Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June Games

With the end of May/beginning of June came some easing of the Saskatchewan Public Health Orders - we were now, theoretically, allowed to have TEN PEOPLE over to our house - so long as social distancing was maintained between households!? Despite all that, we did barely ANY game playing - even among ourselves. 

We did have ONE person over. Luckily our new game table is ABSURDLY huge and some measure of social distancing COULD be maintained... We decided to keep the "bubble" small and just had the one friend over, who, like us, doesn't go out much and has very limited contacts and had had his first jab. 

Amanda and I both got our second doses at the end of last week and the kids had their first at the beginning of the month and should be eligible to get their second in a few more weeks. Seems like most restrictions will be lifted mid-July, which, despite the whirlwind roll-put with the vaccines, an alarmingly high percentage of the population is just not getting them - despite being pretty readily available to anyone free of charge!? I don't know... might be keeping our bubble small for the time being. 

Kurtis came over on Friday and we played wingspan. On Friday night we tried out the European expansion. During the first game we realized, part way through, I'd accidentally shuffled all the Oceana birds in with them!? Some had already been played, but we went through the deck and took the rest out. 

Goals for Game one. I was Red, Amanda was Purple, Kurtis was Blue. 

I think I actually won this game. I don't know. I just have fun putting birds in the habitats. 

Played a second game. 

Goals for Game Two. 

I think I won this one too...? But this insane winning streak did not last long... 

On Sunday we tried out the Oceana Expansion. 

I liked it. It was fun. Kurtis won this first game. 

Goals for Game one. I was Yellow this time, Amanda still Purple, Kurtis still blue. 

Game Two. 

Game Two Goals. 

This is also the end of Q2... but maybe I'll leave that until the next post - Q3 Plans.


  1. 10 people!? That's a huge crowd to me even without a pandemic. ha ha

    I got a copy of Wingspan, the base game, but haven't tried it out yet. I expect to give it some solo play one of these days.

    1. Yeah, I don't think we'll be having 10 people over anytime soon, either!

      Kurtis tried the solo version and said it's really hard!

  2. That is a lot of wingspan! I notice that the Oceana version has a different play board (it adds nectar?) but what is new about the European expansion?

    1. Yes, there is a new board for Oceana - as you say, it does add nectar, but also changes the actions available a bit (making some things easier). I like it.

      European Expansion just adds birds. There a new mechanism/colour on some bird cards (end of round actions) and there are new goals.

      Oceana also adds a new colour/mechanism on bird cards (end of game actions) and more goals.

      I think they are all well worth it. It's good fun.
