Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Game Room

 After much stalling and dragging on and changes in plans and more stalling... The Game Room is finally complete... more or less... The rest of the basement still needs to be renovated and the scope of that has gotten much larger than originally planned/anticipated. 

Originally the room was the "Hobby Room" - where ALL games and miniatures and hobby & craft and painting supplies and history/reference books were to go. Much of that has spilled out all over the basement and the rest of the house. 

Not ALL of the game stuff is going to fit back into this room. Right now I have all the PAINTED miniatures - and MOST of the unpainted ones - in the drawers throughout the room. Most of my military history/reference books are in here. Some games - most of the miniature wargame rules and some of the  role-playing game books. 

The rest of the basement, when complete will include a art studio, a bathroom, and a TV room (which will also include my painting station, as I like to paint miniatures while sitting and watching TV and movies - often with other members of the family. But that is all a long way off before that is properly set up again. Part of the floor will be broken out later this week when the city's contractor comes to replace the water and sewer lines. When the rest takes place is really up in the air. Cost of materials have gone through the roof so I'm suggesting we wait... Amanda is, as always, insisting everything be done NOW!!! As we don't have any contracts signed, I'm king of hoping, at this point, most contractors will be booked for this summer anyway... We shall see... 

View from the Northwest corner - where one enters the room. The ceiling is rather high - for a basement - and there are two large windows in the Southeast corner - both of which open up to get a nice breeze through in the summer. Along the South wall I have some larger terrain boards and a shelf with larger terrain bits and boxes containing larger vehicles and such. 

View from the opposite (Southeast) corner, looking back at the entrance. Along the west wall are bookshelves. 

View from the Southwest corner - by the door to the closet under the stairs. those are all my miniatures in those drawers. Well, MOST of my miniatures. At least the 28mm ones. There are also a few 20mm minis in there. I do have a small amount of smaller miniatures squirrelled away elsewhere. 

View from the Northeast corner more stuff is squirrelled away in the closet under teh stairs. AT some point it all needs to be reorganized and will contain boxes with more terrain bits. Currently it mostly contains boxes of Pulpspotting, the Vimy terrain I've completed so far (4th Division's Area of Operation) and boxes of miscellany.

Terrain boards. 

At some point I was going to build a table-topper with the tabletop from the OLD game table that would fit OVER the new table for a slightly larger gaming surface for some truly EPIC miniature battles. Teh new table is about 3.5'x7' - the table-topper would extend that to 5'x8'!! The two boards that made up the old tabletop are in the next room and will shortly be hauled out to the garage to away me finiding time to clean them up, build a frame around them and paint them. (Not a bit hurry, as it doesn't seem like there are going to be any large miniature battles played down here anytime soon... 

Miniatures containers along the North wall. There are stacked on top of two "consoles" we got from Ikea (the bookshelves are also from Ikea). It is roughly organized with Fantasy over on the left and moving right there are ancients (Egypt, Greeks, Successors, Romans - and their enemies), then Dark Age (mostly centered around England - Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Danes, Vikings, Scots, Irish, Welsh, Normans, etc), the medieval,  Feudal Japan, English Civil War, Pirates and Swashbucklers, Seven Years War, Napoleonics, Assorted colonials (including Martians!) and, finally, The Great War.

Under the consoles are a few games - mostly GW box games and Hellboy.

Miniature containers on the East wall - these are mostly World War 2, Modern and Sci-Fi.

The drawers, when packed full, contain about 100-120 28mm foot miniatures - depending on basing... 

They're not ALL totally packed full.

But a lot of them are... 

Shelf on the south wall for Titans and Knights and big beasties and vehicles and terrain bits. 

The books... well... the ones I could fit in the room. 

The last two Boxing Days I wandered over to my FLGS - Dragon's Den Games - and picked up some big boxes to start some new armies... on both occasions Amanda insisted they be squirrelled away until I actually finished the Game Room. Achievement Unlocked! I now have a pile or Daemons and Snake-Ladies to assemble and paint. 

Our first game in the new Game Room was Wingspan - using the European Expansion birds.... Maybe that table it SOO big!? 

Works out fine playing this way... I love it. Going to be LOTS of space to play some of those bigger games - Railways of the World, Firefly, High Frontier, etc... 

The big table and extra room didn't help me play Wingspan any better... Ah well...

Now to get some MINIATURES on the table! 


  1. Not going to lie, I am totally jealous of your room. :D

  2. That is an impressive looking room: jealous! That wall colour is quite something, but it works well!

    1. Ha! Thanks! I was a little worried when I started painting that I might have made a mistake and it was going to be a bit much - but since MOST of the walls are covered anyway, it isn't too overwhelming.

  3. So, first, I'm glad you took pictures, because if it's like my hobby room, it will never be that neat again. Second, I'm glad you got yourself some Slaanesh, because that wall colour absolutely demands it ;)

    1. HA! So true. (about the "it will never look this clean or nice again!")

  4. Possibly your most impressive hobby work yet!

  5. Congratulations on the completion of the games room, Tim. It looks superb. Having such a large collection is much easier to justify (if required) when it is so impressively organised.

    1. True! All tidy and organized like this it almost looks impressive instead of batsh!t cRaZy... (it is a little absurd how much I have acquired over the decades...)
      Thanks, Jonathan!

  6. Very envious of that room! Both that you have one for gaming, and that it is so full... All those different color handles would bother me though, unless they are color coded in some way?

    And looking at your April post, you DID exceed the number of Wingspan games we have played in a week. And then you got expansions. ;)

    1. The drawers come in sets of four with a red frame with red, green, blue and yellow or three drawers in the white frames with white handles. The drawers being the same size they've been shifted around and reorganized many times in the previous room - and all about the house. The handles, conveniently, are removable (if you're careful - I have broken a few!) and, at SOME point, once I'm sure the drawers are where I want them to be, I WILL reorganize the handles (because it bugs me too!). I'm just not sure if I should do colours in rows or columns or some sort of pattern... ideas...?

      Yeah, when Amanda gets stuck into a new game it's all she wants to play. I guess we're all a little like that. After 10 games, though, I'm kind of "been there, done that... can we get back to Warhammer Underworlds...?" and she just still wants to play Wingspan!?

    2. It does help that wingspan is pretty quick (particularly two players) and pleasant, since it is basically non-competitive.

      As for handles, you could do either some sort of separation, or in rainbow order... or go nuts and have the handles mean something for organization.

    3. Oh man, I wish there was enough colours to do a rainbow across the room... I'm not sure if blocks of red-yellow-green-blue-white is going to visually "read" as Rainbow... I guess I could give it a try?

    4. a few cans of Krylon fusion and you are on your way... (do they make orange and violet? All I usually see is shades of tan and cream)

    5. HA! Yeah... I'm sure they do! The handles are really soft plastic, though, I don't think any sort of paint would adhere to it all that long!

  7. Awesome! I especially like the bookcases full of books and the many plastic drawers full (or nearly full) of minis. Getting things organized like that is great!

    1. Thanks, FB!

      It is nice to have it tidy and organized... if only the REST of the house could be so!!! Maybe some day.

  8. Congratulations on completing the game room. It looks great and I echo the jealousy of the other posters.

    I've been promised an office/laundry/hobby room in the new house. I'm hoping mine can look as great as yours does.

    I don't think I will paint it purple though.

    1. Thanks!

      Office/laundry/hobby is an interesting combination!? I just hope it's bigger than our laundry/mechanical room - which is more like a laundry/mechanical CLOSET!

      For many years there was an establishment on Broadway Avenue in Saskatoon called the Wash N Slosh - it was a combination Laundromat and Bar!

  9. Awesome games room,very neat shelves Slannesh colour is spot on!
    Best Iain

  10. It looks great. But, perhaps needs a heater or radiator? Wearing heavy jackets says a lot

    1. Ha! Thanks!

      Oh, there's supposed to be a radiator in there... but that's a longer story than I feel like typing this morning. Hopefully it will be reinstalled before next winter

  11. Wow! Very impressive gaming area,Tim. Seeing the first image, I thought it was a high end gaming store. Awesome.

  12. You’ve created a very handsome space! It will be nice and cool in the summer.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! It will be handy this week as we start soaring up to +30°C and above - and just a week ago we had nights below freezing and daytime highs just a few degrees above!?

  13. What a wonderful gaming room Tim! I'm in the midst of building a hobby studio which also masquerades as a garage. I'm casting about for ideas for mass figure storage. What are those plastic drawer units you're using? Where did you sources them from? Right now I'm thinking of Ikea drawer units for under the gaming table, but I'm not wedded to this. Again, looks tremendous - enjoy!

    1. Thanks so much, Curt! The Drawers come in stackable sets of 3 (white) or four (red frame, coloured handles) and I just got them at Real Canadian Superstore. When I first started buying them I think they were $15, but the last time I bought one, I think they were almost $30!? I've stuck with them, though, because... well... they're still available and stack nicely with the others - though, at this point, I don't really think I can fit any more in the room!!
