Monday, January 22, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: TRIPLE-header! (Part One)

And here is me trying to piece together something resembling a game report two days after the fact... just from looking at pictures and having taken no notes... Really should take more notes... Ah, well... 

Saturday afternoon my friend Orion came over and we ended up playing three games of Warhammer Underworlds... the original plan was to play 40K... but that just didn't happen... Next time... for SURE!!!

The first game was just against Orion and Hexbane's Hunters! A warband I have not played or played against! I played the Thricefold Discord. We played in Deathgorge! 

As with the night before, I was still trying to figure out how to play and I knew there wasn't much in the objective cards for holding objectives... but there was stuff for fighting and also stuff for standing still and fighting, so I set up as close to the enemy as possible in hopes of luring them to attack ME! 

And attack they did! Orion started off sending one of Hexbane's dogs after Vexmor! 

I largely ignored the dogs... for two reasons; a) you only get ONE Glory Point if you take BOTH dogs out, and 2) The inspire condition for the dogs and Pock (their handler?) is if Pock or one of the dogs is out of action, they all inspire. Oh, ALSO any time any one in the warband is take out of the action, the Hunters can either remove a charge or move token from a Hunter, OR equip with an upgrade FOR FREE!!! And they have SO MANY upgrades that are JUST BRUTAL!!! Looking at their basic, uninspired cards, they don't seem like much - most of them dealing only one damage with their basic attacks... but they have SO MANY upgrades that just deal more and more damage, I swear one of them hit one of my Daemons with an attack dealing FOUR damage!? part way through the game!?

Although... looking at the pictures... Maybe I DID take a swing at the dog... because the next pic is Pock moving up and Vexmore being pushed back from getting hit... I feel like maybe it was a tie...?

Vexmor decided that being surrounded by yapping bitey dogs wasn't that fun and moved up to stabby-stab some humans... Witch-Hunters... the WORST kind of humans... 

These are some of the fun cards in the Thricefold Discords decks... stuff that gives the opponent a chance to decide between the outcomes... and then there's an objective card that gives me one Glory if I've played two of them in a Round. 

Hexbane tried to seize an objective in MY territory 

He did not live long to regret that life choice... 

Annoying dogs chewing on Vastiss' leg-tail(s) and getting shot by murderous-shooty-crossbow-girl...

Lascivyr... well... I won't say taking revenge, because Lascivyr hated Vashtiss and giggled when the Crossbow bolt took her down... Lascivyr simply took advantage of the opening and charged in to the slaughter. 

Vexmor charged in as well... hoping to take down the gigantic axe-weilding dude... 

Turns out Axe-weilding dude IS about as tough as he looks! Did Vexmor get knocked back THAT FAR?! Maybe? 

Charging back in... 

I don't remember teh exact order of things... But I think Big Axe Dude took out Vexmor... Which would have inspired Lascivyr... 

Then Lascivyr took out Big Axe Dude...

Then the dogs finished off Lascivyr !? 

And that was the end of that! 

Hexbane's Hunters are nasty! (I may have to paint up MY OWN soon!) 

Orion ended up winning 11-9! 

I think I might do the other two reports as separate posts. Stay tuned! 

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