Thursday, September 30, 2021

September Games

In previous years I've done a Game-a-Day challenge... This year.... not-so-much this year. 

Still.... Games were played. 

I can't complain. 

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Kicking things off, I played a quick game of the new Kill Team with Orion. 

You can read the full report and see more pics here:

Kill Team - Game Two

Friday, 3 September 2021

Friday evening Amanda and I planed Century Golem Edition: Endless World. 

She won. By lots. 

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Originally I was supposed to run Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera... but then some Ikea furniture arrived on Friday (which was supposed to have arrived a week earlier) and Amanda was FREAKING OUT about it getting assembled.... so I assembled that instead of preparing the game... 

In the end a couple of the guys just showed up to chat for a bit... talk about our respective kids first days back at school and what a crazy sh!t-show the Covid situation has been in our respective provinces.... 

Thursday,  9 September 2021

Another Game of Kill Team - starting off our campaign. You can read the full report and see all the pictures here:

Kill Team - Welcome (Back) to the Jungle

Friday, 10 September 2021

Friday evening we had a few friends over to play Sidereal Confluence. The last time we played had been nearly a year ago (13 September 2021). We had placed with almost the exact same group - Brent Kurtis, Amanda, Finnegan and myself. Rob was the new edition - a fellow I met in high school and knew through Youth Parliament and then later served with in the Canadian Forces. I kind of lost track of him for a couple decades - but reconnected through Facebook a few years back and just happened to run into him earlier in the week while I was out for a ride and he was out walking his dogs and we got to chatting and I invited him to join us! 

It's a fun game with a LOT of moving parts - mostly a trading/engine-building game... I guess... I like it, but it's a little overwhelming at times - with six people all trying to trade stuff and get the things that they need - which others are also trying to get...  I also feel like we need to play it a little more often than once a year to really GET IT!? All the different species have their advantages and things they do and recourses the produce... but they all lack... other things... 

This is the largest game I've played in... well... a long time! Probably since the beginning of the Pandemic! I was a bit anxious about getting people together with the covid numbers on the rise again - this week smashing all previous records for new infections and hospitalizations - but this time with NO Public Health Order in place!? Everyone here is fully-vaccinated and have pretty tight bubbles, so... 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Initially I was supposed to run Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera this evening... AGAIN?! but once again... life happened... so instead Amanda and I decided to play Terraforming Mars.

I played the Mining Guild with Smelting Plant and Dome Farming from the Prelude expansion. I took the Builder Milestone and Landlord, Miner and Thermalist Awards! Probably the best game I ever played... I can't say it was all me being brilliant - I was exceptionally lucky in my card draws - pulling a lot of things that really worked together... sometimes... (Most of the time) I just draw crap and can't get ANYTHING working together... but this time it totally worked out. 

Amanda played Inventrix with Business Empire and Early Settlement and took Mayor and Planner Awards. The game went 13 Turns. This was the 38th game I've played - of Terraforming Mars. 

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Finnegan and I played another game of Kill Team - furthering the narrative of our little campaign. 

This time the Ebony Vipers Genestealer Cult faced Maesenir's Rangers. a full report of the game and loads more pictures can be found on a separate report:

Aeldari Ambush

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Amanda, Keiran and I played two quick games of Retro Loonacy in the evening. 

I think Keiran had had a rough day at school and needed some cheering up... 

Thursday, 16  September 2021

Orion came by to play Kill Team. We played a game involving Maesenir's Rangers and some very nasty Space Wolf Primaris Intercessors were looking for an ancient relic amidst the ruins of an Inquisitor's lander. 

The initial game I had set up went so quickly, we actually had time to play a second! 

Friday, 17  September 2021

Rob came by again this Friday and Amanda and I introduced him to Terraforming Mars. 

Rob did pretty good for his first game - especially considering he hasn't done much board gaming at all (save Risk)! He took Robinson Industries with the Mohole and Mohole Excavation from Prelude and pretty much single-handedly raised the temperature on Mars... He also cleaned up on the Cities and Greenery - AND took the Planner and Gardener milestones! 

We totally covered the planet with Greenery and cities! I was red, Rob was blue, and Amanda was green. 

At the end of the game Amanda was leading with the Terraforming Rating (with 46), Rob had 31 and I had 32!? 

Even after counting Greenery and Cities (which I didn't do TOO bad on) I was trailing - then we started counting points on cards and I scored an astounding 46 points from cards alone - rocketing me into first place!? 8 of that was from Pets - which I managed to get out in the first turn before 16 of the 17 cities were built! I got another 8 from a card that scored one per Jovian tag... That's two games in a row I've won!? 

I did get insanely lucky with a few of the card draws. I got research station with my initial cards (Every Card cost one less to put into play) and Space Station as one of the Space Tag Cards I drew along with Acquired Space Agency (every Space card I put into play cost two less) and then in the second or third turn I drew Earth Catapult (Every Card cost TWO less!?) - so all cards cost me 3 less than their printed value - except space cards which were five less... OH, AND I got Advanced Alloys which made all the steel and Titanium I produced worth one more (Steel = 3 MC, Titanium = 4 MC)! so I was able to put a LOT of cards into play. Amanda and Rob kind of dragged getting the last few oceans out - extending the game a few rounds longer than it could have -mostly so they could get more cities and greenery.... but every turn they did that I just kept putting more and more cards into play - I was also drawing extra cards per turn with AI Central... and I'd just put ANYTHING into play that had points on it - and those points all REALLY ADDED UP!? 

Saturday, 18 September 2021

I FINALLY got to run Last Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera... Well... STARTED to run it, at least. We got as far as discovering the entrance to the Lost Tomb.... and had to call it a night. It was fun, though. It has been a LONG time since I've played Savage Worlds. I forgot how fun and simple it is. 

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Sunday evening, Amanda, Keiran and I played Viticulture... Originally Finnegan had said he'd play, but as he often does these days, decides he'd rather just watch videos on YouTube in his room... or whatever... 

Amanda just destroyed us - scoring 24, when Keiran and I couldn't even make it to 20... One thing I was pretty excited about was the fact that I actually had all three fields planted - which I almost NEVER do... I usually sell one at the beginning of the game to make money for building infrastructure and I don't know... I find that it's rare that I ever harvest all three in a year, so... why would I ever bother planting all three!? 

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

After school, Keiran and I sat down to play a few quick games of Kindomino, as they'd been suggesting it for some time and somehow it just hadn't happened... There was nothing specific planned for the evening. Amanada would be out for hours, Finnegan was monopolizing the computer working on his school-like-stuff... 

I won the first game and then - because a 2-player game uses exactly half the tiles, we just used the ones we hadn't used in the first game for the second. Keira won that one. 

Then I got the idea of curating the tiles we used. Like, "all odd ones" or "all even ones or" or "all the highest numbered ones".  The latter sounded fun, but I worried it might now work out with NO double ones - it might be insanely hard to out things together... So we did tiles 1-6 and 30-48... a mix of the highest numbered tiles and the lowest... 

Keiran won that one by PILES - like, 75 points, or something!?) 

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Quick game of Retro Loonacy before bed. 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Thursday Orion came over for another game of Kill Team and we started off a new campaign... 

Details and move pictures can be found here:

Kill Team - a NEW New Kill Team Campaign

Friday, 24 September 2021

And Friday evening, Finnegan and I continued our Kill Team campaign on Xoxigar Tertium.

That Game Report can be found here:

Kill Team - Destroy the Ruins

Saturday, 25 September 2021

We WERE to finish off Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera... but life got in the way again and few were available so we decided to wait until next week/month to finish up the game. I'd really hoped to get started again on Wrath & Glory in October... I guess I still can... it'll just be LATER in October. 

Thursday, 30 September 2021

The very first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

In the evening, Amanda and I played a game of Azul. 

And that's September. 

I'm working on Game Plan 2021-Q4, which I'll probably be posting later this evening...


  1. As always a month packed with gaming. We have been playing Azul (another library item) and it has been fun, although the kids need a bit of help with point tallying.

    Amanda's sweatshirt is awesome.

    1. We both got one of those hoodies... Now we're one of those couples that match!?

      Azul is certainly fun and quick. I'm not sure I LOVE it enough to buy any of the myriad of expansions there are out for it now!?
