Thursday, April 1, 2021

Warhammer Underworlds: Morgok's Krushas

And MORE Stormcast Eternals - no, wait, these ones are different. They're BIGGER than the freaking Stormcast Eternals! Last weekend I was in my FLGS hoping the Wrumspat warbad I'd asked them to get in had arrived... and left with Morgok's Krusha's instead... because... REASONS!?

Morgok Krusha's is a mob of Ironjawz Brutes that were released as part of the Beastgrave expansions - the "3rd Season" of Warhammer Underworlds. Brutes are REALLY BIG Orruks - kind of like bosses in 40K, I think. They're on freaking 40mm bases!? I'm curious to see how they play in Warhammer Underworlds - starting with only three, I'll have more activations than miniatures to START! Need to find lots of push and bonus attack cards. There are a few in their deck but I feel like a few more might be handy. 

They seem like a murderiferous aggressive warband - but actually have a few Objective Cards that score for holding objectives?! I guess every warband it going to have a mix. Not sure if I should can those and go for more that give bonuses for killifying things... or go for the HOLD STUFF. I think that might be hard - it would require splitting them up, the most I could ever hold is three, and they are SLOW - so it would be challenging to get to Objective Markers deep in enemy territory...?

Morgok's Krushas




I probably should have done a comparison picture, so you can see how absurdly HUGE these are.... ah well, you'll see soon enough when I (and they) face Amanda (and Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven) this weekend 

I was thinking of repainting a few of my older GW Warhammer Fantasy Battle Orcs to join these guys and make a Warcry warband... but all the current Orruks seem to fall into two groups; Ironjawz (which these are) and Savage Orruks. Ironjawz all seem to be hulking brutes in plate armour - with NO MISSILE WEAPONS!? The Savage Orruks are lightly armoured, if at all, and carry weapons made of stone!? The old Orcs I have lighter armour - but metal, like chainmail hauberks - and crossbows and stuff!? Maybe I'll just have to use the ones I have as a warband of their own and use the Savage Orruk stats. And just pick up one or two more Ironjawz to join these guys to make a Warcry warband. 


  1. Ah you have touched on the Orc/Orruk player's conundrum. Age of Sigmar is really a melee game now, unless you count the new elf army that is op in shooting. I know a few orc players that changed armies when the went to orruks and only because they went full charge melee.

    1. For Age of Sigar there are still the "Legends" warscrolls... and it's not a force I'd ever have enough of to play in any sort of competition... if I ever played in any sort of matched play league or tournament or whatever.

      It's just a little lame, in Warcry, to use the old minis "as" something they really aren't. I mean, the Savage Orcs in Warcry have the same toughness as HUMANS!?

      These guys should be fun, tough! I mean, FIVE FREAKING WOUNDS!? 2-3 attack dice, 2-3 damage. I think they're going to be nasty... If I can find some objective cards for them that don't suck. The ones they come with are not great...
