Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Rat Fight!

I managed to organize all those Skaven into TWO Warbands. I realized I had enough to make TWO Warcry Warbands out of the miniatures I had so I put together two one under the Clawlord, the other under the Grey Seer. At fist I basically split all of the group/types as evenly as possible between the two - two Gutter Runners in each, three Clan Rats in each, three Storm Vermin in each... Which seemed a bit boring, but I wasn't sure what else to do, I haven't played the game, I don't know their relative strengths or what works together and didn't even really know any of the fluff... So, I read the fluff. Then I had new ideas that - whether they made sense tactically - at least made a bit of sense NARRATIVELY! 

I ended up building the two along clan lines. The first is a Clan Verminus warband centered around the Clawlord. The second is a minor clan warband - with a heavy Clan Eshin presence - centered around the Grey Seer. 

Squeekhawg - Clan Verminus Warband 

Squeekhawg - Clan Verminus Warband 

The Clan Verminus warband is lead by Clawlord Skreekmaw and consists of a band of Clan Rat and Storm Vermin warriors. The lot of them are Natural Born Schemers - ready to stab another skaven in the back (even one of their own warband) to get ahead... 

Clawlord Skreekmaw - a Vicious Fighter - keeps the warband in line with an iron (third) hand and responds with brutal violence for even the smallest slight, lest his band of backstabbers think he's getting soft and they can get away with anything.

Storm Vermin - Krashk, Greshek, and Niktriq

Clan Rats - Dik, Nik, Rik. Mik, Tik, and Xik 

The Silent But Deadly - Clan Eshin Warband

The Silent But Deadly - Clan Eshin Warband

The Clan Eshin warband (with a little help from the other lesser clans) is lead by Grey Seer Krektkata and consists of a gang of Gutter Runners, a Night Runner, a Scryre Acolyte, a Plague Monk, and a Pack Master with its Giant Rats. They are dirty fighters that don't know the meaning of honour. Like, literally. To be honest, though, I'm not entirely sure there's even an equivalent word in the skaven language...? Calling them "fighters" might be a bit of a stretch, as well. "Murderers" would probably work better, being the sort that would rather strike an entirely unsuspecting foe from the shadows, rather than actually face the possibility of combat. 

Grey Seer Krektkata. This Grey Seer possesses the "Withered Word" - it's squeaking oratory inspires a limited form of courage in their minions - or at least a seething rage and desire to see their enemies fall... 

Gutter Runners - Blade, Shadow, Bladow, and Quiritikmikza the Deadly Silent

(and one Night Runner  - Jawn - sort of a Gutter Runner Juve, in the back) 

The Night Runner miniature is actually an old Skaven Slave, but that doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. As the Night Runners (and Gutter Runners) are the only Skaven with short range missile weapons, it made sense just to call this one with a sling a Night Runner (because he didn't have the same weapons - or look nearly as bad ass). 

Representing Clan Pestilens - Nervin, a Plague Monk and a Clan Scryre Acolyte Lemsldab. 

Pack Master - "The Masterbeater" - and Giant Rats - Sik, Lik, and Fik.

No one ended up wanting to play the other evening. Not sure when I'll get another chance. Now that we have Netflix, that's all anyone wants to do... I might have to set up a game and solo it! 

Looking at what else I've got, I could probably put together four or five (or SIX!?) warbands... and THAT got me thinking that I could run a small campaign with just them - fighting for the control of the sewers beneath some unfortunate city in the Mortal Realms! Y'know, when this pestilence, brought on by the Year of the Rat, subsides... 

I may need to build some Sewer Terrain TIles to match up with my Cavern Tiles... 

I started rebasing and repainting some more stuff for Warcry... It's getting a little silly, really. I should probably endeavor to PLAY the game and make sure it DOESN'T SCUK before I get too carried away!? 


  1. Cool and timely! It's fun you have enough to sort out into at least 2 different clans, who can have a go at each other just as well as at other groups. If you do make sewers to go with your cave tiles I'll be interested to see how the turn out.

    My next batch of minis to paint are a bunch of ratmen (not GW, not skaven) from a kickstarter.

    1. Cheers! The rats finally had a fight this afternoon - hopefully I'll get to post a game report in the next day or so.

      Are they Pi-rats you're painting? My friend that gave me all these bought himself some pi-rats and dropped them off for me to paint, some time ago, and are working their way to the TO PAINT SOON list...

    2. No, mine are just standard fantasy ratmen from RPE, from a kickstarter project.

    3. So many Kickstarters...

      I think these were from a kickstarter, too, that's why I was wondering. Looks like these:

      (not to be confused with the Pirate Rat FOOTBALL team....)

  2. I don't know why I didn't go for the metal pi-rats. Maybe they just weren't something I was considering at the time. I do try to avoid resin though.

    Yep, sometimes there are lots of kickstarters, sometimes for similar things, whether it's games or rpg materials or minis or stl files or whatever. Sometimes they come along when I'm not in that mode, and sometimes later I wish I had gone for them. The trouble is the time frames are often so long that my interests have shifted, either away from or towards what any given project might provide. :)
