Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Kill Team Reorg!


Well... I was trying to not get sucked in by the HYPE-TRAIN, but I failed and an completely excited about the new Kill Team. Having read all the articles and reviews and watched the how-to-play videos I couldn't help get totally fired up. This new Kill Team looks like... well... everything I'd HOPED the previous version would be!

While the previous version WAS infinitely better than Shadow War: Armageddon and a step in the right direction away from the you-go-i-go of regular 40K... it was still a bit clunky and had a lot of problems and was a HUGE disappointment. I had hoped it would have been like the current Necromunda rules (which had been released a year or two before?)  with individual, alternating activation with action points. 

I debated for a long time about whether to just pick up the core box of just get the books... Ultimately I went ALL-IN and asked the guys at Dragons Den Games to get me the box... because... DEATH KORPS OF KREIG!? (and all that terrain - which I thought might equally find use in Necromunda - which I've started playing again as well!) 

A lot of the information from the Compendium has been posted online Like, there's a site that literally posted pictures of just about every freaking page of the book!? I'm still buying it, but it was nice to see the org charts to get things ready to hit the ground running when the game drops in just under two weeks. 

Along with reorganizing Kill Teams, I actually took some time to reorganize my workbench. 

Now, if you’ve seen pictures of my workbench before, this might come as a bit of a shock - I completely cleared it off! Normally there are hundreds of half-painted miniatures on it and… it was getting a bit overwhelming, even for me, who has worked like that for decades… I decided, going forward, I’m going to try to have just ONE project on the workbench at a time - ideally a unit of 5-12 models that I can complete in a few days to a week (We’ll se how long that lasts). I had to do a bit of a triage to decide what really is a priority and stuff that I will be working on were put in clear plastic boxes stacked nearby and rest were put into deep storage away in the basement (where I always fear they will be utterly forgotten).

So of course the first batch of miniatures I put back on the workbench.. 50+ miniatures for a massive Kill Team reorganization! To be fair, only about five of them are actually being PAINTED - the rest have just been rebased or need a touch up, or are just there because they’re part of the Kill Team so I could reference them while painting the new ones and I just wanted to keep them all together.

In this lot are Kill Teams of Tallarn, Valhallan, Necromundan Imperial Guard Kill Teams, a Fire Team of  Armageddon Steel Legion (HALF of a Kill Team) and a Harlequin Kill Team. (Need to track down a handful more Steel Legion to fill out a full Kill Team!) 

With the morale rules out the window, it looks like Imperial Guard might be a viable, fun to play Kill Team once again. In the previous version, if you took actual Imperial Guard. You'd have a HUGE Kill Team - but, on the first turn, your opponent would kill five of them, the Kill Team would break and that was the game. The only viable way to play Imperial Guard seemed to be take Tempestus Scions and spam Plasma guns... lame... 

I will have a PILE of other Kill Teams I can play with - Daemons, Craftworld Aeldari, Drukhari, Ecclisiarchy, Forge Worlds, Adeptus Astartes, Traitor Legions... probably more I can't think of off the top of my head... but I thought I'd start with preparing the Imperial Guard as that's what I'm most excited about.

These are the "On Deck" boxes of stuff I've decided are priority items to be worked on in the coming weeks and months... Teh plan is to focus on Warhammer Underworlds warbands, Necromunda gangs, Kill Teams, and assorted Warhammer Quest adventurers and adversaries - as these are the games I'm hoping to play most through the fall and winter. I have a feeling a few more boxes may be added when Kill Team comes out - for the models that get released with the box (Ork Kommandoes and Death Korps of Kreig), but also I have a feeling more 40K forces will need some reorganization to be added to the forces available to play! 

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