Thursday, March 2, 2023

Back of Beyond Campaign - Spring 1919

Late as they are, here are the results of the Spring 1919 campaigning... 

The Battle of Holopchi

the Bolshevik Ist Guard Regiment, Ipatiev House marched on Holopchi, hoping to take it back, but The Illustrious Arm of the Nine Illuminated Terrestrial Immortals anticipated this move and also marched to Holopchi to defend their newly gained city! 

Two heavy battalions of Chinese infantry had rushed forward and prepared to defend the city with hastily constructed entrenchments. The Bolsheviks started things off with a preliminary bombardment of those trenches. 

Waves of Bosheviks drive forwward to assault the trenches and take the city before the chinese reinforcements arrive. 

The fire from the newly acquired heavy machine-guns was utterly devastating. 

The Chinese battalions in the defensive works were winkled out, but they had sold themselves dearly and the Bolsheviks had not the strength to keep fighting as the Chinese reinforcements arrived, and the Bolsheviks were obliged to retire to Kubassa. 

The Battle of Borschka

The 14th Allied Eastern Expeditionary Army again marched on Borshka, but this time found the Ist Babushka Army Corps there ready to defend the city! 

Approaching the city of Borschka, the 8th Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles galloped ahead to secure a strategic bridge before the city. 

Bolsehvik Cavalry and infantry approach the bridge from the west. 

The Canadian Mounted Rifles move to engage the Bolsheviks - to buy time for the rest of the column to make it across the bridge. 

the Canadians poured across the bridge, finding themselves surrounded by Bolsheviks approaching from all directions. 

The battle ended up being a confused mess. 

Teh Canadian Mounted Rifles succeeded in driving off the Bolshevik Cavalry, then proceeded to ride down the Bolsehvik artillery. 

The Canadian infantry battalions suffered incredible losses in the bolshevik crossfire. 

Two battalions of Canadians ended up trying to hold their position surrounded by three battalions of Bolshevik infantry. 

Having driven Bolsheviks out of the woods, the remaining Canadians tried to take cover there, but were themselves eventually driven off by the Bolsheviks that had seized the bridge. 

The entire Canadian column marched back to Canuckand. 

ANOTHER Siege of Kroptkand

While the Bolshevik Ist Guard Regiment, Ipatiev House, was busy elsewhere, the Guard of the White King marched to retake the city of Kroptkand. Upon their arrival, they were surprised to not be welcomed with open arms (and doors) as liberators. It turns out the  people of the city were not so willing to go back to the old way of things... 

The state of things at the end of Spring 1919. 


  • Commander of the Field Army: Lieutenant General Sir Percy Arbuthnot-Worcester-Gruntfuttock-Smythe
  • Faction: Western Interventionists
  • Army: 14th Allied Eastern Expeditionary Army
  • Base of Operations: Canadar 
  • Other Cities: Canuckand, Molsensk, Stlojia
  • Resource Points: 4
  • Field Army:
  • 3rd Battalion, Winnipeg Grenadiers (10)
  • 5th Battalion, Cape Breton Highlanders  (10)
  • 2nd Battalion, Regina Rifles - Heavy Infantry Battalion (10)
  • 105th Canadian Fusiliers - Heavy Infantry Battalion (12)
  • 8th Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles - Cavalry (13)
  • 37th Field Artillery (13)


  • Commander of the Field Army: Hedwig Markus von Eggenberg, Margrave of Grosswardein
  • Faction: Tsarist
  • Army: East Asia Cavalry Division 
  • Base of Operations: Gura
  • Other Cities:  Driutsek 
  • Resource Points: 0
  • Field Army:
  • 1st Battalion, 337th Infantry Regiment (Heavy) (8)
  • 2nd Battalion, 337th Infantry Regiment (6)
  • 1st Battalion, 369th Infantry Regiment (6)
  • 2nd Battalion, 369th Infantry Regiment (5)
  • Mongolian Cavalry (10)
  • 38th Hussars Cavalry (15)


  • Commander of the Field Army: Altan Baatar Kahn
  • Faction: Warlord Chinese
  • Army: The Red Horde
  • Base of Operations: Lung-Hu
  • Other Cities: Wurumchi, Sui-Pei, Bashkent 
  • Field Army:
  • Heavy Infantry Battalion (15)
  • Heavy Infantry Battalion (15)
  • Infantry Battalion (15)
  • Infantry Battalion (15)
  • Cavalry (15)
  • Artillery (15)


  • Commander of the Field Army: Win-Cao Lo-Fat, The Most Illustrious Beacon of Celestial Light and Commander of the Arm of Earthly Might
  • Faction: Warlord Chinese
  • Army: The Illustrious Arm of the Nine Illuminated Terrestrial Immortals 
  • Base of Operations: Wei-Li
  • Other Cities: Ching-Ho, Ulaan-Goom, Holopchi
  • Resource Points: 2
  • Field Army:
  • 1st Heavy Infantry Battalion (9)
  • 2nd Heavy Infantry Battalion (12) 
  • 3rd Infantry Battalion (12)
  • 4th Infantry Battalion (15)
  • Cavalry Regiment (15)
  • Artillery Regiment (15)


  • Commander of the Field Army: Kombrig Mahat Mikhan
  • Faction: Bolshevik
  • Army: Ist Guard Regiment, Ipatiev House
  • Base of Operations: Kubassa
  • Other Cities: Kropotkand, Pyrohy, 
  • Resource Points: 0
  • Field Army:
  • 1st Infantry Battalion (Heavy )(14)
  • 2nd Infantry Battalion (7)
  • 3rd Infantry Battalion (10)
  • 4th Infantry Battalion (4)
  • 5th Cavalry Regiment (9)
  • 6th Artillery Regiment (14)


  • Commander of the Field Army: Baron Yevgeny Lytton
  • Faction: Tsarist
  • Army: Gvardiya Belykh Koroley (Guard of the White King’s)
  • Base of Operations: Bakunin
  • Other Cities: Engelsk
  • Resource Points: 0
  • Field Army:
  • 1st Battalion, 437th Infantry Regiment (Heavy) (11)
  • 2nd Battalion, 437th Infantry Regiment (4)
  • 1st Battalion, 231st Infantry Regiment (9)
  • 2nd Battalion, 231st Infantry Regiment (4)
  • 32nd Cossack Cavalry Regiment (13)
  • 245th Artillery Regiment(14)

RED (of course) 

  • Commander of the Field Army: Commissar-General Lev (Leon) Davidovitch Runstein
  • Faction: Bolshevik
  • Army: Первый Бабушка Армейский корпус (Ist Babushka Army Corps)
  • Base of Operations: Baboushka
  • Other Cities: Borschka, Vlodkask
  • Resource Points: 0
  • Field Army:
  • 1st Transuralian Peoples Infantry Battalion (Heavy)  (10)
  • 2nd Transuralian Peoples Battalion (12)
  • 3rd Transuralian Peoples Battalion (13)
  • 4th Transuralian Peoples Battalion (14)
  • 1st Babushka Cavalry Regiment (9)
  • 1st Borschka Artillery Regiment (12)


  1. The armies seem to be a bit like the Grand Old Duke of York....marching off to the siege of a town, then marching back again!
