Thursday, July 22, 2021

Bones V

 The Bones V Kickstarter finally arrived... 

The kids and I spent some time sorting it out this afternoon. 

I was surprised how excited they were - considering neither have shown ANY interest in painting miniatures over the last year or so! 

Even a few months ago, when we finalized our order, there was much disappointment about the things were WEREN'T going to be getting - there WAS just SO MUCH cool stuff in this Kickstarter, but Amanda kind of put her foot down and put a limit on how much could be added.... Which was surprising as they hasn't painted anything all last year, why were they so excited to get more!? 

I guess we need to set up a painting area for the family again soon - BEFORE they lose interest and 

This is my haul. There are actually only seven miniature figurines there (the Yokai... well... and YOGSOTHOTH!) Most of what I got was paints and piles and piles of little terrain bits. 

Played a game of Necromunda yesterday afternoon. Hopefully have that game report up in the next day or two. I'd hoped to play some more Age of Sigmar  thsi week, but... stuff happens... I think Finnegan and I are going to set Tuesdays aside for a weekly game day. 

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