Monday, August 9, 2021

RPGaDay 2021 - Day Nine


A Day late and a dollar short… 

Once again it is over a week into August when I remembered “Oh, yeah… RPGaDay!?” 


One of my favourite characters I can remember was in John Burt’s short-lived GURPS modern supernatural game. WE were all part of a private investigation agency and… there was supernatural stuff in the world… and some of US had supernatural abilities. My character was, essentially a MEDIUM of sorts… Well… He could see dead people and talk to them - but had no control over it - restless spirits just sort of visited him and he was terrified of them, but it helped solve a LOT of cases! 

One of the things that was great about making the character for this game was that it came from a concept - which I presented to John and said “this is what I’d like to play, I have no idea how to do it in the rules” and we just made shit up. 

I guess also falling under "Medium" could be the medium I prefer for role-playing games, and that would be printed hardcopies (over, say, PDFs or other digital versions).


As a teen I LOVED games with Percentile dice and skills. Call of Cthulhu, WFRP, and Revised Recon are a few that instantly come to mine. Now I just can’t stand them. 


  1. Good to see you join the fray. Perhaps it's Year Two of COVID, global warming, or a heavy workload, but this year is full of uninspiring words (or half-finished posts on my part). Pick your battles and it's far more enjoyable.

    1. Thanks, Eric! It was actually YOUR blog that reminded me - as it does every year! I just happened to be thinking the other day; "Jeez, I haven't checked out Gaming with the Gnomies in, like, FOVEVER! Wonder what the Viscount's been up to?"

    2. Thank you Tim! I should be in the nice cool basement painting more Gnomish Space Marine, OGRE Minis, and a few 15mm figs I acquired, but between RPGaDay and work, I'm locked in my home office, with many fans... and many cats.

    3. We've had one of the hottest summers on record and it's sucked. It FINALLY rained last night and is feeling a bit cooler today! Hope some cooler winds blow your way!

    4. I think this is the first day in over a month I haven't had to change my shirt part way through the day because it was just drenched in sweat! Sometimes I had to do it a few times!

      Maybe I should have taken Amanda's approach and just never drink water... but then she complains about headaches all day long...
