
Chaos Lord Felzik 1xp (Battle Experience) 
Sorceress Xoilaz Gafar 9xp (Battle Experience + Marked for Greatness + Scrying Battle Plans Agenda bonus)
Noise Marines (Soroibus Tortus) 1xp (Battle Experience)
Noise Marines (Sabbatum Nigreos) 4xp (Battle Experience + VICTOR BONUS Marked for Greatness) + II units taken out of action (Cultists, Chaos Marines) 

So three units to gain a new rank (Blooded 6-15 XP): the Emperor's Children Sorceress, The Death Guard's Lord Slugbottom, and the World Eater's Helbrute.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Our next game is MONDAY - so I guess I better get working on the next scenario! I have loads of ideas - it'll mostly require just narrowing it down to which four I will use (I already have a special plan for the FINAL BATTLE!). Some require making some new terrain, though, so that might affect whether I end up using those scenarios... 


  1. My Mrs just asked me "What the hell are you doing?" I replied, "I'm trying to roll the R in NaRRKabogg" She looked at me shaking her head and walked off......

  2. Bolt Thrower...
    A classic...😁

    A great looking games as well...

    All the best. Aly
