Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Warhammer Underworlds - Hrothgorn's Mantrappers

 I have to admit, this was another warband I bought because the story in the Direchasm book (a collection of short stories focusing on different warbands in Beastgrave) was fun. 

And the miniatures looked fun. 

Giving the cards a brief read-through, just as I was finishing them up, they might be pretty nasty... Of course, I think that about a LOT of warbands... and then Amanda and her Blade-Coven of the Daughters of Khaine just hands them their asses!? So... we shall see... 

Hrothgorn's Mantrappers

Hrothgorn Mantrapper... yeah, apparently the group is called Hrothgorn's Mantrappers... but also Mantrapper is Hrothgorns last name...? 

Thrafnir, Hrothgorn's loyal Frost Sabre. 

Quiv makes Hrorthgorn’s Trap Launcher attack more reliable if he's standing adjacent. 

Luggit and Thwak are like two gnoblars in a trenchcoat pretending to be an Oruk... but without the trenchcoat... or muscles... or fierceness. 

Bushwakka is a trapper, as an action can place a trap in an adjacent hex - making it a one-shot, temporary lethal hex. It'll be fun dropping those on Objective Markers

They shall ambush the Daughters of Khaine tomorrow night! Stay tuned for After Action Report of that encounter. Perhaps the Wyches with enrage Hrothgorn so much, he will track them across the realms to face them again in Harrowdeep... or... maybe Hrothgorn will develop a taste for lady-aelf-meatsm and track them for dinner rather than REVENGE! 

Next warband will probably be Mollog's Mog. I got a basecoat done on the Troggoth... but... SO! MANY! DETAILS!!


  1. Nicely painted!
    I always did like the gobbos (especially the more comical ones, like the old ones based on Paul Bonner's art, and sculptors like Kev Adams, and also some newer ones like the little ones I painted earlier this year).
    Looks/sounds like a fun band to play.

    1. Thanks!

      I am so annoyed I sold off that PILE of gobbos I had... It was early plastic Night Goblins - HORDES of them - that I picked up dirt cheap off ebay when Warhammer Fantasy was winding down and While everyone was unclear what Age of Sigmar was going to be about and if they'd be able to use their. I'd based a bunch up as Horde elements for Hordes of the Things... and a bunch on individual bases to make a warband... for... something!? GAH! They seem like the only ones that are really having fun anymore. Eating mushroom and getting stoned and going out wrecking shit for fun...

      Ah... well...

      They do look like they're going to be a hoot to play. The goblins are speed bumps that do silly things. it's all about Hrothgorn. It looks like there are a lot of things they can do to aid Hrothgorn... It'll be interesting to see how they work out tomorrow!

  2. Great looking fun warband, good luck with the game( I kind of think you might need it?!)
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      I may not need that luck... I was looking back on the games logged on BoardGameGeek and of the 6 games I've played with Amanda this year, I've actually won FIVE of them! I think that nearly year long gap between when we stopped playing at the end of last summer and started again, Amanda kind of forgot how to play!

      Though... she hasn't ENTIRELY forgotten... the one that she did win, it was, like 17-5, and all of my victories have been by very small margins!
