Tuesday, March 22, 2022

40K - Harlequins - Troupe of the Eternal Lament

I decided, with the new Aeldari Codex including the rules for Harlequins, it might be time to expand the Dance of the Midnight Effusion Kill Team into a full 40K Patrol Detachment - or even a Battalion!? Also, the new White Dwarf (#474) includes revised rules for Harlequin Kill Teams, so that required some reorganization. 


The Current Troupe - Troupe of the Eternal Lament

(The Dance of the Midnight Effusion was the name of the Kill Team - which amounts to a single Troupe of Players. So I thought I'd keep that name for the Troupe of Players and say they are part of the larger Troupe of the Eternal Lament). 

So far, all I've done is re-base miniatures I already had. These are harlequins from the original box set that I bought back in the late 80s. I rebased all of the Character models onto 32mm bases - to differentiate them from the Harlequins of the Troupe dancers. 

Troupe Leader - Dwol'yyk'faldyl'ven'yaksak'de - the Master of Ceremonies - armed with .Shuriken Pistol and Aeldari Power Sword. AS with most of the Character Models in the force, The MAster of Ceremonies will likely be given a Pivotal Role, but I haven't selected one yet. 

Shadowseer - Vylindal'min'zyl'fadyll'wenyl - Vision of the Dark - Shuriken Pistol, Mistave, Hallucinogen Grenader Launcher (This is the biggest "counts as" - as none of the weapons this model is carrying really matches what the current Shadowseer is supposed to be carrying... Ah, well, I probably won't EVER be playing competatively with these, so hopefully no one will care!) 

(Actually, I think this is currently the ONLY "Counts As" - I do have a lot of unpainted harlequins carrying odd weapons - laspistols, WEBBERS, etc!? - Any of those with weird things, I'll just call Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade - the Standard Gear) 

Solitaire - Klin'fylindil'myrsutyl'zenob - The Lonely Loner - Solitaire's Weapons

Fun thing about the 9E Codex - Solitaires in the previous edition were armed entirely differently than this original Solitaire and so it would have been odd fielding this one, clearly armed with Harlequin’s Kiss and  a Neuro Disruptor when the standard-no-options-loadout was Harlequin’s Kiss and Harlequin’s Caress. But in THIS edition, the standard loadout with no options is "Solitaire's Weapons". I wish MORE troops has more generic sounding weapons listed.... 

Death Jesters - these are all independent Character models (i.e. each is a separate Unit), from left to right: 

  • Mal'wynairfel'Zenvodnyl -- Harvester of Sorrow - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade
  • Reafryln'adyl'prybt - Fearless Reaper - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade
  • Brakyl'dylil'narfatess - Remorseless Scythe - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade

Troupe - Dance of the Midnight Effusion  

  • Wilk'nes'fyl'ori'nos'del'ven - The Bard - Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Me'del'wik'felyk'pard'trum - The Merchant -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Embrace
  • Wilk'nes'fyl'ori'nos'del'ven - The Bard  - Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • El'wisq'vi'gwith'nel'nor - The Queen - Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Dar'lyk'vel'fro'dow'nyel'zen - The Witch -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Vok'no'fel'pred'zyl'wen - The Prince -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Mya'den'freg'lad'zyp - The Maid -  Fusion Pistol and Harlequin's Kiss 

For now, I can currently field them as a Patrol Detachment:

HQ (1-2)

  • Troupe Master (1) - Shuriken Pistol, Aeldari Power Sword, Plasma Grenades - 4 Power
  • Shadowseer (1) - Shuriken Pistol, Mistave, Hallucinogen Grenader Launcher - 5 Power

Troops (1-2) 

  • Troupe (6) - Assorted Weapons - 4 Power

Elites (0-2) 

  • Death Jester (1) - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade - 3 Power
  • Solitaire (1) - Solitaire's Weapons - 6 Power

This is only 22 Power, but any of the character models can be given a Pivotal Role - which gives them an additional special rule (that only ONE can take in an entire force) for one extra Power Rating. So I can make it a 25PL Detachment by making three of them Pivotal Role characters. 

I do have enough minis to make three more Troupes, which would mean I could field them as a battalion detachment, if ever I got around to PAINTING them!? 

If I had the additional 18 minis painted to make 2-4 more Troupes, they could be fielded as a 40 Power Battalion Detachment:

HQ (2-3)

  • Troupe Master (1) - Shuriken Pistol, Aeldari Power Sword, Plasma Grenades - 4 Power
  • Shadowseer (1) - Shuriken Pistol, Mistave, Hallucinogen Grenader Launcher - 5 Power

Troops (3-6) 

  • Troupe (6) - Assorted Weapons - 4 Power
  • Troupe (6) - Assorted Weapons - 4 Power
  • Troupe (6) - Assorted Weapons - 4 Power
  • Troupe (6) - Assorted Weapons - 4 Power

Elites (0-6) 

  • Death Jester (1) - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade - 3 Power
  • Death Jester (1) - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade - 3 Power
  • Death Jester (1) - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade - 3 Power
  • Solitaire (1) - Solitaire's Weapons - 6 Power
Again, Pivotal Roles could be given to six of them for a total of 46 Power... I guess I need ONE more group of 6 Troupe Players to make 50 Power... (I should probably worry about painting THE ONES I HAVE before seeking out any new ones, though...) 


The most recent White Dwarf included new Kill Team rules for Harlequins! So far I have only glanced at the Kill Team organization rules. So, the Dance of the Midnight Effusion Kill Team has been reorganized as follows

  • Wilk'nes'fyl'ori'nos'del'ven - The Bard - Lead Player -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Me'del'wik'felyk'pard'trum - The Merchant - Player -   Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Embrace
  • Wilk'nes'fyl'ori'nos'del'ven - The Bard  - Player -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • El'wisq'vi'gwith'nel'nor - The Queen - Player -  Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Dar'lyk'vel'fro'dow'nyel'zen - The Witch - Player -   Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Vok'no'fel'pred'zyl'wen - The Prince - Player -   Shuriken Pistol and Harlequin's Blade 
  • Mya'den'freg'lad'zyp - The Maid -  Player - Fusion Pistol and Harlequin's Kiss 
  • Vylindal'min'zyl'fadyll'wenyl - Vision of the Dark - Shadowseer - Shuriken Pistol, Mistave, Hallucinogen Grenader Launcher
  • Mal'wynairfel'Zenvodnyl - Harveter of Sorrow - Death Jester - Shrieker Cannon, Jesters Blade

Next Up? I have units of Howling Banshees and Guardian Defenders on the workbench (along with a hundred other things - but the Howling Banshees and Guardian Defenders are closest to the front and most likely to be worked on...) that I only need to finish 2-3 minitures for to complete units - and then have a complete Aeldari Force that's useable with the new Aeldari Codex


  1. Ha, a sneaky edit, when I read this it said "... and ..." for the solitaire's weapons, but now they are listed ;)

    Great to see the existing guys repainted, and if you get around to it, the new guys will be awesome to see too... but I know that painting Harlis is a big project!

    1. Thanks!

      Ha! Yeah, I noticed the error when I was copying and pasting some of the stuff to another post (on facebook, probably...?) and went back and filled in the blanks. Usually when I leave stuff to be filled in when I don't remember something off the top of my head when initially drafting I put XXXXXXX as it's a bit more noticeable!? (But I sometimes don't even notice THAT when I'm editing...!?)

      They've just been RE-BASED! not repainted - this is the original 34-year-old paint job!

      (I'm going to guess that's probably what you meant and just mistyped it!)

      Not sure how I'm going to match up the new ones... Since posting this earlier I actually organized the extras into troupes and started with painting their bases - as that's ONE small thing that can be batch-painted - and then I'll remember which are to be in which Troupe (as the bases are colour-coded - like the other eldar!).

    2. doh, yes I knew they were just rebased, but my fingers apparently typed "repainted".

      Maybe you could batch paint them... in six batches of three, and then just mix them up for the final troupes? (maybe with a matching leg or arm or something.)

      I have been sort of thinking I ought to paint my own, but they are intimidating! Even coming up with a scheme is tricky.

    3. I'll probably do SOMETHING like that! I started doing a bit more work on them today mostly hair - each troupe gets a rainbow of each with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Then I'll do one colour on random bits across the three troupes, and then another, and another, until I get sick of that or lose track of what I was doing and then just focus on individuals to finish up details. I'm suddenly pretty pumped to get them all done, so I'll ride that wave of enthusiasm as long as I can and hopefully I'll get at least a few of them done before it peters out...

    4. Or I'll batch paint base colours and then work on them individually to add patterns to this and that...? I don't know..

  2. Nice basing on your veteran Eldar Harlequins! I know they're something else now but you know what I mean!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks!

      They're still Harlequins!

      I guess they're "Aeldari"... Whatever, I do know what you mean!
