Monday, January 29, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds TERRAIN!?

I finished up a few more of the little terrain bits I picked up ages ago. For both Nightvault and Beastgrave, Games Workshop released little terrain bits that could be used for blocked hexes (and maybe hazard hexes?). Some bits directly matched bits on some of the boards, others were more generic. 

four more of the bits I finished up. Not the greatest painting I've even done.. but they are DONE and I have so much to do, I can't get too worked up about it... Calling them done and moving on! 

I'd previously finished two of the bits from Beastgrave and had them handy to use in a game the previous week... so I worked on a few of these in between other things I've been working on all week and managed to finish them off. 

(there was a fifth one I finished... but forgot to bring downstairs.. I'll probably have a few of the others finished up in the next week or so, so I'll include it there. 

While they're fun to throw out on the table for Warhammer Underworlds, they could easily be used as generic scatter terrain in any other minaiture tabletop game. 

Still chugging away on the Asatra Militarum self-propelled artillery... and at least a half-dozen Warhammer Underworlds are being painted in fits and starts - Grinkrak's Looncourt being the closest to being finished now... 

I played a couple of FOUR-PLAYER games of Warhammer Underworlds over the weekend... should have a brief report of that action up tomorrow! 


  1. Good looking bits of terrain, glad to hear you're back painting and gaming with other people!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

  2. Once they are on the table and you are enjoying a game you won't even notice they aren't your best work. You would notice of they weren't painted at all though.😉
