Saturday, July 31, 2021

Necromunda - On the Way to the Fighting Pits

 The Station Chief of Omega Precinct had a lot of money riding on tonight's Pit Fight. Jace Rorgan was facing "Mad" Barney Hotrap. "Mad" Barney was a maniac and Rorgan didn't have a chance, so the odds were pretty long. The Chief had a tip, though. A Rogue Doc that was one of the precinct's informants told the Chief that Hoptrap had a flare up of the old Space Flux and was feeling a bit under-the-weather, as it were. So, the Chief went all-in on Jace Rorgan. Unfortunately, just hours before the match, the Space Flux finally got the better of poor old "Mad" Barney Hoptrap and he passed from this world (and into the Corpse Starch vats)... In his place, Grornq the Butcher stepped in to fight Jace Rorgan - which even increased the odds. If Rorgan came out on top, The Chief would be rich enough to retire!? But there was ZERO chance of Rorgan besting The Butcher. So the Chief tasked his Captain with shifting the odds in his favour a bit...

In this scenario I was playing Grornq the Butcher - Ogryn Pit Fighter, his manager, Flansz Ronne, and a hive-scum hired gun, Two-Gun Connor. Basically a moving objective marker that activated in the End Phase. 

Orion was playing the enforcers. They got one VP for each wound and Flesh Wound dealt to the Ogryn - the weaker he is going into the match, the better. But KILLING the Ogryn would do no good either, so if the Ogryn was taken out of action, they would automatically lose. A tough one, for sure... 

The local Escher gang also had a lot riding on tonight's fight, but they were betting on Grornq the Butcher... They were played by Orion's boyfriend Nic, who came by to try out the game. They were there to make sure the Ogryn got to his fight on time and in one piece. They were also sore at the enforcers for trying to wreck their Synth Still from a couple weeks back. the Escher Gang scored on VP for each Enforcer taken out of action. 

Flansz Ronne, Pit Fight Manager, Grornq the Botcher, and Two-Gun Connor - on their way to the Fighting Pits. 

Escher Ganger and a couple of Juves... just hanging out, minding their own business, smoking some lho-sticks. 

More Escher Gangers, keeping an eye on things. 

O-344 "Rose" and 0-207 

As the Cops moved out, the Escher Gangers did their best to keep them pinned down... but pinning was about all they could do against the hard armoured enforcers. 

End of Round one - Grornq and his entourage move up. Noting to be concerned about here - just a little tussle between the Enforcers and some Gangers... 

Escher ganger sneaking around the flank, keeping the Enforcers pinned from all angles. 

Eventually, O-344 "Rose" got into position and started cranking concussion rounds into the Escher gangs positions and suppressed the fire that was pinning her fellow enforcers. 

Two-Gun Connor ran ahead of his patron and announced their presence "DON'T SHOOT! WE'RE JUST ON OUR WAY TO THE FIGHTING POTS!" Thinking that ought to do it, the trio carried on... 

The first sign something was amiss was when the first concussion round hit the Ogryn square in the face, violently knocking it, Two-Gun Connor and the pair of Escher Juves to the ground! 

Kat H. - the Escher Gang champion - charged in to clear the way. 

Connor and the Ogryn up and moving again. 

And the Ogryn is down again. Darn those concussion rounds!? 

At this point it became clear that the Enforcers were out to get them, and Two-Gun started blasting away at the Enforcers... Unfortunately, still a little dazed from the concussion rounds, he instead blasted Kat with his bolt rounds! 

Charging into combat with the Captain, hoping to create a distraction for the Ogryn to get through. 

Niner took down Two-Gun Connor, and went a couple rounds with the Ogryn... 

One of Rose's Concussion rounds took out the Ogryn's Manager, though! 

After the loss of Kat and Syn Dee, the Escher Gang bottled out and slowly started melting away from the battle. The Juves were the first to scram (none could blame them - BOTH had sustained serious injuries and recovered with Flesh Wounds - one had done so TWICE and was reduced to one toughness!). A Ganger left the following turn, ealving only one of the Escher gangers in the fight. 

And they managed to keep the Enforcers busy... 

While the Ogryn got away. 

In the end the Ogryn sustained two wounds... and the Enforcers lost two of their own in the battle... so... a draw. 


  1. Your Necromundia games sound a load of fun and always look temptingly ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I like the idea of running it more like a role-playing game - where there is stuff to do other than just annihilate the other guys...

  2. I always like your modular wall pieces you used in this. Are the ruined sections new, or did I miss them (or forget them?)? In any event, they look great, look quick to set up, and very versatile, too.

    1. No, there's nothing really new here. The ruined sections were made over a year ago - to match sections of the board that had ruined wall bits. I'd like to make more, but just haven't gotten to it.
