Friday, September 2, 2022

Mutant Crawl Classics - Character Portrait - Sweet Pea

This is Sweet Pea. 

Sweet Pea is the first in a series of portraits I’m working on for characters in an assortment of role-playing games I’m playing in or running this fall, some in-person, one online. 

This one is a character in the Mutant Crawl Classics game my son Finnegan will be running this coming Monday for me and a few friends. Sweet Pea might not survive the first adventure… With both Mutant Crawl Classics and Dungeon Crawl Classics, players generally roll up 3-5 completely random level zero characters and then they go through a “Funnel Adventure” wherein MOST of them die brutal and horrific deaths. Those that survive (ideally, one per players) are truly the stuff heroes are made of and instantly level up - to Level One! If I was smart, I might have waited to see who survived the “funnel adventure” and just made portraits of THEM… but this one seemed too fun to NOT make a portrait of. 

Sweet Pea is actually a mutant parasitic sweet pea vine that has entwined itself around and within and completely taken over the body and mind of a human host. It seems it can only say “Sweet Pea”. Somehow the others understand that to mean a great many things… The host is slowly rotting away, but the flowers make them smell pretty. Eventually, when the host expires, Sweet Pea will leave them, creeping and crawling across the ground until they find a new, unsuspecting victim host, usually one that is sleeping and won’t be able to put up much of a fight until it is much too late… 

Most of the portraits are going to be drawn in a small sketchbook I have, but I decided to do this one on a larger, separate sheet of watercolour paper. The picture ended up a little flat, though - background too dark, not nearly enough contrast… Ehhh… whatever. Done and moving on… 

Next will be Hunter S. Hashpipe - another in my group of adventurers for Mutant Crawl Classics. 

Sweet Pea

Plantient (Sweet Peas) Gatherer - non-binary (They/Them/It/That)

Strength - 11 - +0

Agility - 9 - +0

Stamina - 12 - +0

Personality - 16 - +2

Intelligence - 7 - -1

Luck - 13 - +1

Hit Points - 4

AC - 10


  • Flint Dagger (d4)
  • Wooden Club (d5) 
  • Waterskin
  • Large Leather Sack
  • Small Shiny Thing (non-functioning trinket artefact) 

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