Thursday, January 18, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: The Thricefold Discord

 I finally finished up the first of the Warbands that came in the two core boxes of Warhammer Underworlds I picked up on Boxing Day (Deathgorge and Wyrdhollow). The Thricefold Discord are a trio of Slaanesh Daemons... that HATE each other... Like, they hate each other so much they were always trying to disrupt each others plans and it got SO disruptive they were brought before Syll'esske,  Daemonic Herald of Slaanesh Syll Lewdtongue and a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh named Esske, who decided rather than utterly destroy the three, they would send them on a mission, together, to the Deathgorge where they must work together to collect 666 souls for their master... 

The Thricefold Discord.

Each of their inspire conditions is if a specific one of the others makes an attack, defence, or spell roll and there are ZERO successes in the roll, OR that deamon is taken out of action... Vexmore inspires if Vashtiss fails or is taken out. Vashtiss inspires if Lascivyr fails or is taken out. Lascivyr inspires if Vexmore fails or is taken out. Which I think is HILARIOUS... Three spiteful Daemons finding joy in the others misfortunes... 

Vexmor, Locus of Indolence. Apparently the "leader" of the group. If attacked and he rolls no successes for his defence roll, it does -1 damage (and would inspire Lascivyr!)

Lascivyr the Bladed Blessing, Locus of Carnality. A brutal Assassin that is always considered to have a supporting fighter. 

Vashtiss the Coiled, Locus of Paramountcy - a wizard. Adjacent enemy fighters cannot be supported while they are the target of an attack action. 

I haven't really even read any of their Objective or Power cards and they're already my new favourite warband. 

I am hoping to get in a few games this weekend, so stay tuned for a few game reports! (Or, if not full reports, at least a few pictures of the games) 

Now that these are done, though, I really need to get working on some Tallarn artillery for the tournament coming up in just four weeks!! (After that, though, I think it will be back to Warhammer Underworlds stuff for a bit - maybe the Tzeentch warband... that's the one I'm most excited about... but I do have a few others on the workbench that are over half done... so It might be the Ogor pirate and crew or the Stormcast warband that ends up being finished next...) 


  1. I really like the colour combos on these- great painting.

  2. Oh hey! Someone else in the city who plays Underworlds! We should meet sometime, if you're amenable.

    1. You're in Saskatoon? Sure! If you search back through the blog archive, you will see that my partner Amanda and I played a LOT a few years ago, but it kind of fell by the wayside for about a year and a half and I'm just getting back into it.

      What warbands are your favourites to play? Are you a recent player or been at it for some time? Is there a particular format that you prefer to play? Relic? Nemsis? Rivals?

      Amanda mostly played Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven and I play... EVERYTHING ELSE... Honestly I almost feel more like a GM in a role-playing game just constantly coming up with new opponents for Morgwaeth and her minions to slay! Ha!

      I have comment moderation on and no comments get published on this blog without my approval, so if you leave a comment with contact information, I can use that to get in touch with you and then delete the comment without publishing it!

    2. You can see all of the warbands I have here:

    3. I am super new to WHU, I've only played a few games with my wife. I've got Nemesis decks set up for Khagra's and Ephilim's but who knows if they're any good, lol

  3. Nice painting. I've been enjoying what GW has been doing with their board games and picked up Fire Team on sale at Barnes and Noble for $10 USD.

    1. Thanks, Neil! I agree, really loving the board games right now. I wish I could find the time to finish up the miniatures needed to play through all the Warhammer Quest games we have... but having a LOT of fun with Warhammer Underworlds right now!

    2. ...and $10 for Fire Team!? I mean, I'd grab that just for the miniatures!? That's insane!
