Wednesday, August 10, 2022

T'au Rocket Launcher

 I've been painting a few T'au for Finnegan, on and off, and not really getting around to FINISHING anything. 

Well, I did finish ONE thing... this little rocket pod thingie... I have no idea how it works in the game or if it's useable in Kill Team - I think they're attached to Fire Warriors...? 

T'au Rocket Pod thingie. 

Maybe I should focus on things I KNOW will be useable in Kill Team! 

Or stuff for games we might actually PLAY!? 


  1. This thing is cute, and a relatively easy win, so that certainly counts! As for Kill Team, it allows the big pathfinder drone with the cannon, so this should fit in just as well.

    1. Thanks!

      I do have that recon drone half-painted, which LOOKS super bad-ass... (not sure how great it is in the game...?)

      Of course I have enough for three tau kill teams or a Patrol Detachment all half-painted... it's FINISHING that seems to be the challenge...

    2. Finishing figures, when it is time to do all the fiddly bits and such is ALWAYS hard for me to do... I have so many figures in the 60-90% finished range!

  2. Nice missile launcher, it's difficult concentrating on things you absolutely need, at least I don't have lot's of half painted figures, I've got a painting tray which takes about 3 units in varying stages but once they're on the tray they have to be completed!
    Best Iain

    1. I deeply admire (and am somewhat jealous of) your ability to organize and stay focused.
