Monday, November 29, 2021

Stocktaking 2021 - Warcry Warbands - Part One - Sentinels of Order

This turned out to be a bigger task than I initially imagined.... so I'll be splitting these posts up. The Warcry warbands we be organized into three posts Sentinels of Order, Agents of Chaos and one combining Death and Destruction 

This is going to be a bit different from the previous stocktaking post, as Warhammer Underworlds factions are bought as a single unit with no option (for miniatures... there are LOADS of options when deck-building) and are generally all painted together, at once. So, I either own what I need to play that faction or I don't own anything. They are either all painted and ready to go, or they aren't and all need painting. 

Warcry, and any of the other games I'll be doing this stock-taking for, are completely different - the units or warbands or forces for each faction have been cobbled together - often from different sources, sometimes different manufacturers - some will be completely painted, others just will have some that are finished and others that still need to be painted, and some forces might still need miniatures that I don't currently own to even be fieldable forces.

Sure, there ARE boxed warbands that one can buy and you would have a complete warband, ready to play (once assembled and painted)... but that is totally not what I've done here. 

Some of these forces are made up of Warhammer Underworlds warbands that I have multiple different warbands from the same faction that can be cobbled together to form a Warcry Warband. Others make use of Elements of Age of Sigmar armies I've been putting together. And others are made up of OLD, often metal, miniatures that were originally used (or intended for) Warhammer Fantasy Battle (or... Role-Play) or Mordiem. 

When a Warhammer Underworlds warband makes up the core of a Warcry Warband, I've just used the names from the Warhammer Underworlds warbands for the time being - to help identify the miniatures... Should they be used in a Warcry campaign, that would likely change... OR we could say this IS a warband made up of all these characters, out adventuring together BEFORE they got sucked into Shadespire or Beastgrave and the Catophrane Curse... 

A Warcry Warband is made up of 3 (minimum) to 15 (maximum!) models and must include one Leader. Depending on the style of play (open, narrative, matched) it can usually include an ally or hero - sometimes more. An ally is a model NOT from the exact same faction as the warband, but from the same Grand Alliance that has either the Ally or Leader runemark (though they cannot BE the leader of the warband). A Hero is basically a second leader model - one from the same faction as the warband, that does have the leader runemark, but ISN'T the leader... There are Monsters and Thralls for each Grand Alliance that are generally available to any warband in the Allaince... but I don't think I have any of those.. 

Cities of Sigmar

Cities of Sigmar is a HUGE faction - made up of all the peoples that scurried off into Azyr before the fall of the Mortal Realms to Chaos and are now populating the new cities established in the wake of the Stormcast's war of genocide... and is made up of all your old Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures... mostly... There are Sort Of Wood Elves and Sort Of High Elves, and Sort Of Dark Elves, and Sort Of Dwarves, and Sort Of Empire troops... I figure I can throw a few warbands together, easily enough... and I've kept them in homogenous racial groupings... but you really could just mix them all up (according to the rules...). 

Humans of Ghur

Amazingly, these are ALL old Citadel miniatures... mostly viking-types, a mix of historical and slightly-less-so... some are so old, they are pre-slotta Citadel minis! The wwarband is lead by the Erekose model from the Eternal Champions box. 

I thought these might work as a warband from the Realm of Ghur, the realm of BEASTS, where every thing is a bit more savage and a little less civilized... Warrish Viking Raiders, lead by a dude in full plate and a bear head on his helmet seemed like they might fit the bill... The ones with axe and shield I would count as freeguilders with sword and shield (really, it's just a HAND WEAPON and shield...) the two that are weilding axes two-handed with no shield I would count as Freeguild Greatsword (Two-Hand-Weapon) There is one with a Spear I'd count at Freeguild with Spear (but could just as easily count as handweapon and shield) and the archer...? Freeguild Crossbow...?


  • Freeguild General - 180 points - Leader
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with [Hand Weapon] and Shield - 80 points
  • Freeguild Guard with Spear - 65 points
  • Freeguild [Two Hand Weapon] - 95 points
  • Freeguild [Two Hand Weapon] - 95 points
  • Freeguild [Crossbow] - 80 points

Total: 1075

More than I actually NEED I guess I could drop one of the Hand Weapon and Shield guys or the archer. 

Also have this Amber Battlemge - Amber being the Realmstone of Ghur, this guy would fit right in - could easily be substituted for the Freeguild General. And one more fighter with Hand Weapon and Shield I should paint up.. I don't NEED him... but it's the last one of this batch and I might as well get them finished. 

If I could find a suitable apprentice, I feel like this could also work as a Frostrgrave Warband!


The non-Kharadron/non-Fyreslayer Duardin that ran off and his in Azyr during the Age of Chaos... 

I have loads of old Thunderers (count as "Irondrakes") and Longbeards. Initially I was thinking I'd have to track down an old metal Dwarf Lord to count as a Warden King... 

But then I was looking at this extras - unpainted and not-sure-what-to-do-with minis... and noted the old citadel Dwarf Wizard (fro before they decided that Dwaves have no wizards) and realized I could call it a Battlemage! Why not?! There doesn't seem to be any limitations on what Cities of Sigmar forces can be in a Warband... I could have Duardin Cogsmith leading a band of Shadow Aelves if I wanted...!? 

So I end up with... 

  • Battlemage - 175 points - Leader 
  • Long Beard with Ancestral Weapon and Gromril Shield - 115
  • Long Beard with Ancestral Weapon and Gromril Shield - 115
  • Long Beard with Great Axe - 105
  • Long Beard with Great Axe - 105
  • Irondrake - 95 Points
  • Irondrake - 95 Points
  • Irondrake - 95 Points
  • Irondrake - 95 Points

Total: 995 points

Still might look for a Metal Dwarf Lord to lead them someday... But for now, these are fieldable and therefore DONE as they need to be! 

Dark Aelves 

Is that what they are called now? Darkling Coven? I'm never sure which are which anymore... I do have a handful of old Dark Elves that do have some sort of version existing in the Mortal Realms

First, I have a PILE of these old plastic Dark Elves - from the very first Warhammer plastic Fantasy miniatures! - They could be used as Dark Shards. I could paint one up with gold trim to be a Guardmaster (leader) and then eleven more to fill out a warband... 

  • Guardmaster - 130 points - Leader 
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points
  • Darkshard - 75 points

Total: 955 Points 

MORE Dark Aelves

I also have a handful of METAL Dark Aelves...  Two are definitely Black Guard. The two painted ones could be Bleakswords. Maybe the others could be Black Ark Corsairs...? 

I have an old Wood Elf wizard that I could repaint in darker colours to pass off as a Sorceress to lead them... but that still leaves them a little short 
  • Sorceress - 175 points -  Leader 
  • Black Guard - 105 points
  • Black Guard - 105 points
  • Bleaksword - 80 points
  • Bleaksword - 80 points
  • Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Repeater Handbow - 80 points
  • Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Repeater Handbow - 80 points
  • Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Wicked Cutlass - 65 points
  • Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Wicked Cutlass - 65 points

Total: 835 points

Need to come up with a few more... 

Other Aelves

I have a wild mix of old Wood Elves and High Elves... some of which can be passed off as one of the current troop types... others... might require some more creative thinking...? I couldn't be bothered to go through them all... 

Daughters of Khaine

I have a whole Daughter's of Khaine army... so... surely I can put together a Warcry Warband... Probably a half-dozen or so... mind you... most of it still isn't painted. Most of it is assembled and primed. I have three in mind that I'd like to build, at some point 

Warband #1

One that's based around Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven - the Warhammer underworlds warband. They are already done... and have some variety in the warband. I just need to finish painting up a few more to complete the warband. 

  • Morgwaeth - Hag Queen - 140 points - Leader
  • Kyrae - Blood Stalker - 165 points
  • Khamyss - Sister of Slaughter with Barbed Whip and Bladed Bukler - 75 points
  • Kyrssa - Witch Aelf with Sacrificial Knives - 65 points
  • Lethyr - Witch Aelf with Sacrificial Knives - 65 points
  • Unnamed - Gorgai - 245 points - Hero
  • Unnamed - Blood Stalker - 165 points

Total: 920

(enough points for one more Sister of Slaughter or Witch Aelf...)

Warband #2

Using some of the other stuff I already have - this would be based around a Melusai Ironscale and mostly have Scathcoven warriors 

Melusai Ironscale - 275 points - leader

Blood Stalker - 165 points

Blood Stalker - 165 points

Blood Sister - 165 points

Blood Sister - 165 points

Total: 935

(again, enough for one more Witch Aelf with Sacrificial Knives) 

Warband #3

This would be based around some OLD metal Witch Aelves I have.. 

I would need to source a few more to complete the warband... therefore, it will be a long time coming... 

Khainite Shadowstalkers

The Khainite Shadowstalkers art of the Daughters of Khaine Faction, but a separate group in Warcry. 

I don't have any. 

I'm listing it here, though, because they do LOOK super cool... The Warband is made up of nine warriors available in a single box set for $65CAD. They are a useable unit in a Daughters of Khaine Age of Sigmar Army. They are also a playable (and really interesting) Archeteype in Soulbound (the Age of Sigmar Role-playing Game).... 

So... Maybe someday... 

Idonenth Deepkin

I really like the look of (and fluff around) Idoneth Deepkin... 

And i do have Elathain’s Soulraid... but only two of those models are fieldable as part of a Warcry Warband... I'd need to buy stuff to complete it as a Warcry Warband... so, unless this became the ONLY game anyone around here wanted to play... I doubt this will happen any time soon (or ever!) 

Kharadron Overlords

I do have Thundrik's Profiteers Warhammer Underworlds Warband.... and there is Dagni Holdenstock from Cursed City...? Maybe I could pass him off as an Admiral (he has shooty thing and a choppy thing... like the Admiral has...?) 

Currently the Warband looks like: 

  • Dagni Holdenstock - Arkanaut Admiral - 190 points - Leader
  • Bjorgen Thundrik - Aether-Khemist - 125 points - Hero
  • Endrik Ironhail - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Aethermatic Volley Gun - 105 points
  • Khazgan Drakkskewer - Skywarden with Vulcaniser Pistol & Skypike - 200 points
  • Dead-Eye Lund - Grundstock Thunderer with Aethershot Rifle - 115 points
  • Garodd Alensen - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol & Arkanaut Cutter - 65 points

Total: 800 Points

Not QUITE a full warband... need 200 more points... that's, like ONE Skywarden... Maybe I could find one somewhere that costs less than buying a full box of three (for $55CAD!?)

Lumineth Realm-Lords

I do have Myari's Purifiers from the Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm box. I thought it might be a solid core for a Lumineth Realmlords box...

  • Myari Lightcaller - Alarith Stonemage - 190 points
  • Bahannar - Alarith Stoneguard with Stone Mallet - 105 points
  • Ailenn - Vanari Bladelord - 95 points
  • Senaela - Vanari Auralan Sentinel - 80 points

Total: 480 points

I'd need a box of... something to fill this out... Sentinels, Wardens, Bladelords, or Stoneguard... they're all about $70... of ten for the SEntinels or Wardens, five for teh Bladelords or Stoneguard. 

Not a HUGE priority... 





I mean, I would like to pick up the Starblood Stalkers... but that's ONE Warhammer Underworlds Warband and, as can be seen with all the others, they do NOT make up one Warcry warbad on their own. 


I have two different Warhammer Underworlds Warbands plus a few plastic Dryads (which are DONE!)... I thought: Surely I can cobble SOMETHING together from these!? The problem is, some of them don't LOOK at all like the OTHER Sylvaneth of their type and/or are armed with stuff that they can't be in Warcry... 

Skaeth's Wild Hunt, from Warhammer Underworlds (that i have), are supposed to be Kurnoth Hunters... The regular Kurnoth Hunters look like walking trees - like most Sylvaneth - and tend to be on the HUGE side! but Skeath's Wild Hunt look like slight, little elf-satyr-things and a centaur!? 

Ylthari's Guardians are Tree-revenants, which look like the regular Tree-Revenants... but one is armed with a bow - not a thing that Tree-Revenants are normally armed with?! Ylthari, herself, is a "Thornwych"... Not a thing in Warcry... But, I guess I can pass off as a Branchwych...? 

I DO have a few older Dryads... They're still a thing... 

Useable stuff looks like this, for now:

  • Ylthari - Thornwych (as Branchwych)  - 180 points
  • Gallanghan of the Glade - Tree-Revenant - 50 points
  • Skhathael - Tree-Revenant - 50 points
  • Unnamed - Dryad - 70 points
  • Unnamed - Dryad - 70 points
  • Unnamed - Dryad - 70 points

This is only 490 points. 

I could buy one box of Kurnoth Hunters - like the actual big 'uns  - for $70 and this would be sorted... 

Buying things is not a priority right now though... so... Probably won't be fielding these in Warcry any time soon. 

Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber

This one is made up of Elements of THREE different Warhammer Underworlds Warbands: Stormsire's Cursebreakers (Knight-Incantor and Evocators), Irounsoul's Condemnors (Sequitors), and the Storm of Celestus (Castigators). All are members of the Sacrosanct Chamber of the Hammers of Sigmar - the most celebrated (at least in the Black Library Fiction I have read/listened to!) of all the Stormhosts. 

  • Averon Stormsire - Knight Incantor - 245 points - Leader
  • Drakan Celestus - Castigator-Prime - 255 points - Hero
  • Gwynne Ironsoul - Sequitor-Prime with Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield - 240 points - Hero
  • Amis Dawnguard - Evocator with Tempest Blade and Stormstave - 180 points
  • Rastus the Charmed - Evocator with Tempest Blade and Stormstave - 180 points
  • Aphus the Brave - Castigator - 195 points
  • Mellisan Star-sighted - Castigator - 195 points
  • Brodus Blight Bane - Sequitor with Stormsmite Greatmace - 185 points
  • Tavian Sarnassus - Sequitor with Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield - 180 points
  • Sleek - Gryph-Hound - 150 points

This is actually WAY more than what could be fielded as a single warband - it's actually 2005 points - enough for TWO (if they could be divided up equally). 

I do have ANOTHER band of Sequitors that can be painted up to hopefully work out some efficient way of splitting things up and getting the most points in each warband. When all your warband members are almost 200 points... it's easy to end up with a warband only worth less than 900 points and not being able to put anything else into it! 

Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber

For this I need to make use of a few of Finnegan's Models from Warhammer Quest. I have enough models to put together TWO warbands - one is painted, the other needs to be finished up. 

Stormcast Eternal - WArrior Chamber Warband

  • To-Be-Named - Knight Questor - 245 points
  • Severin Steelheart - Liberator with Brandblade - 185 points
  • Obryn the Bold - Liberator with Grandhammer 185 points
  • Angharad Brightshield - Liberator with warhammer and Sigmarite Shield - 185 points
  • Gryph-Hound - 150 Points

Total: 950 points

Yes, his is the Gryph-Hound from the Sacrosanct Chamber above. They are unlikely to ever be fielded at the same time - at least, not any time SOON, so I thought I'd borrow it, just to make a complete warband, for now... 

I have TWO MORE sets of Steelhearts Champions and Finnegan has a Lord-Castellant miniature from one of the Warhammer Quest Boxes. 

I can make the second warband with the Lord-Castellant (who is 240 points - 5 less than the Knight-Questor!?) and a set of Steelhearts Champions. Then, once I paint the third, I will give the Liberator with the Grandhammer to one and the Liberator with the Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield to the  other and each warband will then be a leader with four Liberators totalling 980 or 985 points! 

I am tempted to paint the second warband as members of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer - which have BLACK armour - just to mix things up! Also, I could play out the fall of Anvilgard - fighting against the Daughters of Khaine Warbands. They would also be useful in a Soulbound campaign - if I was using the setting that comes with the game - which is around the Great Parch in Aqshy (where Anvilgard is located!) 

So... Plans... 

Maybe I should start playing the game! Ideally with any of the warbands I already HAVE DONE!? 

I have lots that CAN be played with RIGHT NOW! I have others that just need painting. No real need to buy anything for any of these warbands... Maybe... someday... I could buy a unit of Vanari Auralan Sentinels to finish off a unit of Lumineth Realmlords... or a box of Kurnoth Hunters to finish up a warband for the Sylvaneth... or... something to finish up a warband of Kharadron Overlords... but I think that will be a LONG WAY OFF! 

Priorities/Things to Work on Next....

As I HAVE a few Order warbands fully complete and most of the other things I have to paint is just MORE of the same... I might wait on working on any of these. If I WERE to work on any, it'd probably be the Daughters of Khaine - Whatever I'm going to add to Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven to make a playable warband - that might get Amanda interested in playing. 

Next Up...

Stocktaking 2021 - Warcry Warbands - Part Two Agents of Chaos!



  1. I recognize a bunch of those older minis, especially some of the Vikings and the old dwarves (thunderers, et al) and wood elves. I actually have an old Citadel dwarf wizard in my collection somewhere, too (mine might be a different figure though).

    1. There definitely were some really characterful models in the old metal citadel lines...

      Not that I dislike the newer plastic stuff. Some of it's really amazing stuff. But it definitely has a bit of a different aesthetic!


  2. Sorry, missed this,got confused with the other stocktaking post! Lots of lovely figures, especially the Vikings and dwarves, admirable restraint as far as purchases are concerned!
    Best Iain

    1. Yeah... I was having a bit of an out-of-control ADHD moment earlier this week...

      It got to be a bit of a chore and I'm not sure I'll bother finishing the Chaos and Death and Destruction posts... But it DID get me excited about trying the game again and made me realize that I DO have more than a few currently playable warbands... so... mission accomplished...?

      Or maybe this is just going to distract me from actually getting to the OTHER games I wanted to play...?


      Games will be played.
