Tuesday, February 2, 2021

So... January...

I didn't do a lot of game playing in January... 


Kicked off the year with the lad's 17th birthday. (Can I still call him "The Lad" at this point?)

For his birthday he ran a one-shot Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure for a mix of friends from his Wednesday and Saturday D&D groups. It's weird, HE's the most social of any of us these days - he runs TWO D&D games a week and plays in two biweekly games - another D&D game and a Four Against Darknesss game.

Later in teh week, Finnegan was nice enough to try out Warcry with me. There is a full report of the game here:

Warcry - The Skaven's Prize

On Saturday, the 9th, Chris walked us through making characters for Harnworld (3rd Ed). It was super old school - the process of MAKING a character was really fun. Lots of nostalgic feels. Everything rolled up randomly - not a lot of choices - but it's fun to see the character develop. It's a game of it's own. stuff it rolled up, but then you have to fit it together... "Well... what does THAT mean...?" 

My character ended up being ugly, slow-witted, with an irritating voice... He's much stronger then average, but has the lowest possible stamina. The best thing he can do is hit stuff with his club. If he hits you with a club, he'd probably going to kill you... if he doesn't, though, you're probably be safe, because he'll likely be winded from the effort!? He was born a slave to a slave shepardess fourth of five children and an unrecognized bastard. His dad was known - a KNIGHT of a Questing order!? So my character ended up being a runaway slave who turned to thieving in the Big City.  

Super fun to put together... I'm not sure how PLAYABLE he will be. It was a HUGE nostalgia trip to make a character like this. I mean, who among us RPGers of the 80s didn't spend WAY MORE time making characters for games they'd never play than actually PLAYING the games!? It was fun rolling stuff up randomly and then making up the story behind all those dice rolls. An exercise in creativity within certain parameters. 

Unfortunately Chris was experiencing some work turmoil this month and wasn't able to actually RUN the game until the end of the month. 

One of the Saturdays Jon and I met up and had a bit of a Paint and Chat on Saturday evening. 

On the 30th we finally did get to play. We started in Rethem and had to take a message to... some other country...? Hijinks ensued. 

While we were playing I did a quick sketch of the three characters. from left to right is Denny the Dirk (my theif), Magnus Falk (Jon's Scribe), and Caadern the Ivinian (Christian's Viking mercenary) 

on the 31st Finnegan tried out Warhammer Underworlds with me. There is a brief report and review of the game here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm - First Game

In other news... 

I did get painting again! Like, miniatures!

I picked up WArhammer AGe of Sigmar: Soulbound and have been reading through it and planning to run it when Chris is finished with the Harnworld adventure. 

There has been SOME work on the basement... 

This is what the game room was looking like last summer. 

Here is what it it looking like now. It's hard to see in the two pictures, but in the one above this one, the wall is covered with some awful textured stipple and below, it is (mostly gone) from endless scraping and layers and layers of drywall mud... ugh... 

Should be finished with the mudding and sanding this week and by the weekend should, in theory, be painting walls. Next week, I'm to be cleaning up the floors and then starting to move stuff back in to have a useable game room... which will be handy if... y'know... The Plague ever ends... 

As for the GAME PLAN... Well... 


I really done much towards the 5x5 Challenge... but If I had to select five games that I want to play five times over the remaining two months of 2021-Q1 I think they will be

  • Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Soulbound
  • Warcy
  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • Carcassonne
  • Some Other Board Game

This can happen... If I could get some buy in and make Friday Board Game Night and alternate between playing Carcassonne and... Other Board Game... with Amanda, we'd get through 10 in the next 2 months. Additionally, if Sunday because Miniature Night and I could get Finnegan (or Amanda) to play Warcry or WArhammer Underworlds, we'd easily get through those. I think Chris said we'd likely only play one or two more session of HarnWorld, so by mid-February we'll hopefully be starting Soulbound and playing that MOST Saturdays... for a bit, at least... 


I did get three WArhammer Underworlds warbands finished in January - two for John, one for me, plus a smattering of other things - mostly to get Warcry Warbands together. 

In February... There are TOO MANY THINGS that I WANT to do that just aren't all going to get done... I WANT to paint FOUR more WArhammer Underworlds warbands (Lumineth, Grymwatch, Beastmen, Sylvaneth) AND a Warcry Warband (cultists - that I will call "Chaos Marauders") AND a pile more stuff for John (20 Frostgrave minis) AND the last of the Wrath & Rapture stuff (Infernal Enrapturess, 3 Fiends of Slaanesh, 3 Bloodcrushers)... Except THAT alone is at least two months of work -at the pace I'M going these days... 

And then there are all the other things I'd like to do but even I'm realizing are unrealistic to consider this month... or quarter... I have minaitures sorted out for at least four or five MORE Warcry Warbands - Old Emprie troops to make a Cities of Sigmar Warband. Enough Dark Elves to make TWO warbands... that... are also "Cities of Sigmar" warbands...? Piles of Witch Aelves...  A bunch of Tzeentch and Khorne things from Finnegan's Warhammer Quest games that could be made into Warcry Warbands... and then all the Daemons of Slaanesh and Daughters of Khaine in boxes, squirrelled away from the last two Boxing Days for doing "when the basement is done"... 

AND THEN there are all the ohter things weighing on me... 40K stuff - Like Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress stuff (the rest of the stuff from Escalation (plus EXTRA cultists), No Respite, and Ascension... AND the Chaos Space Marine force I'd started last year... and ALL THE OTHER 40K armies that are partly finished (Tallarn, VAlhallans, a few Catachans, Eldar, etc...)... AND Necromunda gangs... 

AND THEN there are MOAR THINGS I want to GET!? Like MOAR Warhammer Underworlds warbands - the Champions of Dreadfane.... Kharga's Ravagers (coming out this weekend)... The new Hedonites (no release day yet... but soonish...). The new Warhammer Quest game (back to the Mortal Realms for this one !)...



  1. Holy shit... 17? Have I been following this blog that long? I thought he was still 12...

  2. Oh, I've been checking the math! Regularly! It's been a bit of a shock to me as well!?

    "meeting you character" - that is brilliant - that is EXACTLY what it is!

  3. I know the feeling, my daughter turns 18 next month, shocking! Sounds like underworlds has lit a fire under you again for figure painting? Looks like ECW has fallen off the list or is that for later in the year?
    Best Iain

    1. Yeah, I was trying to realistically look at my current painting output and all the stuff I have and want to paint... and the ECW thing is probably going to have to be a "Next year" thing. It would have been an ideal thing to do RIGHT NOW - with so many people in isolation... but that would have only worked if I'd had EVERYTHING ready to go, and I just don't. It'll happen someday. But probably not this year.

    2. I was even wondering about doing a campaign using Dark Age DBA armies or Hordes of the Things armies or Dragon Rampant armies... but all of those armies are in a state of flux (a number of HotT armies being rebased for use with... other games...) or not really accessible (due to renovation) or I need additional ones to properly do a campaign (desperately need to do an East and West Frank army of the 1000AD Dark age campaign, otherwise the Normans just roll over everyone - without having to worry about Franks sneaking into their backyard!?).

    3. Of course... sitting and typing and thinking... I COULD do a Hordes of the Things campaign with a mix of the few Fantasy armies I have remaining and some of the historical Dark Age armies...?

      OR... Possibly a Dragon Rampant campaign - using the same basic idea I had for the ECW campaign, but with a mix of historical medival forces and fantasy forces...?

      I don't know... Age of Sigmar has kind of captured my imagination right now, and it would be hard for me to switch focus like that...

  4. Happy birthday to your son. Wow. 17 already? I can't remember how long I have been following your blog but it has been great to see your whole family gaming and playing together.

    1. Thanks, Neil!

      Yeah, occasionally I look back and go, Wait... I've been doing this HOW long!? And I've been reading these OTHERS how long!? Where did all the time GO!?

      Hopefully we've all had some fun doing it! And I just hope my blog has been as entertaining and inspiring for others as theirs have been for me (including yours!)!

  5. 17! Shocking and terrifying.

    Not much gaming for you lately, you only have four times as much as I did ;)

    1. I know.. I know... Even when I FEEL like I'm hardly doing anything at all, it is still a lot more than so many others get to do... I do super appreciate that I have a family that is so willing to put up with my gaming shenanigans and humour me by participating in them, at times.
