Monday, December 20, 2021

Candlesticks and Iron Maiden


(image pinched from Pintrest)

Every time I hear "Iron Maiden" I think of this scene from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and laugh.

And now I have a miniature Iron Maiden that, if I ever had Bill and Ted miniatures, I could threaten to put them in it! (And then they would say - in the game - "IRON MAIDEN!? EXCELLENT!" and do a little air guitar riff!) 

Iron Maiden from Raper Minaitues (I think...? Probably came with one of the Bones Kickstarters?). 

I figured it would make and interesting Clue Marker or just weird scatter terrain in either The Silver Bayonet or Hellboy: The Board Game!

Candelabra - also from Reaper Minitures - one of the Bones Kickstarters. I have two, but I couldn't locate one of them when I was basing and prepping and priming and painting... Of course, once it was DONE, I immediately found the other... Here is one. I have no idea when I'll get to the other.. Again, I was thinking Clue Token for The Silver Bayonet (or Hellboy). One of the things you can find in the second scenario (which... we've already played) is an ornate candelabra!? I'd hoped to get this or the ones below done before we'd played it... but didn't quite get to it! 

MORE Candle sticks! These are metal and came with the Lead Adventure Miniatures Dwarf Gold Fever Kickstarter. Trying to go with a wrought iron look with these....

Trying something new with these pics.... 

I got a phone this week. 

Well... Amanda bought a phone FOR me. 

Seriously, I almost made it to 50 without one of these. 

Finnegan also got one. They were sort of an early birthday presents for both of us. He turns 18 in two weeks. 

Phones have cameras these days. 

I was experimenting with using the phone to take pictures and fiddling around with how to get it from the phone to the blog. 

The pics aren't too bad. 


  1. Iron Maiden! Excellent! Nice candelabra too,I do all my blogging on my phone,maybe done 2 posts on my laptop and using a camera?
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! Oh man, I think that would drive me nuts. I didn't post these directly from the phone - I took them with the phone - doenloaded to the computer, resized and uploaded to blogger. The pictures the phone takes are HUGE - like 4000 pixels x 3000 pixels!? Most stuff I post is sized at 800x800 pixels. Otherwise I would have used up my allowed storage space years ago!? I find it frustrating trying to type a short message in a text - I can't imagine trying to type up everything I want to type on the teeny tiny screen. Maybe it's my big sausage fingers...

  2. Nice work on the scatter terrain.

    Cell phones are often better cameras than anything that is not a DSLR. And you have it on yourself all the time.

    And I have a Moto also, I love the gestures. (chop for flashlight and twist-shake for camera) AS a google phone the pictures should get backed up into google photos, which is an insert option for adding a picture to a blog post.

    1. I figured out the flashlight chop... "Twist-shake", though...? I'll have to figure that out. Amanda's been trying to convince me a phone would be better than my camera - but HER phone, which is really old, and she often keeps off... when she wants to use it, has to turn on... wait... enter pin... wait... find camera. Whereas my actual camera I pulled out of my pocket press power and take pictures within second, rather than minutes. Why would I want a phone like that. THIS one is MUCH quicker. If you leave it on in sleep mode and just have to touch your finger on the finger print on it and you're good to go! I may very well just start using it instead of the camera that I've carried in my pockets for years.

    2. I think there is a guide somewhere on the phone, but basically you hold the phone with the narrow end in your palm and twist your wrist. Should launch the camera. Very fast, and you don't have to look.

  3. Nicely painted bits. I notice some interesting reddish color under the iron maiden. I wonder what that could be...

    I am also not fond of typing on my phone, or doing much web browsing o it, so I do that sort of thing on my laptop. I do find the phone handy for having a camera to hand, for listening to podcasts or music, and even for watching some videos while I am active around my house (but I still sit and watch tv shows and movies on my big tv).

  4. HAHA they definately are Smart Phones....smarter than I it seems. I get your whole texting issues...darn thing keeps trying to decide what I am typing & just screws it all up...then I think, What the Hell! This is a phone, I will just call them! Its certainly faster that retyping erroneous words that the 'Smart' phone wants me to use. Thanks for the tips on the terrain needed for scenarios. I find that before the fella's come over (which has been almost 2 years now) I read the scenario & prep all the items I need as part of my hobby plans. Which of course means I am often scrambling around at H hour! Merry Christmas to Amanda, Kiera, Finnegan & of course you young fella!
