Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Wurmspat versus Drepur's Wraithcreepers

Monday evening Amanda and I played a quick game of Warhammer Underworlds after visiting my mom in hospital.

Amanda decided to try something new and played Drepur's Wraithcreepers - which she's never played before... and.. didn't really even look through the cards before playing. Just shuffled them and played with whatever she drew... 

My initial draw wasn't stuff that worked together, so I discarded it and drew even WORSE - BOTH of the round three objectives... FML... I desperately need to make a Nemesis deck with these and LOSE those two cards. Drawing them BEFORE Round Three is just wasting space in your hand and drawing them in Round Three isn't all that useful either because neither are really likely to happen!?

Nurgle's Garden Grows is a Hybrid/Score this in the Third End Phase that requires you to have no enemy fighters in your territory OR your warband holds more objectives than each opposing warband... I mean, I GUESS that could happen... it would be marginally more useful if it wasn't only playable in the Third End Phase... but as it is, it's garbage... 

The other is Strength of the Devoted... Scored in the Third End Phase if no friendly fighters are out of action... I mean... it COULD happen.. but I have yet to play a game with these where I ended the game with all three. Often there is only one... or they're ALL gone. They're tough, sure... but they also mostly want to kill things and getting into it with enemy means taking hits and that takes fighters out of action. 


Gulough and Drepur going at it! 

By the end of the First Round there was quite the melee going on in my territory! 

I didn't take a lot of pictures... I was wasting WAY TOO MUCH brainpower trying to figure out how to salvage something of this mess... but the Objective cards I kept drawing were garbage and unscorable... so the only way to score things was to KILL the enemy - to both score bounty Glory Points, and to prevent Amanda from scoring more cards... But despite the Wurmspat being beasts with 2-3 smash and dealing 2 damage UNISPIRED... I just could not deal damage (because Amanda could not stop rolling Crits in defence... or attacks for that matter!?) 

It was only after the game I was looking though Wurmspat's deck that I realized it only has three Surge objectives!? I'm sure I was aware of this at one point, because when we were playing this a few years ago, I did a "deck edit" Where i'd sit down and write out all the cards in my notebook and rate them and make notes of how they might be used and then ditched a bunch of them and built a new deck (what would now be called a Relic deck... and.. I think they did okay with that deck...?). But recently I put all those cards back in the binders and been playing with just their Rivals deck... and they are just a heaping pile of crap (and that's not just a reference to the appearance and smell of your average debotee to Nurgle!) 

I'm still working on a game report for the weekend's 40K tournament... just thought I'd knock this post out quickly as there were only four pictures and not much else to say. 

Also this week I'm preparing for not one, but TWO games of Age of Sigmar: Soulbound on the weekend. Saturday I'm running an in person game for some local friends and Sunday I am running, more or less, the same adventure online for friends who no longer live in Saskatoon. 

(so I may not get to building that Nemesis deck for Wurmspat this week... but it is HIGH ON MY PRIORITY LIST!!) 

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