Saturday, January 30, 2021

Warhammer Underworlds: The Dread Pageant

The Dread Pageant is a Hedonites of Slaanesh warband included in Wahammer Underworlds: Direchasm. The box also contains Myari's Purifiers a warband of Lumineth Aelves, which I'll be doing next. As I already have a small, but growing, force of Daemons of Slaanesh - I was pretty excited when Games Workshop announced some announced some new Hedonite miniatures - which were previewed at the end of last year - and included a few as a new Warhammer Underworlds warband in the latest core set. 

I'd hoped to be done both these AND Myari's Purifiers earlier this week, so I'd be able to play a few games this weekend. Instead I only just finished these SAturday evening... Perhaps I'll get in a game with these  against Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven

The Dread Pageant

In the Direchasm anthology of short stories, the Dread Pageant were in beastgrave to try and perform some sort of ritual that would cause some sort of trouble across the Mortal Realms... 

Vasillac the Gifted - The leader of the Warband of Godseekers. 

Slakeslash - one of the new "Slaangor"...? Sort of like the Tzeentch Tzaangors... but bigger and badassier..? And more purple...? I don't know. It looks cool. Seems like it will be pretty nasty in the game. 

Hadzu - Blisbarb Archer? Seemed to think he was pretty badass warrior in the book... but I think he's rather a stand-back-and-shoot-in-the-back-from-a-distance kind of guy... 

Glissete - Murder Ballerina. 

Stay tuned for a game report after I try them out tomorrow! 

While I was working on the Dread Pageant, I also painted up this old Chaos Sorcerer... 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely looking Slanesh band and nice sorcerer! Your witch elfs are looking great too!
    Best Iain
