Monday, January 31, 2022

January Games


Saturday, 1 January 2022

Kicking the gaming off on the first, Finnegan had his regular Saturday D&D game - with a friend that had had to drop out as she'd moved away in September for school, but was back visiting family for the Holidaze! 

In the evening our friends Brent and Barb and Kurtis all came over to play a few games. 

First we played a game of Marrying Mr. Darcy. 

I ended up playing Georgianna Darcy, again, and eloped with Mr Wickham. Eloping with Mr. Wickham isn't the WORST thing for Georgianna - he's tied for her second choice... the worst part was losing all the reputation I'd acquired (+6) in hopes of gaining the attentions of Colonel Fitzwilliam (my first choice). Because of this, I ended up dead last... 

It was Caroline Bingley (played by Brent) who ended up with Colonel Fitzwilliam. Kitty Bennet (played by Amanda) ended up marrying Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth Bennet (played by Kurtis) did marry Mr. Darcy. Jane Bennet (played by Bard) ended up being the most accomplished and well married - to Mr. Denny - and won with 28 points! 

Next we played Wingspan. 

End of round bonuses are a bit more important in a five-player game (compared to the many, many two-player games Amanda and I have played. if you happen to get NONE of them, that's ZERO points. If you happen to win all of them, that's 22 points - which is a bit more of a difference than the 12 you would be ahead if you won all of them in a two-player game. 

This was my tableau at the end, I was pretty excited to FILL the board. I was worried that doing so used up so many eggs it would put me way behind the others who mostly gained eggs for the last few rounds... The last two I played were the Eastern Turtle Dove and Black-Tailed Godwit (the latter being placed with the End of Game ability of the Grey-Headed Mannikin). The bonus cards I gained from those added 15 to my end-game total - which catapulted me into first place! 

Afterwards I watched Death to 2021 with the family and then started watching Bridgerton with Amanda. 

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Finnegan turned 18 today... 

For his birthday celebration he arranged an evening one-shot Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure involving most of the players from his regular Wednesday D&D group and his regular Saturday D&D Group, plus a player that had been in his Saturday game for years, but moved away for school in the fall (but was back for the holidaze and had not yet returned to school). There were six players in total, each made up a family of four (of which one want their MAIN Character) which were families in a village that was currently being terrorized by werewolves. Yeah... it was kind of a mash-up of Dungeon Drawl Classics and Werewolves of Millers Hollow (except none of the players knew who the werewolves were) Finnegan picked a couple from among the players family members. Each player also had to determine a reason for why each family member might sneak out of their house at night... Murder, investigations, accusations, and hangings ensued...  

The cake I made. It was his request - anyone know what it's supposed to be? 

There was also pizza. 

I have to admit, there was considerable anxiety surrounding this event, with the rising number of Covid cases... there were a number of times we just considered cancelling it... or moving it online... or just doing in in a month or two when things settled down. 

In the end we went ahead with it. All the kids are fully vaccinated. Most of them all go to school together anyway (we are the only province in Canada that did NOT delay opening of schools). 

The day after this we started getting DAILY reports from Keiran's school (where most of these kids go) about which classes had had a positive covid test reported. The list got longer every day. by the following week, these guys had all made the decision to go back to playing on Roll20/Discord. 

Friday, 7 January 2022

Despite talking about playing it all week, Finnegan and I didn't get to playing The Silver Bayonet until Friday... but we did get to it finally, so that's Okay, I guess... 

This was our first try at a competitive game. Finnegan played Captain Black, leading a shore party from the Royal Navy's HMS Albatros. I played Capitaine Leblanc and a shore party of the French Navy's Canard Noir! 

There is a full game report of the action here:

Silver Bayonet: Somewhere in the South Pacific

Saturday, 8 January 2022

In the afternoon Finnegan ran his last in person D&D game for a while. In the evening I got together with some of the Saturday RPG guys for a chat. 

We didn't PLAY anything... just got caught up and talked about possibly starting a NEW campaign on Sundays later in the month... All while I was working on painting Chickadees

Friday, 14 January 2022

Friday night Amanda and i played Carcassonne. 

It was a pretty close game, but Amanda won. 

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Sunday evening I met with the guys I used to play RPGs with on Saturday, to start a NEW campaign on a new evening. Originally this Sunday was supposed to be Graphic Novel Book Club and making characters was supposed to be the following Sunday... but things kind of got switched at the last minute. 

All made characters for Wrath & Glory (the Warhammer 40,000 role-playing game from Cubicle 7). They are playing Tier One Imperial Guard - specifically a Leman Russ tank crew of the 451st Tallarn Tank Regiment stationed on Xoxigar Secundus - the setting for most of my 40k/Kill Team games for the last few year - and even the previous Wrath & Glory game! 

CVT is playing Sgt. Tasha El Shae - Tank Commander

Jon is playing Pte. Ekram Khalid - Gunner 

Woody is Playing Pte. Abdula al Muharib Hadidi - Driver

There aren't actually vehicle rules for Wrath & Glory just yet (though they are forthcoming in the recently announced Church of Steel) so I am just bodging something together - mixing in bits of Wrath & Glory, Only War, and 40K and/or Apocalypse. I might just use 40K Apocalypse for keeping track of other elements in a battle...? We shall see. 

And... that was about it. 

I've been busy with other distractions... Birbs... Riding bikes... 

Maybe wasting a little too much time on instagram or twitter...

Maybe next month will be better. 

I feel like my interests are shifting and i want to get back to playing some 40k. 

I have been painting a little bit. Mostly just rebasing some 40K Eldar. They do have a new Codex coming out! AND the next Kill Team box is rumoured to have Eldar Corsairs and some kind of Chaos Kill Team (please let it be noisemarines! PLEASR LET IT BE NOISE MARINES! ideally followed by an Emperor's Children Codex!!) 

Ugh... I thought I was OFF this hype train... seems I just had a layover in Silver Bayonet Station and back on the train... 


  1. Woo Woo here comes the hype train! Eldar Corsairs ARE in the next box, which is announced, but not fully reveled yet. One of the rumors about who they are fighting is Chaos cultists, but we will see soon I guess.

    And speaking of trains, Necromunda Ashwastes!

    And 18! That is a big birthday. That is a lovely cake, but I would be a bit nervous about that mouth...

    1. Cheers!

      I need to get painting! I have a feeling that new Kill Team box will be following hot on the heels of the new Aeldari Codex - as I seem to recall reading somewhere that new codex will include rules for the Corsairs! There is no way I could justify to myself (let along Amanda) buying that new box set when I haven't even finished the Death Corps, Ork Commandos, Tau Pathfinders or Sister Noviciates from the last two - or ANY of the terrain!?

      I hope the Ashwastes rules are available in a hardcover, as I'm not going in for another box. I have LOADS of post apocalypse minis and vehicles I could use for the denizens of the Ashwastes and their rides.

    2. The article today suggested a time line of Big box, three faction books, small boxed set.

    3. Oooh! I'll have to go check that out! Thanks!

  2. I don't recognize the face, but it has an old school look to it - some kind of greenman or ogre?

    1. He requested the Yawning Portal from the Tomb of Horrors (the classic D&D module).
