Sunday, August 2, 2020

RPGaDay2020 - Day One - Beginning

Nothing like beginning a bit late... story of my life... 

Anyway, it's August!? That means is RPGaDay time again!

Day 1 - which was, of course, yesterday - was BEGINNING.

We are beginning something new in August. Each Sunday evening Finnegan is going to run a rule-playing game for the family. 

We've all played games together before - usually games run by me. For some time Finnegan has been hinting that he'd like to get a FAMILY role-playing game going on again and suggested he could run something. Amanda said this would be a very, very good idea (and, in fact FORBADE me from running anything as I "already have too much to do"!) 

As no one could really settle on ONE of the many ideas presented, it was decided that he would run a DIFFERENT one-shot adventure every Sunday in August! This week we are starting with Mouse Guard the role-playing game! So Excited!



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I picked it up AGES ago when it first came out, hoping to run it for the kids - as they were very excited about the Mouse Guard graphic novels we were reading at the time... Somehow, I never got around to it!? And now, one of the kids is running it for ME!? So I must have done SOMETHING right!?

  2. This sounds amazing! Excited to see what you come up with.

    1. It should be fun. I think some of the others were trying are the Sentinels of the Multiverse RPG, The Cubicle 7 Middle Earth stuff for D&D5E, and Modern Age...? Originally it was supposed to be the Expanse, but Finnegan's decided he's not so interested in that so we're saying Modern Age with a supernatural bent - as both the kids are totally into Buffy and Supernatural right now.

  3. I'm really looking forward to reading about the games Finnegan runs!
