Wednesday, December 30, 2020

All Is Not Lost

 I case you were starting to wonder if there ever might be miniature gaming or hobby stuff on Tim's MINIATURE WARGAMING Blog (believe me, you are not the only one!), I have some good news!

After a hiatus of almost six months, I did a hobby thing... 

I assembled this Bloodmaster of Khorne! 

It's a start... 

Maybe I'll even prime the blighter before the new year!? 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a few posts in draft form coming up soon!

December Games - There wasn't a LOT of gaming this month - hence only ONE post - but Amanda and zi have gotten in a few games the last few days (in a desperate effort to complete the 5x5 Quarterly Gaming Challenge!).

A Look Back at 2020 - It will be brief... probably best to just put all that behind us. 

Game Plan 2021 - General plans (or "hopes") for the coming year and more specific plans for the first Quarter

There will also be posts on the Bike Blog and Art Blog in the coming days, for those interested in such things. 

For anyone that wishes more regular, up-to-date look at what I've been up to, I do have an instagram account where I post Game AND Bike AND Art stuff (and other stuff) on a pretty regular basis. You can find me here:


  1. I have been wondering what became of you!

    1. Winter, Covid, Strained Knee, Crushed Finger... it's been a downer end to a downer year. Hoping for some change and a regturn to normalcy (and MINIATURE GAMING!) in the new year!

  2. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Tim!

  3. There you are!

    Here's hoping 2021 is a better year for us all! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Hs! Yeah... that's probably a good idea... I'm not sure I know how, though. In addition to starting this the other evening, I jumped all in the next day and embarked on a MASSIVE re-basing/reorganization project!? More on that in the next post...
