Wednesday, August 11, 2021

RPGaDay 2021 - Day Twelve


Let's go with CONSENSUS 

Some of the best role-playing experiences have been when a party can’t form a consensus on something and passionately debates or argues, IN CHARACTER - especially when the players know it’s really a bad idea, but their character doesn’t (or the character has some sort of “stubborn” disadvantage and is just playing that out!). 

Whenever this happens I just sit back and smile and think; “THIS is what I’m here for!”

Some of the worst role-playing experiences have been when a party (or, rather, PLAYERS) disagrees on something and argue about it, but it makes no sense for their character to do so in the game setting… 

Fortunately, the former is far more common with the gaming groups I’ve played with recently. The latter was much more common when I played as a teen. 

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