Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Epic 40K - MORE Orks


Another batch of Orks for the Tallarn on Xoxigar to deal with.... MWA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-ha-haaaaaaaa....

The latest batch - another 8 elements of Ork Boyz and a Warboss.

The entire Waaaaagh! (so far...) 

As I laid these out, I wondered what I'd been thinking - there weren't enough trucks for all the Orks!? Had I miss counted something?! I think what happened was I just painted up ALL the Boyz I had based and ready and, because I'd painted way too many trucks before, it didn't occur to me that I didn't have enough... Not a problem, I have PILES of trucks I can paint up! More than I'll likely EVER need - even IF I painted up ALL the Boyz I have... and I think I have several hundred... I think I figured I'd have enough for all the Boyz and enough left over that every character model I have could have their own truck to ride around in... 

Lots to play around with here. Easily two Battalion detachments and probably a Vanguard Detachment... 

On the workbench I still have a Stompa and a few ministompas (gorkanots or morkanots?) Now that I have spare Ork Boyz done... I feel the urge to base up another four and enough trucks for all and do a THIRD Battalion Detachment!? 

We shall see... I should really get going on the Warhammer Underworlds stuff!!!

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