Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 28 February 2024

 Well my birthday weekend started early on Friday when this arrived:

And the weekend continued on with playing a LOT of Warhammer Underworlds!

The deck above was taped to the box and when I took the tape off, it tore the top part of the..  sleeve..?  that the Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck came in. Not a worry, as that just gets pitched away anyway! This adds there more Generic Rivals Decks to the collection giving me a few more to play around with... 

That adds NINE more 28mm miniatures to my acquisitions total for the year, brining it to 35... and I've still only painted 12!? 

I have since assembled and primed both warbands... 

Sons of Velmorn - These look fun... and maybe fairly quick and easy to paint up..?

Gnarlspirit Pack. At first I didn't care for these... but I didn't care for Wurmspat at first either... Seeing some possibilities here. Maybe they will be the grody to the max chaos warband I'd always hoped Wurmspat could have been... We shall see... 

What I've been working on most recently are the two Idoneth Deepkin warbands that Amanda is keep to try out... 

Elathain's Soulraid

Cyreni's Razors

I'm not over-excited about how they've turned out so far... might go so far as to say Not loving it... I was going to dry-brush on some more silver to tone down the blue a bit, hopefully that will help! 

I did do some base coats on a few of the Squigs in the Squigherd... but not much else... 

Ephilim's Pandaemonium is still in a prominent position on the workbench... but I don't think I've worked on any of them in the last week... Still keen to get them done and try them out..  I do really LOVE the look of them - which is always THE primary motivating factor for what I'm playing... but I never like feeling like I am (or being perceived that I am) jumping on a bandwagon because something is really good right now in the game right now... which is silly, I know... but I think it's possible that that's possibly a reason I'm not making much headway on these... 

Speaking of almost done but stagnating... Blackpowder's Buccaneers remain the closest to being done... but I STILL haven't done a THING on them to just finish them up!? 

Thundrik's Profiteers have worked their way onto the workbench again (along with a fellow Kharadron that, I think, came with one of the Warhammer Quest boxes... not sure if it's mine - Cursed City - or one of Finnegans...).

I feel like they'll be very handy for the Adventure I want to run for Soulbound... 

As I mentioned in the Warhammer Underworlds Birthday Weekend Shenanigans post...

I did also acquire another copy of the Exiled Dead... but I'll be taking them back later this week to trade in for something else... So not even adding these onto the official acquisitions list... 

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