Monday, July 19, 2021

Back to the Underhive

I got in a game of Necromunda last Wednesday - my friend Orion came over and brought his Enforcers. This was the first miniature game with someone who didn't live here if almost a year. 

All set up and ready to go in the Game Room.

The Crimson Wave Escher Gang set up a Chem-Synth lab to manufacture all sorts of less-than-legal narcotics and the Enforcers of the 69th Precinct decided they should get a cut for "protection". Teh Gang said, "no thanks". So the fine officers of the precinct decided they needed to remind the gangers why they need protection. 

The scenario was basically a smash and grab. The Enforcer were to set up in the lift and the game ended when they left the table - whether through escaping back to the lift or being taken out of action. 

The Enforcer objectives were:

  • Smash the Still (T4, W5)   4VP
  • Barrels/Crates destroyed   1VP
  • Barrels/Crates removed.    2VP
  • Chemist taken out of action (T3, W1, no save)  1VP
  • Chemist Removed   5VP

To "remove" an item, the enforcers had to move into contact with it and spend and action to lift (or handcuff, in the case of the Chemist) and move with it back to the lift. 

The Gang Objectives were:

  • Chemist Recovered 3VP
  • Barrels/Crates Racovered 1VP
  • Enforcers taken out of action 3VP

The Chemist, working at her still. 

She Chemist in not a fighter, unless grabbed and held by an Enforcer,  she would activate to move away from the nearest Enforcer. 

Barrels and crates of highly valuable illicit substances 

Two Juves started on the table, guarding the main entrance to the facility. 

Other Gangers. 

One the first Round it was assumed the Juves would raise the alarm and these gangers could potentially show up on the second round. I said I'd dice for each and on a 4+ they show up. I SHOULD have made it a bit harder... maybe 6 on the 2nd round, 5+ on the 3rd, 4+ on the 4th, etc... OR they arrive on a 4+, but limit the number I could have diced for each turn...? Like, I could dice for a number of gangers equal to the round number...? 

It's been a while since I ran a game and I feel like I'm having ot relearn scenario design all over again. When I set up these scenarios, I like to design it much like I would a role-playing game adventure, that will be definitely challenging - where it might seem a little "touch and go" at times, but will untimately succeed... 


That super didn't work out for this game... 

Enforcers storm out of the lift firing canister after canister of concussion and gas grenades.  a perfectly exectuted tactical deployment. Lord Halmawr would have been proud. 

Debbie and Tiffany were pretty overwhelmed by the ultra-violent onslaught. Debbie managed to sqeeze off a few shots with her stub gun... 

Round two half the gang showed up. Which, I SHOULD have anticipated, having a 50/50 chance with a 4+ roll... Syn Dee and Kat were able to crack off a few long-range shots at the exposed flank of the Enforcers deployment, but it really only served to get their attention... 

Tina enters the Chem Lab. 

Kat and Syn Dee exchanging shots with Enforcers in the distance. 

The Enforcer Strike Team rushes the Juves guarding the front door

Tiffany blasting away with her stub gun was no match for a fully armoured Enforcer Captain with a giant riot shield!  

Donna, the leader of the gang, along with Tina and Sue rush into the Chem Lab to extricate their Chemist and protect their wares. 

More long range fire exchanged with the Sniper, who couldn't hit anyone!? 

Paula sneaking around the flank. 

Enforcers stack up to enter the Chem Lab

Sniper protecting their flank and the extraction point. 

BAM! down went the door of the Chem Lab. 

But the gangers had already arrived.  The captain tried to grab the Chemist, but Mad Donna Maclean rushed in to snatch her back! 

Pat snuck in a side door and shot the Enforcer CAptain in the back of the head. 

Dude should have worn a helmet! 

While Syn Dee and Kat kept the sniper and one of the other Enforcers busy, more Gangers rushed their flank. 

Things went rapidly downhill from there. 

It was a fun game - but I felt back about the scenario design ultimately favouring the Gangers... I should have limited the number that could be diced for each turn, or maybe they only arrive on 6 on Round Two, 5+ on Round Three, 4+ on Round Four, etc... Ah well... Orion took it all in stride, so all was well... Definitely need to play this more. Maybe it's time I cracked all those House Books I've picked up as they came out over the last year and a half (but never even LOOKED IN!?) and start redesigning the gangs and come up with some new campaign...


  1. Man, every time you do a necromunda post I think about how much I love your walls! Such a great background for your games.

    1. Thanks so much! It was super fun making them. It's amazing how a decent paint job on an otherwise flat and boring chunk of MDF into some visually interesting bit of terrain that looks pretty good next to fancier manufactured terrain bits! I actually still have piles of blank ones to graffiti up!
