Saturday, February 3, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - at The Warhammer Store

A week or so ago a friendly fellow named Jared contacted me through THIS BLOG!?  He said he was in Saskatoon and recently started playing Warhammer Underworlds and suggested we meet up to play. I noticed the new Warhammer Store had a series of events listed on their Facebook page called "Boxed Game Skirmish Night - Warhammer Underworlds" every Friday this month... the weather was nice... so I suggested meeting up there. 

("Night" seems to be a bit of a misnomer, as it's from 4-6:30pm)

The weather has indeed been nice.. which I somehow forgot meant that it would be all ice (from melting and refreezing and melting and refreezing) and MUD all the way there... That, combined with some DRAMA at home and leaving a bit late, meant I was super late. 

I turned out that Jared was the only other person that showed up for Boxed Game Skirmish Night - Warhammer Underworlds... so I felt even worse for being so late! 

(I guess they do a different boxed skirmish game each month...? So, Warcry, Kill Team, Necromunda...?)

Anyway, I got there... we played games... 

The first game I played The Thricefold Discord and Jared played Ephilim's Pandemonium. 

I played on the Glacial Tomb board from the Deathgorge Core Box. Jared took A Root-hall Bleed board from the Wyrdhollow Core Box. 

My initial Objective cards weren't really ones that worked together... And I didn't really read them and clearly understand what was going on and how I might do ANY of them...  One was for successfully casting a fourth or subsequent spell... except that Vashtiss wasn't close enough to even cast ANY spells... Another was for a successful attack action that was supported.. and the third was for not moving - either my warband all being in contact with enemy... but not having any move or charge tokens, OR four fighters with NO move or charge tokens... it seemed unlikely that they would all be so kind as to surge all the way into my territory in a single move and NOT gang up on one of my daemons... but kindly spread out and attack all of them... 

So I moved up and tried casting a plot spell of some sort...? Maybe it staggered someone... 

Next I tried to charge Lascivyr to try and score that attack action supported... but failed... but not failed so badly as to inspire Vashtiss... 

I thought maybe if Vexmor and enough of the others didn't move maybe I could score that other one... no such luck. 

A couple of brutal attacks took out Lascivyr and Vashtiss... by the end of the first round. Vexmor was taken out in the second round... and we called it (though we could have played through to see how many Glory Ephilim's Pandemonium could accumulate... but Jared didn't seem super interested in doing so... I'm sure he had a dozen Glory by then anyway... to my...? Two...? or maybe one? 

Aroung the time we were finishing up and considering a second game, Orion showed up and it was decided to try a Three-Player Game! 

We all switched things up and I played the Wurmspat, Jared played Domitan's Stormcoven, and Orion played Hexbane's Hunters... 

I took the The Iceswirl Mawboard from the Deathgorge Core Box. Jared took The Tendon Hollows and Orion took the The Seamsplit Folly board, both from the Wyrdhollow Core Box.

I was just not having a great night for drawing cards... My initial draw for both objective AND Power cards was so bad I discarded both and redrew.... and those weren't much better. The initial Objective draw were all round end and one was for the Third End Phase... 

I thought for sure the two servants of Sigmar warbands would be teaming up on the minions of Grandfather Nurgle... but I guess the Katophrane curse makes everyone a little funny in the head because the Stormcast just attacked the Witch Hunters and those Witch Hunters fought back! 

I discarded almost all of my first round draw... and the second round draw wasn't much better.. I drew BOTH of the "in the Third End Phase..." Objectives!?

Just after we started round two the store staff guy (John?) informed us that it was seven already and he was needing to close up!? DOH!!! I'd completely lost track of time (and had kind of thought he might have mentioned when it was 6:30 and that he'd be closing in half an hour... alas). I would honestly have been okay with just packing it in right there, it was pretty clear how things were going... but Orion suggested finishing the round and John seemed okay with that... so we played on to finish up the round!?

I ended up with 2 Glory...? I think Jared had... like... a dozen.. at least...? No idea what Orion had, but I feel like it was at least a few more than me! The Hunters did take out two of the Stormcast! 

Extra bonus to the evening, we all got some swag for showing up to Game Night! Warhammer Underworlds dice bag. Some fancy plastic Glory tokens and Guard/Stagger tokens and a bunch of Fighter cards for four different warbands... 

Not sure what the deal with those cards are...? alternative art? Maybe they're updated reprints that incorporate errata...? Haven't really looked at them. Three are for warbands I don't even own and don't really have much interest in getting... so... 

The bag and tokens are nice, tho... 


  1. Sounds like you got some good gaming in, anyway. :)

  2. At least you got some games in the new shop and nice of them to give you some kit, especially if you kept them late!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Ha-ha! Yes! But now I have to figure out how to get plastic wound and movement tokens! can't play with a MIX of plastic and cardboard tokens!?

  3. I ended on 11-12 and Orion was on 6. I think Orion was well-positioned to catch up, though, it's a shame we had to call it.

    We should do this again sometime!

    1. Perhaps!

      I'd initially thought I'd go every Friday this month - since it's Warhammer Underworlds night, and that's what I'm obsessing about right now... But I'm not sure I'm going to be able to... If the state of the road and paths weren't bad enough after all this melting... and then freezing... and then freezing rain(!?) I need to focus on getting my stuff finished for the Strange Bedfellows Team Tournament - in less than two weeks now!? And the final weekend in February is my birthday weekend and I got other plans...

      Maybe in March - if Sean and Orion get a Warhammer Underworlds night going at the Den!
