Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Warhammer Underworlds: Xandire's Truthseekers

It's been a year since Warhammer UnderworldsL Harrowdeep was released... and I'm just finishing the FIRST of the two warbands that came with the set! The Smaller one!? There's a totally new season out now, which, I just can't even begin to justify buying that one to myself... 

Regardless, another warband is done and we're going to try out Harrowdeep this week - hopefully TOMORROW! 

Xandire's Truthseekers 

Not the greatest photos... Not the greatest paint jobs... but they're done, and hopefully I'll get to play with them! 

Xandire's Truthseekers are are a band of Stormcasts-Errant sent on a mission by the God-King himself to investigate the disapperances of fleets sailing out of the port-city of Misthåvn, in Ulgu – the Realm of Shadow. Somehow that quest lead them to  HARROWDEEP - a vast labyrinth of caverns, deep below the Shadowsea. Thanks to the Necroquake, the Katophrane Curse has spread to this dark abyss. 

Calthia Xandire

Dhoraz Giant-Fell

Luxa Stormrider


Adding these to the other Stormcast Eternals... I'm starting to amass a considerable Stormhost of the Hammers of Sigmar. That's five different Warhammer Underworlds warbands and the Stormcast Knight-Questor from one of Finnegan's Warhammer Quest boxes (Silver Tower...? Maybe...?). 

I still have second sets of  Steelheart’s Champions and Storm of Celestus to finish up (and a third set of Steelhearts, if I wanted to repaint the painted one's I got in a lot of Shadespire stuff.) and a Lord-Castellant from Shadows Over Hammerhal that could be painted and added to the force. 

These are the crates I keep the deck boxes in for each warband. On the right are the finshed ones! So, I have more finished than I have yet to do... so... that's something! 

The plan is to play with these tomorrow evening. I don't plan on editing the deck. Partly because these newer warbands are supposed to have playable decks right out of the box, and I want to see if that's true... but also partly because I'm tired and can't be bothered... 

There's a whole format of play based around playing with just teh warbands own cards ("Rivals" format). You can only use cards that have the warband's faction symbol (i.e. the cards that came with it that are specifically for that warband and ONLY that warband). I think the idea is it levels the playing field, somewhat, for beginners who don't have access to ALL THE CARDS from ALL THE SEASONS.... (but also maybe to encourage people to buy into the newer seasons, as those ones are a bit more playable with just the warband's cards...?) 

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