Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April Games

 Oh, I guess it's May now... Maybe I should post this!? 

Monday, 2 April 2023

No games over the weekend, but on Monday Jasper and Brent stopped by and played Wingspan. This week I added all the European and Oceana cards back in. Brent won this one, largely by playing ALL THE NECTAR - seriously, he won - by a LOT - in all three regions, totalling 15 points for nectar!?

Tuesday, 6 April 2023

Tuesday evening, Other Tim stopped by and we tried out Xenos Rampant. You can read the full game report here:

Xenos Rampant - Daemons of Sidon IX

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Out of nowhere Amanda suggested playing Agricola on Saturday. Okay, I might have suggested it was a game I'd like to play sometime, amongst a long list of games we could play when she suggested we play a game that evening. It's been FIVE YEARS since we last played, so... we did not do well... 

Well, Amanda did not do well, somehow it all came together for me near the end...!? Kind of forgot about the negative points for NOT having any particular thing or unimproved spaces on your farm... That burned Amanda a LOT more than me. 

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Amanda felt she needed to redeem herself after last night's debacle...

I have to say, this is probably the most diverse farm I've ever made! 

Amanda also had a much more diverse farm and consequently scored 200% more points... She still didn't catch up... 

So she suggested we play again in the evening?!

That evening. 

Very pleased with her very diverse little farm! (As she should be - it was a well played game!) 

And now that she's won, she said we don't need to play it anymore... which is a shame, as we'd played three games!? Two more and I'd have a game locked in for a 5x5 challenge!? (Am I still doing that!?) 

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Our friends Ryan and Andy came by and played Wingspan with us. It was so great to see them. It felt like it has been ages since we'd seen them.

Amanda just destroyed us all. She scored 22 points from Bonus Cards alone!? I think she ended with 107. Andy and I only barely made it into the 90s - and Ryan only had 77 (He'd had a bonus card that gave him points for having birds that were 4 points each, or less!?) 

Thursday, 12 April 2023

No Brent this week, so Jasper came by to try out the two-player version of Wingspan: Asia

The game plays pretty quick, once you know what you're doing... or... can pretend you know what your doing, like me... 

The game went so quickly, we set it up and played again. Both times Jasper won and now he only wants to play the two-player version. 

I informed him the next time we will play with Wingspan: Asia will be to try out the SEVEN-PLAYER version that Amanda is keen to try out!? 

Thursday, 20 April 2023 

One week later, Brent came by to try out the two-player version of Wingsapn: Asia.

 We ended up playing two games... the first one I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. I lost. By a LOT. 

Second game was marginally better. Got a few more cards out. Scored a bunch more points. Still lost... 

Friday, 21 April 2023

If that weren't enough Wingspan, Friday evening I threw a little surprise party for Amanda (whose birthday was this weekend) and set up a SEVEN-PLAYER game of Wingspan! 

Despite my initial concerns that it might be a bit unwieldy and take FOR-EVAR, the rules for playing with six or seven players are pretty slick and it all played very smoothly. It took less than 3 hours, and one player had never played Wingspan before!? 

I like the "friendly ties" thing. 

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Sunday afternoon, I played one of the battles for the Back of Beyond campaign Summer 1921 turn. 

Monday, 24 April 2023

Monday was a VERY BUSY day of gaming! 

First, I I played the second battle for the Back of Beyond campaign Summer 1921 turn. You can read teh full report of both battles here:

Back of Beyond - Summer 1921

In the afternoon, Brent came by to play a game. Jasper was supposed to join us, but had to bail at the last minute - which was a bummer as he's a big D&D fan, and we'd been planning to play a D&D themed game (and ended up playing TWO D&D themed games!) 

Finnegan joined us and we played Lords of Waterdeep. It was good fun. depite playing it over a dozen times in the first few years we had it, we've onlyolayed once in the last FIVE YEARS!? 

I played the Harpers (secretly controlled by Samnereza Sulphontis). Finnegan played Larissa Neathal and the Red Sashes. Brent played Silver Stars and Kyriani Agrivar. Despite not building THAT many buildings (Larissa Neathal's secret goal), Finnegan totally won the game! 

Afterwards, Finnegan mentioned he'd like to try out Tyrants of the Underdark sometime as well. As Lords of Waterdeep had not taken us very long and we had nothing else planned for the afternoon, Brent and I suggested he get it out and we try and blunder our way through a game. 

I forgot to take a picture of us playing. Largely because I was so focused on trying to figure out what the hell I was doing!? It's an interesting game. There is a deck-building element to it, very similar to Marvel Legendary, which we've played a lot of in the past, but it is NOT co-operative and there's a board with an area control element to it... 

I'm pretty sure we got the game for Finnegan for his birthday a few years back... but may have picked it up at the ToonCon auction or maybe "used" at the Dragon's Den...? Though it seems the game had never been used (the inner circle markers hadn't been punched) other parts were missing!? This included the victory point tokens (not that big of a deal, we have plenty of things that could be used as vidtory tokens) and the control tokens. The latter was a bit more tricky, as on the tokens was printed the benefits for controlling the relative locations. Mostly we were able to figure this out by looking at pictures of the game on Board Game Geek (but later we realized we got the Victory Point bonus for one of them wrong - though I don't think it would have made any difference in our game, as it was not controlled until the end of the game - by me - and I don't think I had it under total control - which gives the victory point bonus) 

Definitely a fun game - there are a LOT of moving parts and things to keep track of and SO MANY WAYS your opponent can mess with your plan!? I hope we get to play it again - a few times - so I can get my head around some of the strategies! 

Saturday, 29 April 2023

I played the final game of the Back of Beyond Campaign (One-Hour Wargames). You can see more pictures and read the last campaign report here:

Back of Beyond - Autumn 1921

All in all, not a bad month... What got played:

  • One-Hour Wargames x5
  • Wingspan Asia x4
  • Agricola x3
  • Wingspan x3
  • Lords of Waterdeep x1
  • Tyrants of the Underdark x1
  • Xenos Rampant x1

Demolition began in my basement yesterday - beginning what will (hopefully!) be the last of the basement renovations. So the game room is closed up - possibly until the fall. I did bring up a few board games and some stuff to play Kill Team - which I'm hoping to get back to playing this summer!