Thursday, August 26, 2021

Necromunda - Sump Croc Hunt!

 I picked up Necromunda: House of Shadow (House Delaque) book a few weeks back, when it came out.. So I figured I better get the gang out for our next game. Orion had suggested we try the Khymerix Hunt scenario from House of Blades (the House Escher book). Neither of us had a Khymerix... but Orion had a Sump Croc - so that seemed a suitable replacement. We used the scenario, as is, and even used the Khymerix stats. 

One of the Guilds put up a bounty for a Sump Croc that was on the loose and causing a lot of trouble in their area of the underhive. It was a BIG bounty so lots of gangs went out looking for it - and also a few enforcers looking to make some extra cash... 

Enforcers from the Omega Precinct. 

One-Eyed Red Snakes - House Delaque gang. 

Now, where's that Sump Croc...? 

Oh. there it is! 

Neo65145, on of the Delaque Juves, opened a door to find Enforcers sneaking up on the other side! Artifex, the Gang Leader, and Conflatura opened up with Bolter and Melta. I can't remember who hit, but the copper went down, and the Sump Croc, smelling the blood, burst up through the floor swallowing the downed enforcer whole!

Then it proceeses to attack the enforcers teammate who had been standing right behind him. Somehow she survived the Crocs initial snaps at her and let loose with a burst of quickly snapped off shots from her stub gun.

The croc, when hit, could make an initiative check and, if passed, would only take one damage from the attack and scarper back "into the Shadows"... or, i guess, in the Sump Crocs case, back into the sewers below! 

Terrified Enforcer, hearing the death screams of their commrade, frozen in terror... 

The other team of Enforcers pauses, hearing the confrontation beyond steel blast doors... 

Before they even heard the call of "Enforcer Down!", the captain was already shouting; "It must be over there, MOVE!" 

Quiet descends on the Underhive for the briefest of moments when the Croc dropped back into the sewer. Then both forces remembered the others were there and bullets and energy bolts began to fly.  

A concussion grenade shattered the skull of another Juve and up came the Croc to feed again!

Before it scarpered again, it shredded another Delaque Ganger. Artifex, so horrified by the grizzly demise of his ganger, completely lost his shit (failed Cool Check and was Broken... and could not pass a Cool Check for the rest of the damned game to recover... so he crawled behind some barrels and cried and muttered to himself while listening to the rest of his gang die...)

Dazed by the concussion grenade and shaken by the violent and bloody dismembering of his commerade, Conflatura just couldn't bring his meltagun to bear quick enough. The Croc dissapeared into the sewers - only to pop up instantly again when another gangers arm was redused to a bloody mess by a frag grenade the Enforcers fired at them. After biting the downed ganger in half, it snatched Conflatura and dragged them both down into the sewers as more fire came its way... 

Only a moment later, the Croc reappeared when ANOTHER Juve was beaten savagely by the Enforcer Captain. 

Shot gun blasts and bolter rounds poured in from both sides. severely injuring the beast. 

It fled, regenerated, and came back again for another snack when another enforcer charged in a shot a Delaque Ganger at point blank range. 

The Enforcer was chomped upon by the Croc... 

And then it turned it's attention to another Delaqu Ganger that had gotten its attention by pumpin gmore shot gun rounds into it! She did not survive long... 

Shortly after that, one of the Enforcers finally took it down, securing for themselves the reward from the Guilders. 

Another fun game of Necromunda! I have a feeling we'll be switching to KILL TEAM next week, though! At least for a bit... then, hopefully, maybe alternating between the two...? 

We shall see... 


  1. Cool game! I am sure you alternated between rooting for the croc and wishing it would just die already...

    It seems like this specific scenario would be a bit harder to play on multilevel terrain? Like a lot of people I think of "necromunda" as being layers of platforms (although your block walls are changing my viewpoint!)

    1. HA! thanks! Yeah O felt kind of bad when it showed up on the FIRST TURN and ate one of his dudes... I didn't realize how easily it was spooked and could just leave and show up somewhere else. I felt less bad when it ate 90% of MY gang!? I also didn't realize how HARD it was to KILL. I started feeling bad when it ate his guy... then realized - sitting over in HIS area, he's going to have more people that can attack it, and thus get the KILL and win the game... When it showed up in my area and rampaged through my gang it became a little more clear how it was just not going to roll over and die!

      Yeah, I know of people who thing that is the ONLY way to play Necromunda... and I just don't get it, myself. so fiddly trying to maneuver figures over 3-D terrain and precariously perching them on stuff they can fall off of... and break... and to facilitate the movement said figures, there are no walls of cover to speak of... It's bad enough what some people try to do in two dimensions... I'll take some nice thick plasteel walls blocking up line of sight any day, thanks.

      I do have some terrain to finish painting - for Kill Team, but also useable for Necromunda - which I'll probably end up using at some point and have people falling off of...

    2. Shooting someone off of a platform so that they fall to their death is half the fun isn't it?
