Sunday, August 13, 2023

Not Dead Yet - Necrons and other Kill Team Stuff

 For the last few weeks... (maybe a month...?). I've been getting together with a couple of friends on Discord and having a paint and chat on Sunday afternoons. I haven't been doing much PAINTING, though, mostly assembling. Over the last two weeks I assembled some Necrons from the Kill Team: Shadowvaults box...

Turns out I dislike assembling Necrons ALMOST as much as I dislike playing against them... But they're done! Well... ASSEMBLED, at least. 

In the last month, I've also assembled and primed all the miniatures from the Kill Team: Ashes of Faith box set. I was tempted to try and knock off the Sisters of Silence - as they seem easy and maybeFINISHING some stuff might get me motivated to PAINT MORE!!! But I've decided to try and finish ASSEMBLING all the stuff... and THEN worry about figuring out what to paint and when. 

Although... I'm tempted to paint Necrons as well, now... I could go with very simple paint jobs on them - just to finish some stuff. 

Will I ever PLAY with the Necrons...? I don't know... Maybe just to try them out. A more likely (relatively speaking) is that I might use them as opponents in a game of Wrath & Glory. 

We shall see... 


  1. I have been prepping minis from a few Kickstarters, but it's been too hot for painting (getting 100F/38C highs this week), so it will be a while before I have any painted ones to show.

    I have never assembled plastic GW kits. Sounds like a bit of a chore. At least necrons don't need fancy paint jobs. You could probably get away with mostly one color, with a few bits picked out with other colors. At least that's what I tend to do with most robot minis.

    1. we had +35°C today - and I had to run around and to errands... but it's supposed to be cooler the rest of the week. Anytime it gets above 25 I just want to melt - or hide in the basement (which I can't because of the renovation disaster status) ... hope it cools down for you soon!
