Sunday, August 22, 2021

RPGaDay 2021 - Day Twenty-Two


All I can really think of is the used of proxies in miniatures games. For the record, I'm just not interested in using proxies. I try to keep things as WYSIWYG as possible. I guess you could say I WILL ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. 

I love using miniatures in my role-playing games. For ME it helps a lot with immersion into the game. Nothing kills that for me more than putting on miniature on the tables and saying it is something completely different. (This knight in full-plate armour, one handing a great sword with a giant shield with the coat of arms of an important noble house of the real… yeah, that’s my Halfling thief with a sling and a dagger and a codpiece and NOTHING ELSE!?) Honestly, I’d rather someone use a meeple or some other featureless token. 

I’m not saying this to be a gate-keeper, or sound elitist or a snob. I do not care at all what other people do. I have used other tokens and am fine with that. But if I’m going to use a miniature in my game, I’d like to use an appropriate one. 

At this point, I have over 12000 painted 28mm foot figures organized into those drawers in my game room (each drawer has the capacity for about 100 28mm foot on the bases I use, do the math - No, they're not ALL completely full, and yes, I do have cavalry and they take up more space, and yes, there ARE a LOT of unpainted miniatures in those drawers - that I WILL NOT use n games until they ARE painted). If I have them, I’d really like to make USE of them.

One substitution I WILL make is, if a published adventure calls for one type of foe and I don’t have miniatures for them, I‘ll usually have something similar that I could use I will SUBSTITUTE a different antagonist into the story. If the adventure calls for Kobolds and I don’t have those… but I do have LOADS of painted Goblins - that tribe of Kobolds will simply become a tribe of Goblins. In a Wrath & Glory game the characters were to encounter a Plaguebearer of Nurlge. I don’t have any Plaguebearers… but I DO have loads of Daemonettes of Slaanesh and Bloodletters of Khorne… so that’s what they faced… (I don’t remember which, I think it might have been the Blootletter). 

For what it’s worth, I also will not play with, or against, unpainted miniatures or terrain. When I have SO MUCH STUFF that IS FULLY PAINTED Why would I play with unfinished stuff - just change the scenario to incorporate on of the THOUSANDS of miniatures I DO have available. 

As I said, this is what I do in my house, at my game table. I do not care what other people to and do not judge you for it, I am KEENLY aware of extremely fortunate I am to I have access so many painted minis. It has taken a LONG time (4 decades of collecting and painting!) to get to this place. It's been a lot of work. Why would I do all that work to have an unpainted mini on the table - when there are 12000 painted ones within reach that could be used.. 


  1. Really impressive and well organised game room... mine... not so much.

    1. Ha! Thanks! It's not always been this organized! The rest of the house certainly isn't!
