Monday, January 3, 2022

Napoleonic French Naval Landing Party

 I over the weekend I finished up a number of things. The Gug, that I've already posted, an assortment of Regency Monster Hunters (next post), and these French Naval Officers and Crew. The plan is to mainly make use of them in The Silver Bayonet, but could be used with any skirmish games of the period. 

Newly painted French Naval Officers and Crew.

The miniatures, as with the British Naval Landing Party (who will be their primary nemesis!), are all long out of production Jack Tar miniatures from RAFM.

The entire Landing Party, including the "marines" I'd previously posted. While this is far more than I need for a Special Unit in The Silver Bayonet, they represent the pool of available crew from Le Canard Noir - a French ship tasked with hunting supernatural entities at sea and around the world - and foil any British attempts to gain supernatural allies around the world. 

The Officers of Le Canard Noir - Capitaine Leblanc (centre), Lieutenant Tardi (right) and Lieutenant Chartier (left, the ships surgeon) 

Sailors - Doucette, Petit, Lemire, and Dumer

Marines - Delisle, Remi, Coscinny, and Giraud. 

With any luck, they should be seeing some action this week! Maybe even later today!? 


  1. These are great Tim! I had a Lieutenant Horatio Hornblow, Monster Slayer landing party plan in my head but these are a great non-RN version. Maybe I'll do some Rogue Yankee sailors instead...

    1. Thanks, Paul!

      Ooh! An American ship crew would be fun.

      After finishing these, I got to thinking I should do a privateering crew - call them Barrett's Privateers (after the Stan Rogers song).

  2. Never seen these figures before Tim, they look great!

    1. Thanks, Ray!

      They are fun - they were produced by a Canadian manufacturer called RAFM (Rank And File Miniatures). In the 80s - when they were making these - they had their own lines of Ancients, Seven Years War, and Fantasy miniatures, but they were also producing Citadel and Ral Partha miniatures under licence when it was too expensive to import them (due to shipping and duties). Later they also produced a lot of Platoon 20 WW2 miniatures, and I think briefly, Reaper Miniatures? Or maybe they were just importing and distributing the latter for a while.

      They still produce MOST of their old lines - along with some newer Cthulhu miniatures - but Sadly the Jack Tar line is long, LONG gone.

      I think Bob Murch - of Pulp Figures and Crucible Crush Miniatures - got his start there.
