Wednesday, December 15, 2021

December Games - Part One

Games we've played, so far, this month. 

I figured we'd played a few and we'll likely be playing a LOT over the Holidaze, so I thought I ought to split this into two posts. Possibly three. 

Friday, 3 December 2021

I went to my FLGS, Dragon's Den Games, and picked up Necromunda - Book of the Outcast, and traded in some games I'm not likely to play again and in exchange got Stargrave and...

Kingdom Builder: Marshlands! 

This is apparently the THIRD expansion, but it was the only one they had and Kingdom Builder IS a game we've played a bit of this past year or so (We'd played ten games already for the 10x10 Challenge!)... so I thought it might be fun to add a bit more variety to the game. 

In the evening, Amanda and I tried it out. We played with two of the new boards (Refuge and Temple) and two of the boards (Oracle and Barn) from the original game, and two new Kingdom Builder cards (Captains and Vassals) and one from the original (Knights). 

Amanda had a hard time wrapping her head around what all the new things did - good thing we only used a few of them and didn't just play with ALL NEW THINGS!? 

I really like the new additions to the game. I like Kingdom Builder. There is a fair bit of variety and interesting challenges and replayability with different board orientations and combinations of  WAS starting to feel a little bit repetitive after 20 plays, and the new elements definitely added some fresh new elements and combinations and challenges! Looking forward to playing more. I have a feeling this w

(Of course, some of that repetitiveness may be partly due to the fact that we don't seem to HAVE two of the Kingdom Builder cards that are supposed to be in the core box!? Not sure whatever happened to those? Did we EVER have them...? Were they left out/misplaced after one of our earlier games...? Luckily the expansion came with multiple sets of the new Kingdom builder cards - in different languages - so I was able to cross that off two of them and write in the stuff for the missing cards and can now add those back into the Kingdom Builder cards available!

Saturday, 4 December 2021

In the evening, after his D&D game, I actually got Finnegan to join me and Amanda for another game of Kingdom Builder - with the new Marshlands expansion. We tried out two more of the new Kingdom Builder Cards and the other two boards 

Finnegan was pretty disappointed with his own performance in the game - dead last, Way being both me and amanda... 

We tried to point out that he hasn't played in years - while Amanda and I had played TEN TIMES - THIS YEAR! (so far!_

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Holy CARP, guys!? Somehow, I actually convinced BOTH teenagers go join in yet ANOTHER game of Kingdom builder. Finnegan made up for the previous evenings less-than-optimal showing by utterly crushing us ALL! 

Monday, 6 December 2021

Monday evening Ryan and Andy joined us again for a game of Wingspan. 

I thought I'd try something different as add the cards from two sets together. I know it's a thing you can do, but we've kept the cards from different expansions separate up until now - and played with them on their own... But I decided to mix the original (North American) with the European expansion - just start with one... not have to worry about how they will work with the addition of Nectar... 

After I had done so I was thinking "WOW! That's a LOT of cards..." and then realized I'd mixed all three sets together!? GAH!? Well, I wasn't about to go separating them out... so, we played with ALL THREE!?

It was pretty fun. I actually feel like it played a little BETTER with all three mixed in! Maybe with JUST the Oceana ones, there were a lot of birds that generated nectar (which is basically a wild card) and everyone just ended up with PILES of it... 

I got lucky with some draws early in the game and totally cleaned up. I'm kind of starting to think that, when playing with a group of reasonably competent people - as all I play with are - it really comes down to luck of the draw... I don't mind, because it's fun and i like birds... and it generally means one person doesn't just win ALL THE TIME!!!

Friday, 10 December 2021

Friday, Finnegan and I played another game of The Silver Bayonet!

You can see all the pictures and a full report here:

The Silver Bayonet - The Ruined Chapel

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Initially we'd planned to go over to our friend Kurtis' to play some Kingdom Builder... but that kind of fell through... 

So another friend, Tanya, that lives in the neighbourhood stopped by in the evening to play Wingspan! 

And she brought her dog, Obi. 

And Amanda was wearing a funny "festive" hat...? I'm not sure why. "Because December"? Maybe...?

Another friend, Barb,  had told Amanda about an app that could be added to a phone that allowed you to hold up a Wingspan card to it, and it would play the bird's song!? So Keiran added it to their phone and played all the birds songs that we put into play. 

It brought much delight to the evening. 

In the end Amanda totally crushed us all. Again. But everyone had fun. And... BIRDS!

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Sunday evening, Amanda and I played Kingdom Builder. We played with one of the boards from the Marshlands expansion, the rest ended up being from the original core box. We had the Merchant, Knight and Farmer Kingdom Builder Cards, and the Temple (from Marshalnds), Farm, Tavern, and Barn boards. 

We hadn't played with the Farmers Kingdom Builder Card for a LONG time, and I'd forgot about it. You get 3 per settlement in the sector with the least of your settlements, s you really need to make sure you evenly distribute your settlements. I think ended up with 9-10-10-11 in each of the sectors! 

Amanda, unimpressed by me cutting her off and ending the game WAAAAAAAAAY before she even got out a pile of her settlements (by her elbow...). 

I'd picked up both barns and two taverns in the first two or three turns and was putting out SEVEN settlements per turn... I totally unintentionally cut her off from one entire sector so she got zero points for the farmers. 

Monday, 13 December 2021

After school, Keiran and I played a quick game of Patchwork. 

I really like this game. My biggest complaint is, more ofthen than not, my final score is a negative number.... and I often WIN with a negative number that happens to be higher (closer to zero) than my opponents!? I get that they want you to take filling the board seriously... but rather than a -2 for every square not filled, why not give a bonus foe every square that IS filled... then everyone wins with positive integers as their scores. there is something just backwards about winning with -5 points, becauseyour opponent had a bad day and just couldn't 'make anything fit and ended up with -15!? 

I did not win... but at least we both ended with positive integers... so that was a win in itself. 

Later in the evening, after Amanda got home, Keiran joined us for a game of Abyss - another fun game we have not played in some time... 

Keiran had, over the weekend, actually made a list of games they wanted to play and we wanted to strike while that iron was hot! Monday was really the only day they don't have much going on, so I suggested we play the first one on their list on this day. Hopefully we'll get to more of them over the holidaze! 

I didn't do too badly... but Keiran was ON FIRE and Amanda played an excellent game as well. I think Keiran was over ten points ahead of Amanda, who was a point or two ahead of me. 

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Finnegan actually ended up playing D&D on Tuesday. His Tuesday night D&D game, in theory on alternating Tuesday, but in actuality seems to be on a Tuesday on alternating months. He plays on the computer upstairs and is VERY LOUD... So, the rest of us had an impromptu game night in the basement game room..

WE started with a game of Kingdomino. It went very fast. So we decided to play another. 

This was my kingdom at the end of the first round. It was universally agreed that I had the most pleasant and orderly-looking kingdom. Kind of had the look of a large seaside or lake front estate... Unfortunately, looking pretty and orderly doesn't get you the most points. Apparently it gets you the LEAST points. 

My Kingdom after Game #2. I added some mines. Still didn't do so well... 

By this point we'd decided to play THREE games and take the total score of all three for the CHAMPION. This was my time to shine and catch them all up... 

Except I didn't... Lovely little estate... Dead Last... 

Keiran called it a night, but Finnegan was still bellowing upstairs so Amanda and i decided to play another game of Abyss - while it was fresh in our heads! I wasn't sure if we've played a two-player game of Abyss before... I went SUPER FAST! 

So fast, I couldn't even get a non-blurry picture of Amanda. 

So fast, we decided to play again... 

I swear this one was even FASTER!? And WAY higher scoring. I think the first game I won 65-63. The second game Amanda won with 87 and I wasn't TOO far behind with 83...? 

It was almost 10, by this point... but they often go to 10:30 or even a bit later.... So we set up Kingdom Builder and played another game of that! It was ALSO super fast!? Despite there being four boards to spread out on, we kind of had a little knife-fight-in-a-phone-booth battle at the edge of one side (I did stretch out a line of settlements into a third board to link up with a castle at the end of the game, but that was it!? 

Whew! What a night!?

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Keiran was home early - not having Pom practice and their usual thing for WEdnesday evenings was cancelled, so they suggested playing a game AGAIN this evening. Amanda and I had tickets to a play at Persephone Theatre, so we had to play a QUICK one between when Amanda got home and we had to head out... 

So we played a quick game of Azul! I've played SO MANY two-player games of this with just Amanda this past year, playing with three kind of threw me off!? It messed Amanda up way more, tho... 

Amanda went so far as to proclaim it to be her WORST GAME EVER... she actually does this quite often when she's doing poorly. I always think these proclamations are a bit hasty - Especially when she's making the proclamation halfway through the game. When we check previously recorded games it'll usually be in the ballpark off her other poor scores... which are never really THAT bad... (compared to, say, some of MY scores!) 

This time, she was right though. Of the scores of the 24 previously played games the family has played, recorded on Board Game Geek, the lowest score was 41. This evening, she scored 27... 

Holy Mackerel! It's been a busy two weeks!

The kids are done school for the year on FRIDAY and have two weeks off. Amanda has most of that time off as well. I expect there will be a fair bit of game playing over the next two weeks, so... might be two more GAMES WE PLAYED posts this year!? We'll see. 

I just finished up some Russians for The Silver Bayonet this evening - which I'll hopefully get on the table later this week. I'll probably post pics tomorrow (or, later today, depending on where you live!?) 


  1. Looks like a ton of games as usual, but with the kids, which seems like it has not been! So that's great!

    Negative scores and various negative adjustments... just add a negative vibe to the game. Particularly for a casual game, I do not like it, just seems more thematic to add bonuses instead.

    And that bird song app is something we have to try out ourselves.

    1. I laid the groundwork early on... I figured there'd be times they wouldn't want to play games - especially as teens - but hoped they'd eventually come back to it, if I didn't pressure or force it.

      The app was super fun! Except the first one I played didn't work - I forget what it was... some owl from Australia...? We looked up later and found that the species "isn't very vocal"... So I guess they don't have calls or songs for ALL of them... but they did for the rest!

    2. Just downloaded it so I am sure to have it on hand next time we play!

    3. Cool! Hope your group is as delighted as we were!

  2. "I figured there'd be times they wouldn't want to play games - especially as teens - but hoped they'd eventually come back to it, if I didn't pressure or force it."

    That makes sense to me.

    Looks like a good amount of gaming with various groupings of friends and family. My sister would be oohing and aahing over the little dog (she has a new Yorkie puppy herself, after her old Yorkie passed away early this year). It also looks/sounds like people had fun gaming, which is the main thing.

    I still need to play Wingspan - solo for now at least. I'll have to look for the birdsong app. Do you know what it's called and if it's available for Android?

    1. I think it's called "Wingsong" and they found it on "Google Play"...?

      It feels like it's been a crazy amount of gaming - and fun to get in some games with other people. Not that I mind playing games with Amanda, at all. But it's been nice playing with others as well.

      Not sure how long that's going to last - playing with others, outside the family. Omicron's apparently showed up in town, and given how many refuse to get vaccinated or follow any sort of public health protocols, it'll be just like last year - spread like crazy over the holidaze and our ICUs will be overflowing again in January.

      At least I'm eligible for a booster as of Monday - if I can get an appointment!

    2. Thanks! Found the app. :)

      Good luck getting an appointment for the booster. I've been eligible since the beginning of December, but not having much luck getting an appointment here. I hope you have better luck!
